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Something about stars, or life
2010/04/13 02:38:01瀏覽595|回應0|推薦4

近來在看Bill Bryson的A Short History of Nearly Everything. Labmate送的farewell gift.

"What would happen if you travelled out to the edge of the universe... What would you find beyond? The answer, disappointingly... you would never arrive at an outer boundary. Instead, you would come back to where you began... The resaon for this is that the universe bends, in a way that we can't adequately imagine... in a way that allows it to be boundless and finite."


一件事物太大了, 太重要了, 反而會被忽略掉.


Isle of Man裡我說come full circle.

"從哪裡開始, 就在哪裡結束, 然後發現原來沒有開始, 沒有終結, just one perfect circle. 所以零, 也是完全. 所以很空洞, 也同時充實的擁有了全部."

人和宇宙星體, 大概有著相似的特質.


有些人三餐溫飽, 家庭融洽, 他們覺得很快樂.
有些人美酒香車, 生活奢華, 他們覺得很快樂.
有些人坐擁金山, 前呼後擁, 他們卻不快樂.




我說要不就知足, 否則就隨性.
做人知足, 自然不求求不到的東西, 容易快樂. 或者求能求的東西, 又讓他求得到, 也快樂.
不然想做就做 (當然不包括壞事), 瀟洒肆意. 明知難求也放手一試. 縱使結局不完美, 至少嘗試過, 勇敢的追隨過自己的心意. 回頭看去, 也不曾後悔昔日步履蹣跚.


人生太短了. 在這麼一點點的, 有限的時間裡, 不是該好好的紮實的活嗎?
活了卻不快樂, 難道不是辜負了這一程得來不易的旅途嗎?


"Just as there is no place where you can find the edge of the universe, so there is no place where you can stand at the center and say: 'This is where it all began. This is the centermost point of it all.' We are all at the center of it all. Actually, we don't know that for sure; we can't prove it mathematically. Scientists just assume that we can't really be the center of the universe - think what that would imply - but that the phenomenon must be the same for all observers in all places."


從哪裡開始, 就在哪裡結束.
原點, 是零, 也是完全, 所以很美.


"... a star in a constellation called Fornax from a galaxy known to astronomy as NGC1365... For sixty million years, the light from this star's spectacular demise travelled unceasingly through space until one night in August 2001 it arrived at Earth in the form of a puff of radiance, the tiniest brightening, in the night sky."


人和星體, 該是有著相似的特質.



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