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Chapter 7 Hopes and Expectations for the Younger Generation
…[T]ry to make your love prevail over your feelings of hostility, and try not to become defensive-minded and repressive… 第153頁 讓愛心戰勝敵意,……避免戒備、壓抑心態、固步自封。
Every generation in turn, including your generation and your parents’ generation and your still unborn children’s generation, is handicapped by the karma that has been accumulating since life on this planet began. But just as karma can accumulate, so it can be dissipated. The load can be diminished and can finally be thrown off, by good action undoing the effects of bad action. That is the Buddha’s teaching, and I believe it is the truth. … you can release yourselves from karma partially, and the best way of doing this is by developing, by whatever means are open to you, the spirit which inspires self-sacrificing love. 第153-154頁 每代人(包括你這一代、父母那一代、和你未來子女那一代)最終,都被業力障礙,即從地球有生命開始就已不斷累積的共業。但正如業力可以累積,它也可以消亡。通過積累善行可破解惡行的效果,讓這個重擔可以逐漸減少乃至拋掉。這就是佛陀的教導,我相信這是真理。 ……你可以局部的從業力中解脫,而解脫的最佳途徑莫過於,通過任何你能遇到方式,激發你開展自我奉獻精神的愛。
… in my view, two obvious possible alternatives confront the human race today, and both seem to me to be bad. One is self-liquidation by an atomic war. The other—which would certainly be the lesser of the two evils—is avoidance of war through a unification of the World under a dictatorial world regime in which the rich and powerful minority would league together, all over the World, to hold down the poor and backward majority. 第153-154頁 我認為今天人類正面臨兩個明確的未來,並且二者都是前景黯淡。一個是在核武戰中,人類自我毀滅。另一個是通過全球統一以免於核戰,這的確較不邪惡。但這個政府是由全球少數富強國家組成聯盟的獨裁政府,壓制貧困落後的大多數。 你們能否找到一個讓人類生存下去的世界一統模式,且無壓迫、反抗、並能繁榮發展?……
… Can you find some form of world unity that will enable the human race to survive and prosper without oppression and without reaction? …So, above all, try to be patient and avoid violence. Take your lessons from the leaders of the great philosophies and religions. Try to copy the gentleness, the patience, the long-suffering of the Buddha and Jesus and of other great souls, such as Gandhi, who have appeared among us in our own time.
Closing Remarks (by Professor Wakaizumi of the Kyoto Sangyo University in Japan) 結語
◎p.155 …your interpretation of the lessons of history seems to be that man has, so far, been able to overcome the difficulties with which he has been faced and has been able to find social and philosophical solutions to the problems created by the advance of technology…
第155頁 您對歷史 The changes that we hope for lie in a re-structured code of living, in a more humane attitude to life, and in a renewal of compassion and love. Perhaps if man can feel this love for all living beings, he may succeed in surviving the future. Through the advances in the concern of man for all his fellow creatures, we also hope for a return to a more thoughtful approach to man’s problems and to a rejection of destructive impulses.
… We have looked at man as being egoistic, possessive, nationalistic, alienated from himself and from his human environment.
Yet we have done all this with a positive belief in the vital spiritual and compassionate nature of man. We have envisaged the possibility that he can control technological progress, that he can work towards a peaceful world, that through education effort he can arrive at a better understanding of his human condition and can find a new meaning for his destiny. 第155頁 我們已觀察 |
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