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The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
2007/04/30 16:33:12瀏覽635|回應0|推薦1

People travel for reasons—just travel, business or go into an exile.  A journey may be a turning point in one’s life time.  One’s perspective of life may be changed along with the journey.  While traveling, seeing and meeting people with different backgrounds at a life intersection to read different stories would awake something that might wander in your mind for a long time.

The Motorcycle Diaries is a story about how journey influences people.  But everything happened after the motorcycle breaking down.  The director uses camera telling us this two man’s journey, driving through snowy land, walking through countries, meeting different people, asking or tricking for help and food, helping people who stay in a leper clinic, witnessing the widespread poverty, oppression and disenfranchisement throughout Latin America.  Originally, they wanted to explore the Latin countries what they only read from books, at the end, Ernesto says he is not the same “me” he was before since the journey has awakened his revolution spirit, which is based on the Marxist literature he used to read.  Then he decides to do revolutionary activities fighting for inequalities and becomes well-known Che Guevara.

After seeing this movie, it did influence my heart to have a journey soon.  Oh! I love travel, travel alone or with one of my friend.  To see the amazing landscapes, to experience exotic cultures, to meet local people, to be helped or help in some ways, to exchange language and thoughts, to broaden the world in my eyes, to gain another unforgettable memory and perspective on life.  And wait and see if the journey would change my life again like my Spain trip did. :P

Something would not be done in the rest of one’s life if one does not do it right now.




( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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