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2009/03/29 22:44:05瀏覽2282|回應3|推薦72 | |
2009年3月16日,生病發燒紀念 很喜歡這首英文歌。對我而言,這首歌的意境,有特殊意義,因為我認識一個很傻的女孩子,她的故事,就是這首歌的寫照。3月16日是她的忌日,她的遺言就是把骨灰撒向大海,她深深相信,可以到彼岸。她的故事,很簡單,在年紀很小的時候,遇到一個不對的人,就像考試的答案卷一樣,第一題寫錯了,就一路錯到底,不管中間的答案多精彩,一切都枉然。 本來在3月16日那時候,我很努力想好好翻譯這首歌,可惜,翻譯好多次都不滿意,覺得如果就這樣冒然貼上來,貽笑大方。很巧,就從那時候起,Elly生病了,不斷咳嗽發燒,看三次醫生,吃一堆藥,每天昏昏沈沈,咳到胃痛肋骨也好痛。 雖然生病頭昏腦脹,但心心念念,到底什麼是Ocean size love?像海那麼寛的愛?像海那麼深的愛?在心裡反覆思索,原來,那應該是情深似海吧? 也許,我的英文程度不夠好,也許,我沒辦法很貼切翻譯出這首歌,但我知道,那女孩的故事,正是Ocean size love ~ I know what I'm doing may be dumb. 我知道也許是我該保持沈默 I know I should not be staring at the sun. 我知道我不該凝望太陽 But the thought of you leads me to temptation. 禁不起想你的念頭誘惑 It's the same whatever side you're on 不論你是哪一方都一樣 Separated we are delicate and small. 分離讓我們變得脆弱而渺小 And the space, between, leads our retention. 空間距離使我們有所保留 I see you right in front of me, as close as you can get. 我看見你就在我前方,一如你能觸及的那樣 And I pray that you won't leave this daydream yet. 我祈求你不要離去,但這只不過是白日夢而已 And it might seem much too far, to get back to where you are. 回到有你的從前,也許太遙遠了~ But it's close enough, with an ocean size love. 但,夠了,情深似海 So if you can't reach out to me, send a sign across the sea. 因此,如果你沒辦法幫我,飄洋過海給我一點暗示 And I'll pick it up, with an ocean size love. 我接受,深情似海 I don't have to worry any more. 我不再擔憂 If I really need you I'll go to the shore. 如果我真的需要你,我會到彼岸 And the thought of you there is my protection. 鎖上記憶,不再想起~ I see it right in front of me, a vision in my head. 我看見它就在我前方,那是我腦海裡的景象 And I know this is as real, as a daydream gets. 像白日夢那般真實 And it might seem much too far, to get back to where you are 回到有你的從前,也許太遙遠了~ But it's close enough, with an ocean size love. 但,夠了,情深似海 So if you can't reach out to me, send a sign across the sea. 因此,如果你沒辦法幫我,飄洋過海給我一點暗示 And I'll pick it up, with an ocean size love. 我接受,深情似海 You make no sound, but I can hear you in the wind. 你悄然無息,但我聽見風中有你的訊息 I can see this never ends, like the sea, like you for me. 我知道從未結束,就像海,就像你之於我 And it's close enough, with an ocean size love 但,夠了,深情似海 So if you can't reach out to me, send a sign across the sea. 因此,如果你沒辦法幫我,飄洋過海給我一點暗示 And I'll pick it up, with an ocean size love. 我接受,深情似海 And it might seem much too far, to get back to where you are. 回到有你的地方,也許太遙遠了~ But it's close enough, with an ocean size love. 但,夠了,深情似海
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |