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SURVIVING THE FUTURE (by Dr. Toynbee) 在未來中生存 Chapter 1 The Purpose of Life 第一章、生命的目的 ◎p.1 …[M]an should live for loving, for understanding, and for creating…. …[M]an should spend all his ability and all his strength on pursuing all these three aims, and he should sacrifice himself, if necessary, for the sake of achieving them. Anything worth while may demand self-sacrifice… …[L]ove does have an absolute value, that it is what gives value to human life…[L]ove…is also present as a spiritual presence behind the universe. Love can and does sometimes bring out responsive love, as we know in our own human experience, and, when that happens, love spreads and expands itself. But love may also meet with hostility and then it will call for self-sacrifice… 第1頁 人類應爲了愛、理解、與創造而活。人類應盡其所能、全心全力追求 愛確實是有絕對的價值,是它令人類生命有了價值。……愛亦是整個 ◎p.2 …[L]ove, if it is strong enough, will move us to sacrifice ourselves, even if we see no prospect that this self-sacrifice will win a victory by transforming hostility into love. The only way in which love can conquer is by changing the state of feeling, the state of mind, of some other person from hostility to an answering love…. [L]ove is the only spiritual power that can overcome the self-centredness that is inherent in being alive. Love is the only thing that makes life possible, or, indeed, tolerable. 第2頁 如果愛夠強大,它就會感動我們而讓我們奉獻自己,即使這種自我奉 ◎p.2 In the Pali language, in which the text of the Sinhalese Buddhist scriptures is written, there is a word ‘tanha’, which means ‘craving’, ‘coveting’, ‘grasping’. All love is desire, but there are two kinds of desire. There is a desire that takes a creature out of himself and makes him give himself to other people, to the world, and to the spiritual presence which, in my belief, lies behind the universe… Then there is another kind of desire which tries to exploit the universe, to draw it into the creature himself, to use it for his purposes. Both kinds are desires, but they are antithetical to each other, and we really need different words for them. The kind of love that I mean is the first kind of desire, and I am speaking about that kind of love when I speak about what man should live for. 第2頁 在巴利文中(僧伽羅佛教經典就是用巴利文書寫的),有一個字「t 所有的愛都是欲望,但是欲望有兩種:一種欲望是擺脫自我,將自己 ◎p.3 True love is an emotion which discharges itself in an activity that overcomes self-centredness by expending the self on people and purposes beyond the self. It is an outward-going spiritual movement from the self towards the universe and towards the ultimate spiritual reality behind the universe. There is a paradox here. This love that is a form of self-denial is the only true self-fulfillment, as has been pointed out by the founders of all the great historic religions. It is self-fulfillment because this outward-going love reintegrates the self into the ultimate spiritual reality of which the self is a kind of splinter that has been temporarily separated and alienated. The self seeks to fulfill itself, and it seeks blindly to fulfill itself by exploiting the universe. But the only way in which it can fulfill itself truly is to unite itself with the spiritual reality behind the universe, so this outgoing love, which is a form of reunion, a union with other people and with ultimate spiritual reality, is the true form of fulfillment. 第3頁 真正的愛是一種感情,當它付諸行動時,就能克服自我中心的意識, 此處又自相矛盾:自我否定形式的愛是唯一真正能成就自我的愛,所 ◎pp.4-5 The Buddha and Jesus cut themselves off from their families and they embraced mankind. Why are the bodhisattvas revered? Because they have voluntarily postponed their exit from the World into Nirvana in order to help their fellow creatures to enter this spiritual haven. 第4-5頁 佛陀和耶穌脫離家庭,擁抱全人類。爲什麽菩薩值得尊敬?因為他們 ◎pp.4-5 Love is spontaneous activity, energy, action. You cannot distinguish love from what it does. The feeling and the action are identical. Man is a social being, and therefore, among all the objects for his love that there are in the universe and beyond it, he ought…to love his fellow human beings first and foremost. But he should also love all non-human living creatures, animals, and plants, as well, because they are akin to man; they too are branches of the great tree of life. This tree has a common root; we do not know where the root comes from, but we do know that we all spring from it. Man should also love inanimate nature, because this, too, is part of the universe which is mankind’s habitat. 第4-5頁 愛是活動、能量、和行為同時發生。你無法分辨什麼是愛、什麼是它 人是群居的,所以在宇宙中與宇宙外所愛的對象中,愛同類應該是第 ◎pp.4-5 … in the Western tradition, too, there are traces of this feeling for nature. For instance, Saint Francis of Assisi, one of the greatest religious figures in Western history so far, has written…a hymn in which he praises God for our brothers the Sun, Wind, Air, Clouds, Fire, and for our sisters the Moon, the Stars, the Waters, the Earth, and every mortal human body. Saint Francis is very conscious of this brotherhood and sisterhood of all living creatures. 第4-5頁 在西方傳統中,對自然的熱愛亦是有跡可循。例如,聖方濟是迄今為 ◎p.6 man seems to be unique among living creatures on this planet in having consciousness and reason, and therefore having the power of making deliberate choices, and we need to use these specifically human faculties in order to direct our love right. 第6頁 人類似乎是地球生物中一個獨特的物種,因為人類具有意識與理性, ◎p.7 Our unconscious motives may be good or evil. We need to bring them up to consciousness, so far as we can, and to look at them closely, in order to see whether they are good or bad and to choose and follow the good and reject the bad…. A human being’s life is a constant struggle between the rational and the irrational side of human nature. We are always trying to conquer a bit more of our nature for reason from blind emotion…[T]he whole of human life is a struggle to keep the reason uppermost. 第7頁 我們潛意識的動機有善有惡。我們要盡可能的將這些潛意識提升到意 |
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