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2015/06/22 06:21:00瀏覽430|回應0|推薦36 | |
串串夏日 作者: 許其正
更新: 2015-06-20 22:02:33 PM 大紀元時報文學世界
從烈陽的炙熱和光亮 從草木的繁茂和鬱綠 從昆蟲的躍動 從稻穀的飽滿和沉重 從人們滿身的汗滴 最豐富最繁盛的日子
I watch cluster and cluster of the summer I watch cluster and cluster of the summer I watch cluster and cluster of the summer I watch cluster and cluster of the summer I watch cluster and cluster of the summer The most plentiful and flourishing days |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |