這幾句英文都很簡單,但如果你說時,是先想到中文,就會講出下面這樣「Chinese Style」的句子。
- When the meeting is in progress, anyone will not be admitted. 會議進行時,任何人都不准入內。
- Thank you for the job offer, but I cannot accept. 謝謝你錄取我,但我不能接受。
- I was not feeling well, so I slept in bed for a whole day. 我不太舒服,所以臥床一整天。
- John and Bill are good friends, but they have nothing in the same. 約翰與比爾是好友,但他們毫無共同之處。
- We shall forever not forget the professor’s parting advice. 我們永遠不會忘記教授給我們的臨別贈言。(歡迎轉載,請註明出處)
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