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2014/07/31 08:31:48瀏覽431|回應0|推薦0

Chapter 2  The Obstacles to Achieving Life’s Purpose




…[M]ost of us do become partially resigned, just by experience of life and by finding out how very hard it is to change the World for the better.…

In general, I am distressed at the evil of which I am aware at first hand in myself and at second in my fellow human beings—the evils of selfishness, greed, callousness, and animosity; and, in feeling this distress, I believe I am sharing a feeling that has been felt by all human beings…




p. 12


As I see it, our distress at the disparity between the real and the ideal has increased step by step with the increase in our ability to change both human institutions and physical nature….  With the increase in our power, our sense of responsibility and our sense of distress increases.  I have said that I think that man ought to live for creating, loving, and understanding.  Now to love and to understand gives us the means and the motive fore creating things, but the capacity to create also saddles us with responsibility.  The greater the power that we have to change the World into something nearer to our ideal, the greater becomes our distress at our failing to perform those beneficent and useful acts of creation which we know to be within our power.







Power is an inescapable accompaniment of human social life….  Every living creature is self-centred…and power is one of the consequences of self-centredness because all living creatures are competing with each other for exploiting the universe; and this competition is a conflict of power.  If all human beings could get rid completely of self-centredness, power would, I suppose, disappear.  It would be non-existent if the human race consisted entirely of arhats, the Buddhist term for people who have devoted their exertions to reaching Nirvana by extinguishing self-centredness. Power would also be non-existent in a human race consisted entirely of genuine saints in the Christian sense.







A distinguished nineteenth-century historian, Lord Action, once wrote: ‘All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’  This dictum is very striking, and no one has been able to find the answer to it or to refute it, I think.


19世界著名歷史學家阿克頓勳爵(Lord Acton)曾寫道:「權力導致腐敗,絕對的權力導致絕對的腐敗。」這名言震撼人心,我想沒有人能回應這句話、或者否定這句話。




The Greek philosopher Plato said that the only people fit to rule were philosophers, and that they ought to be unwilling rulers if they were real philosophers.[1]






History shows that violent revolutions in the past have almost always provoked a violent reaction. This either takes the form of a re-establishment of the pre-revolutionary régime in a rather more unpleasant form than before, or it takes the still more ironical form of the conversion of the revolutionary régime itself into a caricature of the pre-revolutionary régime.




[1] Toynbee cited two cases of philosophical rulers who abdicated after restoring their empires to order.

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