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在未來中生存-5(湯恩比 著)
2014/08/02 20:35:15瀏覽152|回應0|推薦0





How can the older and the younger generation rise to the present difficult and critical occasion and bridge the gap between them?  As always in all human relations, through mutual love and through a recognition, by each individual, of the inadequacy of his own love.  If he faces this truth about himself, he will feel humility, contrition, and compassion.  He will think less of his own troubles and grievances and will think more of the other party’s.


… The experience of karma[1] is part of what the older generation has learnt, and it has an obligation to pass on the fruits of its experience, including the whole of the social and cultural heritage from its own predecessors. This is what we mean by education in the broadest sense of the word…










This process of transmitting a social and cultural heritage is carried out, not only by schoolmasters and schoolmistresses[c1] , but by parents and by all the other members of the older generation with whom a member of the rising generation comes into contact.







We need now to re-examine scholarship and education, as they have been traditionally thought of, in the light of the very rapid changes in our society, in our way of life, in our values, and in our systems of thought and our institutions.







…[A] truly humane education need not be…exclusively, or even mainly, ‘classical’….  It should also…include a study of all the higher religions and philosophies.







Modern urban work is not only monotonous; it is also psychologically upsetting because of the boredom that it induces, the overcrowding, both in the work-room and in the street, the noise, the traffic jams, the frustration of our efforts to get about the city.  The monotony and the psychic strain are one cause—perhaps the main cause—of the aggressiveness and violence and unrest which we are experiencing all over the World.







One question that remains to be discussed while I am dealing with education is the important question of how far education can help us towards attaining the goal of the unity of mankind.  I have no doubt that co-operation in the field of education is one of the indispensable means for knitting the whole human race together into a single family and thus avoiding the danger of mutual extermination in an atomic war.


在教育方面,有一個重要的問題我仍待討論,那就是:「教育能對團結人類的目標帶來多大的助益?」 我深信,若要將人類團結成一家人,進而避免人類在核子戰爭中同歸於盡,那麼不可或缺的必要手段之一便是在教育領域的彼此合作。





The voluntary establishment of a world government with a participational constitution is not impossible, and unquestionably this is a vastly preferable alternative to an atomic world war. But this rational civilized alternative is possible only on one condition. If we are to achieve it, we shall have to be very much more reasonable, self-controlled, patient, forbearing, mutually tolerant, and mutually loving than either we or any of our predecessors have ever been in the past – at any rate in politics. We shall have to rise, in our political dealings with all the rest of the human race, to the standard that some mothers attain in their loving care for their children. This is a very high standard to demand from everyone in the world, not only in family relations, but in politics.







As I look back on the social history of past ages, I do fear that, in the present state of the World, the establishment of a dictatorial world state in the style of the Akkadian, Persian, Roman, and Chinese Empires is the most probable development. The unprecedented advance of technology seems likely to modify the social pattern superficially but not essentially. The pattern seems likely to be modified in two ways. A future world state will be literally world-wide, because modern technology has linked together the whole of the habitable and traversable surface of this planet, together with its air envelope, by a world-wide network of communications. In the second place the world state cannot be established, in the traditional way, by military conquest. Now that governments possess the atomic weapon, a world war could not result in political unification. The only result that it could have would be the physical annihilation of a large portion of mankind. A literally world-wide world state would have to be established by some other means than war.


It is most unlikely, I fear, that it will be established by the will, or even with the acquiescence, of the majority of mankind. It seems to me likely to be imposed on the majority by a ruthless, efficient, and fanatical minority, inspired by some ideology or religion.










I guess that mankind will acquiesce in a harsh Leninian kind of dictatorship as a lesser evil than self-extermination. If the reluctant majority does accept this dictatorship on this ground, I think they will be making the right choice, because it would enable the human race to survive. I can imagine the rise of some new ideology or religion that would be worldwide. I cannot guess what its doctrine would be, except that this doctrine would give priority to law and order over every spiritual value; it would be the doctrine of the riot police, the doctrine of the national guard.







If I am right in forecasting that a world dictatorship is likely to be the way in which we shall avoid liquidating ourselves in an atomic war, and if I live to see this development, I should on the whole be optimistic, because I should not expect the dictatorship to be permanent. No human institutions have ever been permanent so far. All regimes have been relatively short-lived since the time when life began to become unstable.

117-118頁 統領這個政權的統治正在形成






We cannot live together as a single family – live under one roof, so to speak – unless we have in common a minimum of manners and customs, ideas and ideals. Technology provides us with the physical means of arriving at a common way of life, but it cannot supply ideas and ideals. Can mankind unify itself politically and economically without at the same time unifying itself in its religion and its ideology? It is well know that political federation cannot be workable or durable if there are serious differences in the ethical standards and outlooks of the different component members.


Uniformity of ethical standards and ideals is certainly a necessary enabling condition for unity of any kind. Is ethical uniformity compatible with variety in ideology and religion?  I believe that it is compatible, and I believe that religious and ideological variety are good things in themselves, because they correspond to the variety of human nature and meet its needs.  I have already made this point in answering the questions about religion. However, I think that, now that the World has been unified on the technological plane, religious and ideological variety will no longer be compatible with the survival of mankind if it is still accompanied, as it has been in the past and unfortunately still is today, by animosity, rivalry, competition for dominance, and conflict.


I hope that ideologies and religion will cease to be part of the local cultural heritage. I should like all of them to be included in every child’s heritage all over the world. I know that children want definite answers: Yes or No? Black or White? Is Christianity or is Islam right? Is Buddhism or is Judaism right? Is Communism or is Capitalism right? Children do not like to be told that there are alternative possibilities; that there is a bit of right in one and a bit in the other, and that we have to take account of both.  But surely it is a necessary part of a child’s education to know that things are not really clear-cut and are not either pure black or pure white. I think this is the best preparation that a child can have for entering into a life in which people of many different cultures are coming together into a single family.  So I should like children all over the World to learn about all of the World’s historic religions and about the different ideologies, so that individual choices in the matter of religion and ideology can be made by everyone in due course, at an age when the individual is mature enough to know his or her own mind as an adult person.



除非我們有一個共同的、最基本的禮節、習俗、觀點、及理想,我們就不能像一家人那樣生活在同一屋簷下。科技為我們的共同生活提供了物質基礎,但是科技不能提供觀念和理想。人類能否在政治上和經濟上實現統一,同時又不用統一宗教和意識形態? 眾所周知,若道德標準與各成員理念迥異的情況下,政治聯邦就不能有效,也無法持久。







In setting out to promote the unity of mankind, I believe that our goal ought to be to lead a double life, at one level as citizens of the World and at another level as members of a community small enough to make it possible for the relations between its members to be personal.







These examples show that race feeling is not implanted in human beings by nature. So-called racial differences are literally only skin-deep, and they are, I think, of no real importance, considering that man’s distinctive feature is his spirit and not his physique….


I think it is true everywhere that is it the cultural, not the racial, difference that is important….


I think that race feeling is a menace to world peace and an obstacle to the unity of mankind, but I do not despair of seeing the rest of the World go the Mexican, Pakistani, and Hawaiian way and become oblivious of physical racial differences.


I have said that I believe that difference of culture play a much more important part in race feeling than difference in the colour of the skin or other varieties in physical appearance. I think that cultural pluralism through education is the solution of the problem of cultural difference, and it is of the problem of differences of languages.












East Asians – Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, and the other peoples of Indo-China – have at least three cultures. Besides their own local culture, they have Chinese culture in some form and Indian culture in the form of Buddhism. In the Christian and Muslim part of the World, culture consists of two strands: one is Jewish and the other is Graeco-Roman. These two strands are to some extent in a state of tension with each other, but they supplement each other fruitfully. The existing cultures are, in fact, all syncretisms. I think we might develop a world culture which selected the best out of the regional cultures and made it a common possession for the whole human race.


One manifestation of a difference in cultural backgrounds that is apt to cause friction and prejudice is the difference in the social customs and habits of people who become neighbours. It is certainly very difficult when communities that have been previously segregated from each other, so that their social customs have grown far apart, are suddenly intermingled at close quarters in big cities.


And it exists even where they share a common language with the people among whom they are trying to settle. In a crowded city where the newcomers are more noisy and talkative than their old-established neighbours, it is hard for them to live close together without friction. But the difficulty may be only temporary if the two parties can learn to show consideration for each other and to modify their respective customs in order to accommodate themselves to each other. Certainly, the success of mixed marriages in places such as Hawaii shows that this social obstacle can be overcome even in the most intimate of all relationships.








[1] The cumulative effect of past acts, p. 110. 過去行為之累積效應


[3] 國民警衛隊:美國各州的軍事武裝,戰爭中將加入國家的軍隊中。(譯者註)

 [c1]The word schoolmaster, or simply master, formerly referred to a male school teacher. This usage survives in British independent schools, both secondary and ...

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