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2012/08/23 13:28:34瀏覽701|回應0|推薦19 | |
用腳划船是茵萊湖的特色,年紀還很小的孩子就有這種本事了。慶典時,四尊小佛乘坐著大龍船,前進的動力就是「腳」,很有賣點,是觀光旺季!我們八月遊賞,另有一番悠閒趣味。 觀光客遊湖所搭乘的船是靠馬達帶動螺旋槳前進的,濺起的水花迎風散開,可能會幫坐在中間的遊客洗頭、洗臉,甚至洗上衣;不過沒關係,太陽大,一會兒就乾了。 從茵萊湖水道出發,約莫一小時,就可抵達Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda。
傳說12世紀,國王遊湖,妖怪變成人加入圍觀行列,妖怪的孩子不慎掉入湖中,國王用鞭子擊湖,水龍王救出小孩。妖怪回報國王一塊香木,國王用這塊香木雕刻5尊小佛供養。香客們來祈福還願時,會將金箔貼在小佛上,現在的小佛已面目全非,形同5個胖葫蘆。導遊說:黃色布幔中女賓止步,只有男性才能進入,為小佛貼金箔;女性在台下跪拜行禮即可。 十月這裡有盛大慶典,時間長達半個月以上,四尊小佛(一尊鎮守寺中)乘船巡遊茵萊湖,降福各村場面壯觀熱鬧。(參考所附英文資料) 遊船回程取道不同,划進彎彎曲曲的水道,貼近民家、浮田,當地生活樣貌一一呈現。
小孩在窗口放風箏。他們可能天天都得重做一個風箏,因為有好幾個風箏都被電線纏住了。放風箏的遊戲應該持續好幾世代了,而天上佈上一條條的電線還是近期事吧! 小孩遊戲,大人可沒閒著。我們沒有去看水上市集,也沒有看到水上工業,但是從滿載貨物的船隻,不難想像「船」在當地經濟上佔有舉足輕重的地位。 附: © 2012 Goldenlandpages Services Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival (October) The legend is that these Images were left there by King Alaung Si Thu of Bagan dynasty. It is held on a grand scale for 18 days, usually falls in October (sometimes in September depending on the Myanmar Lunar Calendar). There are also Shan traditional boat races participated by leg-rowers. People from all the villages nearby come to pay homage to the Images. Four Buddha Images out of five from Phaung-daw-oo Pagoda are carried on royal barge and conveyed around 14 villages on the Lake. The barge is towed by the boats of leg - rowers and hundreds of boats follow the procession. The large crowds of people gather on the lake-shores to celebrate the occasion. It is really a splendid sight. Among the dance shows and fun-fairs, the most interesting event of the festival, especially for foreigners, is their boat race - due to their unique leg rowing. It is the one and only place in the world that one can see such marvelous act. |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |