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2023/04/11 07:03:16瀏覽4054|回應2|推薦75 | |
作者:許其正 2023/4/11大紀時報文學世界 又到當年被稱為夏威夷海邊的沙灘 我一頭便急急奔赴,栽進去尋找 只是怎麼都找不到我當年留下的腳印了 那是個滿是鬆軟細沙的沙灘 那些年我常和家人來這裡 看海,漫步,戲水,玩挖沙馬、追沙馬遊戲 留下不少我深深的腳印 連同不少我歡樂的笑聲和青春活力 我想這次重來一定可以尋找得到 沒想到它們已經無處尋 為什麼呢?我懷疑著 浪濤滾滾的海依舊滾滾翻湧著 滿是鬆軟細沙的沙灘依舊在 我那些當年留下的深深腳印為什麼不見了? 是誰給偷走了?藏到哪裡去了? 尋遍沙灘,甚至像當年挖沙馬一樣挖沙尋找 挖呀挖呀,挖得滿頭大汗,就是尋找不到 猛回頭才發現後面跟著一個人 他告訴我,那些腳印 如同我的茂密黑髮 被滾滾海浪捲走了 唉,被滾滾海浪捲走了 包括那些深深的腳印、歡樂的笑聲和青春活力 包括開發大鵬灣前那片寬闊的水域 包括當年最早規劃開發大我三歲的柯姓縣長 那年邀我乘坐他的竹筏到水面釣魚的盧姓學弟 還有那原始風味,諸般情趣 唉,都已經去了了了,唉…… Look for the Footprints on the Sandy Beach Hsu ChiCheng Once again while I come to the sandy beach called Howaii those year I run hurriedly frame up to look for Only I can’t find the footprints which I left those years It’s the sandy beach which full of soft fine sands I often come with my families those years To appreciate the sea, to stroll, to play water, to dig and chase stalk- eyed ghost crab Left down many of my deep footprints As well as my happy laugh and young vitality I deem I can find them certainly this time But it’s not expected nowhere to find them Why? I doubt The rolling sea is also rolling still The sandy beach full of soft fine sands is here still Why do the deep footprints I left those years can’t find? Who steals them? Where does they conceal? I look for everywhere the sandy beach, even look for the sand as I dig those years I dig and dig, dig into sweat streaming my whole body, it’s no find Turn back I suddenly find there is a person who follows me He tells me, those footprints Was rolling away by the spray Like my thick blacken hairs Alas, rolling away by the spray Includes the deep footprints, joyful laugh and young vitality Includes the wide area of bay Da-Peng Includes plan to develop here the county leader Ke who elder three years old than me As well as invited me to fish on his bamboo raft the younger male schoolmate Lu And the original taste, much interest Alas, it’s all gone already, alas …… |
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