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Anglophone newspapers support CAQ because it “scares them less,” Pauline Marois
2012/09/02 13:13:40瀏覽187|回應0|推薦0
Anglophone newspapers support CAQ because it “scares them less,” Pauline Marois says

Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois reviews her briefing note prior to a news conference in Châteauguay on Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012. 

CHÂTEAUGUAY — Pauline Marois is “not surprised” by editorials in the National Postthe Globe and Mail and The Gazette, slamming her Parti Québécois and favouring the Coalition Avenir Québec of François Legault.

While newspapers, on their editorial page, may take a position favouring one party in an election, in their news pages newspapers endeavour to maintain fair election coverage.

Marois said editorial positions in English-language newspapers unfavourable to the PQ can be explained because the PQ aims to “defend Quebec interests,” while Legault “scares them less.”

And she said Legault, once her colleague in the PQ cabinets of Lucien Bouchard and Bernard Landry, is favoured by English Canadians because he is “on his knees (to Ottawa) even before he is elected.”

“He will go as far as signing the constitution,” Marois said, citing an interview Legault gave to The Gazette’s editorial board.

“I don’t want to define myself as a federalist, but as a Quebecer first and a Canadian,” Legault told the Gazette editors. He also said he is at ease with the economic and financial policies of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, but not his social policies.

Legault left the PQ in 2009, returning to politics to form the CAQ last year, convinced that Quebec’s 30-year debate between sovereignists and federalists has been a waste of time.

At age 55, Legault’s plan is to limit his time in politics to 10 years, or two electoral mandates, to “clean up” corruption and bureaucracy in the province, fix the education and health-care systems and make Quebecers more wealthy.

“We will not work on trying to sign the Canadian constitution,” he clearly told The Gazette.

The contention by Marois that Legault wants to sign the constitution, which no Quebec premier has done, holding out for constitutional changes favouring the province, is based on a passage where Legault says that after 10 years of a CAQ government, Quebec would be so prosperous that it would pay equalization payments, not receive them.

“And I think that in doing so, we’ll be in a better position to try to renegotiate an agreement where Quebec will sign the constitution,” Legault told The Gazette.

Marois left out what Legault said next: “But honestly, I won’t be there.”

The editorials favouring Legault expressed concerns about the PQ’s intention to extend Bill 101 to cover CEGEPs and professional training programs for high school graduates, meaning students who are French-speaking or whose parents were immigrants would no longer have the choice of attending an English junior college.

The PQ also proposes a charter of secularism to ban the wearing non-Christian religious signs, while making an exception for the Catholic crucifix (including the one at the National Assembly), and would require immigrants, after they become Canadian citizens, to prove they can speak French in a test before they are granted Quebec citizenship as well.

Quebec citizenship would be a condition for all candidates seeking elected office.

In addition, the editorial writers noted Marois seems bent on calling a new sovereignty referendum few Quebecers want and would resort to interventionist economic policies.

Marois was asked what the rest of Canada should expect from her government, should she win.

“A Marois government will always be respectful of its neighbours, whether they are federalists or have other points of view,” she told reporters. “That goes without saying.”

“And we will defend our interests and advance Quebec.”

Marois wants one-one-one talks with Harper, seeking full powers for Quebec in the areas of language, culture, broadcasting and employment insurance, and she expects he will be open to a dialogue.

“I believe Mr. Harper is a democrat and he will respect the decision of Quebecers,” she said, referring to a PQ victory.

Marois explained the PQ wants to extend Bill 101 to CEGEPs and apply it to businesses with as few as 11 employees – at present companies with 50 employees or more must demonstrate that they operate in French – because there is a danger Montreal will become an English city.

Marois dismissed concerns about expanding Bill 101, saying, “You know that was exactly the same attitude in 1976 when the PQ of Mr. (René) Lévesque decided to adopt Bill 101.”

She said the message to new Quebecers is, “Here, we speak French.

“We will help you to learn French. We will respect the rights of the English community,” Marois said, recalling that in 1997 as PQ education minister she negotiated a constitutional amendment transforming Quebec’s denominational Catholic and Protestant school boards into French and English boards.

She suggested that keeping non-anglophones out of Quebec’s English CEGEPs will ensure they do not assimilate to Quebec’s English minority, assuming education in English means they will lose their French language, after 11 years of French primary and secondary schooling.

“We will not put money into the anglicization of Quebecers,” Marois said.

As Marois spoke, behind her stood two PQ candidates, Bernard Drainville and Véronique Hivon, both of whom studied in Britain, obtaining graduate degrees from the London School of Economics.

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