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2013/10/04 19:09:29瀏覽1971|回應0|推薦0
  1. It wasn’t easy to move a big refrigerator, but my brother gave me his hand. 移動一台大冰箱並不容易,幸好弟弟幫了我一把。
  2. I don’t want to chat with Sally because she loves to split hair. 我不想和莎莉聊天,因為她就愛在小事上爭辯。
  3. Helen is not worried about the exam; it was a piece of a cake for her. 海倫並不擔心考試,對她來說那根本不算什麼。
  4. I have never seen such a blooded fool. He does not even know what IPO is. 我從沒見過這樣的大笨蛋,他連「首次公開募股」是什麼都不知道。
  5. In response to the environmental protection, I go to work by foot every day. 為了響應環保,我每天走路上班。

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