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2015/07/27 06:41:53瀏覽462|回應1|推薦24 | |
Disapprovingly Hsu ChiCheng My eyesight gradually becomes dim My hearing gradually becomes slow The doctor says this is my aging But I take it disapprovingly Just like I bear too much mortal dust And I am hunchbacked, unsteady of steps My eyes dim from seeing too many evil deeds My ears slow from hearing too many lies
Poems of the World Volume 19#3 附中文原詩如后:
不以為然 許其正 我的眼睛視力漸漸模糊了 我的耳朵聽力漸漸重聽了 醫生說這是機能老化 我卻不以為然 就像我承受太多塵俗 而駝背,腳程變差 眼睛看太多罪惡而模糊 耳朵聽太多謊言而重聽 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |