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2014/08/06 15:39:04瀏覽1968|回應0|推薦9 | |
節瓜,Zucchini是我最愛的蔬菜之一, 不論是水蒸、炙烤或是煎的炒的,真的是百吃不膩。
魯蛋最近分享了個食譜,叫做帕馬森乾酪脆烤節瓜~ 除了起士之外,所須的香草院子裡都有, 做起來特別有成就感。
材料: 節瓜三條(看你家幾人就幾條)3 medium fresh zucchini. 碎好的新鮮帕馬森乾酪1/2 cup fresh Parmesan cheese, grated. 新鮮百里香、迷迭香切碎各一大匙左右, 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, 1 tablespoon fresh thyme, minced. 橄欖油適量smidge of olive oil 鹽巴、胡椒粉適量 salt and pepper to taste 做法: 1)將節瓜去頭,切半。 Sliced zucchini in half. 2)兩面都抹上橄欖油,放在鋪上鋁薄紙的烤盤上。 Lightly brush both sides of the zucchini with olive oil and place on a foil-lined baking sheet.
3)將起士跟香草在小碗中混合均勻。 Mix cheese and herbs in a small bowl.
4)將香草起士撒在節瓜上,在撒點胡椒鹽巴調味。 Sprinkle the cheese and herbs mixture over the zucchini along with salt and pepper to taste. 5)在預熱好350℉烤箱中烤十分鐘, 最後的3-5分鐘將烤箱轉為炙烤功能,烤到表面的起士呈現金黃酥脆狀即可。 Bake for 10 minutes. Broil for the last 3-5 minutes until cheese is crispy and brown. 今日趁烤豬肋排的350℉一起烤節瓜, 真是一舉兩得。 香脆的節瓜,因起士香草的點綴, 吃起來~好有餐廳外食的fu~ 搭上一杯紅酒, 是星期五晚的絕佳享受~ |
( 興趣嗜好|烹飪烘焙 ) |