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2013/01/03 09:39:14瀏覽6607|回應0|推薦2
Everybody Says, "Happy New Year!"

新的一年即將到來,不管你有沒有跨年計畫、或是正要訂定新年新計畫 (New Year's resolution),慶祝新年的那一刻,除了 "Happy New Year!" 你還有更多的英文可以派上用場:

1. The Final Count-Down 跨年倒數
The Year is coming to an end. 今年已接近尾聲。
Hurry up! Let's count down. Five, four, three, two, one. The New Year is here! 快點一起來倒數吧!五、四、三、二、一,新年到了

2. Watching Fireworks 觀賞煙火
I have never seen such beautiful fireworks! 我從沒見過這麼漂亮的煙火!
The fireworks are just fabulous! Let's take some photos! 煙火真是美!我們來拍照吧!

3. Family/Friends Reunion 親朋好友團聚
It's been a long time since everyone got together here on New Year's Day. 大家好久沒有聚在一起過新年了。這句裡, get together 這個動詞片語來表達新年「重逢、團聚」。

We haven't been together on New Year's Day for ages.
It's been such a long time since we spent New Year's Day together.

Let's make a toast to togetherness. I wish everyone happiness in the New Year! Cheers!

這句裡有兩個用法要小心的「乾杯」:make a toast 是「提議大家來舉杯、敬酒」。cheers 這個名詞表示「乾杯」,是人們舉杯後、喝酒前所說,也可以用於表達開心、慶祝時的歡呼聲。在提議敬酒的人說完cheers後,全部的人也會再附和一次 "Cheers!"

4. Instead of just saying "Happy New Year!" 更多「新年快樂」的說法
New Year is coming. I wish you a healthy and happy new year! 新年到了,祝你新年快樂身體健康!

Here's to good health and happiness in the new year!
Good luck in the New Year! 祝你新年好運到!

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