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Chinese style:
She called work to infrom us she would be absent due to illness all this week.
American style:
She's called in sick all this week.
說明:"call in sick"是道地用法,意思是打電話進來請病假。事先請一天的假,可以用take one day off.
Core & Corner no. 1 美國商業人士的內行話:
"Give-and-take" 折衷
There must be some give-and-take if the disagreement is to be settled.
"in-depth" 透徹地
In today's lecture I'd like to interpret this problem broadly rather than in depth.
"sleep on it" 留到明天再說吧
Do not say now if you will take the job : sleep on it first.
"have the floor" 發言
Will you mind letting Miss Johnson have the floor?
"knuckle down" 對...很嚴格
The boss is knuckling down on employees who arrive late to work.
"rat race" 忙碌追逐
I am tired of the rat race in the city. I want to go live in the country.
rat race 照字面看是老鼠之間的競賽。指毫無止境並且沒有意義的追逐。