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2005/08/02 11:14:17瀏覽542|回應0|推薦0
看了你的回文, 我笑到在地上打滾(ROFL)! 不過有些地方在下想稍做補充, 讓台灣的網友更進一步了解.

> 1.You have a picture of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, or Elvis over your fireplace.

> 2.You saved lots of money on your honeymoon by going deerhunting

> 3.On your job application under "SEX" you put "As often as possible."
文盲比例高, 且即使受過義務教育, 也常有"功能性文盲".

> 4.More than one living relative is named after a Southern Civil War general.
許多rednecks至今不願服膺所謂的"北方政府", 言必自稱是"南方邦聯 (Confederate States of America)"的國民, 且對北方各州仍帶有少許敵意. 基本上, 州旗上"曾"有南方邦聯圖案的均為"紅州", 但因政治因素, 許多州政府已在近年來更改州旗設計, 目前僅剩Mississippi州旗上仍有完整的南方邦聯旗, Arkansas則是將邦聯旗的設計融入新州旗中.

> 5.The blue book value of your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas it has in it.
全名為Kelley Blue Book (http://kbb.com/), 這是美國最有公信力的二手汽車估價系統. 只要輸入車款, 年份, 里程數, 選購配備及大概的車況(excellent, good, fair, poor), 即可計算出該車合理的價位. 如果一輛車的價位會受油箱裡的汽油多寡影響, 代表車子本身已是不值一文的破銅爛鐵.

> 6.You dated your daddy's current wife in high school.
Rednecks常有老夫少妻配, 另外近親通婚也相當多.

> 7.Your wife weighs more then your refrigerator.
Rednecks多好食肉類, 馬鈴薯, 以及各類零食, 少攝取新鮮蔬果, 以致體型多龐大.

> 8.You own at least 20 baseball hats.
> 10.The word NASCAR appeared anywhere in your wedding vows.
愛好觀賞運動比賽, 尤其是"白人運動"(賽車, 摔角). 在座無虛席的NASCAR賽車場, 幾乎看不到一個有色人種.

> 9.You consider a three piece suit to be a pair of overalls, a plaid flannel shirt and thermal underwear.
> 11.You have spent more on your pickup truck than on your education.
對穿著毫無品味, 且不重視教育.

美國都會區受過高等教育的中產階級當然瞧不起rednecks, 也才會有這個單字和這麼多笑話, 但是一到全國性大選, 比人口數還是比不過. 是不是很像台灣?

這裡有更多關於rednecks的笑話: http://www.ahajokes.com/redneck_jokes.html
( 時事評論國際 )
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