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我讀 壞人
2018/06/11 20:09:10瀏覽1066|回應0|推薦14

我讀 《壞人》


這是一個名叫艾蜜莉的女子回憶她小時候交友不慎誤入賊途的故事。從頭到尾,故事娓娓道來,從她小時候的交友情形談起,她在家裡和家人相處的景況,她在自家廚房遇見那個小偷洛緹,因而鋌而走險跟她一塊在廉價商店裡偷竊被逮的過程。故事的細節鋪陳、書寫節奏恰到好處,所以故事雖然有點長,不知不覺就讀完了。書中的細節是那樣鉅細靡遺,我不禁懷疑,這非常可能是美國作家Jean Stafford的親身經歷,有自傳體的意味。然而,為什麼讀小說時,非得去爭論故事的真實與否呢?也許,真實的故事更吸引人,更能引起讀者的共鳴吧?


The Note of Bad Characters


Making friends are really not easy for a girl who had bad character. While this short story presents the reality of making bad friends could lead one’s life to miserable consequence.

The short story contains a lot of details regarding the little girl’s frustration in making pals, what her family life was like, and the whole dramatic and nervous process of stealing in the ten-cent- store etc. The details were so vivid that I doubt it was the writer’s personal experience in childhood. Why should I care if it were a true or false story? I am not sure. Maybe, a real story is easier to arouse our attentions?



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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