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2009/11/17 16:48:17瀏覽910|回應0|推薦1



1. Mike, are your work busy?
2. What is Taiwan interesting?
3. My office is to ten minutes of her.
4. Because that can let me more be clear about your talk.
5. Do you live there from the day your born?
6. I am sorry, my computer have the problem?
7. In fact I want my life had a little bit changed.
8. There are many softwares available these days for various purposes
9. I am sure not even one man can control himself if he meet this kind of situation.
10. The general meeting is scheduled to be held this afternoon at three.

Debug Answer
1. Mike, do you have a busy job?
2. What is in Taiwan interesting?
3. It is a ten minute drive from my office to hers.
4. Because that can help me understand what you said better.
5. Have you lived there since birth?
6. I am sorry. There is a problem with my computer.
7. In fact I want to have some change in my life.
8. There is a lot of software available these days for various purposes.
9. I doubt that there is even one man who can control himself in this situation.
10. The general meeting is scheduled to be held at three this afternoon.
找不出bug?難怪常常說錯的英文,考慮加入1on1 program

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