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2023/06/02 07:02:02瀏覽1026|回應0|推薦48 | |
作者:許其正 更新: 2023-06-01 11:13 PM 大紀元時報文學世界 2017年10月10日遊日本小豆島 世界之大 煙塵滾滾,擾擾嚷嚷 何處得安詳寧靜 我尋尋覓覓 千里迢迢,越山過海…… 氣喘吁吁,汗流浹背…… 渺渺茫茫裡 驚見這一奇景: 僻處海隅 地小被稱如豆 少少的人口 曲徑通幽 紅綠燈幾無 疑似雞犬相聞 疑似與世無爭 屋宇多為木造 隨處可見橄欖樹 隨處有著溫泉 彷彿上天在這裡書寫著 安詳寧靜…… 當今世上還有這樣的地方? 正自疑猜 忽聽背後有人呢喃: 這裡住著 無懷氏之民與葛天氏之民 猛回頭想探個究竟 卻見眼前一片茫霧…… All is a piece of the Blear Fog Hsu ChiCheng Toured to Shodoswhima Japan 2017/10/10 So great is the world And is so surge the smoke and dust, so harass and confusion Where can we find peace and easy I search and search From a thousand li away, exceed the mountains, across the waters… Out of breath, soaked with sweat… I view this wonderful sight In the vague: Be in a remote corner coastal areas and territorial seas It’s small likes a bean With little population The roads full of twists and turns It’s nearly short of traffic light One may doubt there are cocks chirp and dogs bark all together One may doubt there are no dispute with each other The houses almost made with woods There are olives everywhere There are hot springs everywhere It seems that God wrote there Where can we find peace and easy? Is there still such a place in the world today? I just guess Suddenly there is a person twittering: There live the people of Wu Hei Shi and Ge Tain Shi I turn back to look the true But it’s a piece of the blear fog @ |
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