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Lesson 38 Trains
1.comprehensive (a) (1) thorough; broad; including a lot or everything 廣泛的;全面 的;綜合的 (2) [no comp. 無比較級] [英][學校教育]各種資質的學生均 予施教的,綜合性的 (n) 【英】綜合學校 comprehensive school comprehension (n) [U] [ of] fml the act of understanding or ability to understand [正式]理解;理解力 comprehend (vt) fml [not in progressive forms 不用進行式] (1) to understand 理解;領悟 (2) to include 包含 comprehensible (a) [(+to)] fml that can be understood [正式] 可以理解的 incomprehensible (a) [(+to)]不能理解的,難懂的;不可思議的;費解的 例:The child read the story but did not comprehend its full meaning. 那孩子看了這篇故事,但沒有理解它的全部意思。 例:The park comprehends all the land on the other side of the river. 這個公園範圍包括了河那邊所有的土地。 例:How he managed it is beyond my comprehension. 他是怎麼對付的,我真弄不明白。 例:The teacher set, the class a comprehension test. 老師對全班同學進行了一次理解力測驗。 例:a newspaper that provides comprehensive coverage of world affairs 廣泛報導世界時事的報紙 例:a comprehensive knowledge of his subject 對他所研究的學科的淵博知識 例:comprehensive insurance 綜合保險 例:The document is comprehensible only to lawyers. 這文件只有律師才能看得懂。 例:His pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us. 他的發音我們大多數人很難聽懂 2. deluxe (a) of especially high quality豪華的;高級的;奢華的 de luxe (ph.) 高級的(地);豪華的(地) deluxe binding (書本) 精裝 例:The deluxe model costs a lot more. 這種豪華型號要貴得多。 3. duration (n) [U] fml the time during which something (esp. a state or feeling) exists, lasts, or continues [正式] (時間的)持續,持久;持續期間 durative (a) (動詞)持續的 durable (a) able to last; long-lasting 經久的,耐用的; 持久的 (n) [P]耐用品 durability (n) [U] 耐久性 例:An illness of short duration 短時間的疾病 例:He will be in hospital for the duration of the school year. 整個學年他都要住院。 例:a durable peace between two nations 兩國之間的持久和平 4. entitle (vt) [常用被動式] (1)[to] to give (someone ) the right to do something or have something 使…有權(做某事);給予…的資格 (2) [+ obj. + N ] to give (a title ) to (a book, play, etc. ) 給[書、劇本等]題名,定名 entitlement (n) [U] (1)The act or process of entitling; (2) government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group; 津貼 (3)right granted by law or contract (especially a right to benefits);應得的權利; 例: This ticket entitles you to a free seat at the concert. 憑此券你可以免費聽音樂會。 例:Only members of the company are entitled to use the facilities. 只有公司職員才享有使用這些設施的權利 例:I think I’m entitled to know why I wasn’t given the job. 我認為我有權知道為什麼當時不讓我幹那工作。 例:You‘ve used up all your holiday entitlement. 你已經用完你應享有的假期。 5. fare (n) (1) [C] (often in comb. 常構成複合詞) the price charged to carry a person by bus, train, taxi, plane, etc. [公共汽車、火車、計程車等的]車費,[飛機等的]票價 (2) [C] a paying passenger in a taxi [計程車的](付費)乘客 (3) [U] anything intended to provide enjoyment, esp. food provide for a meal 供享受的東西[尤指飲食];伙食,食物;飲食 fare (vi) (1) to get on ; succeed 進展,成功 (2) to experience treatment in the stated way 遭遇 fare card (n) 儲值卡 (公車或是地下鐵所使用的票卡) 例:to pay one’s train fare 付火車費 例:The bus company will prosecute any fare dodger. 公共汽車公司將對捉到的逃票者提出起訴。 例:The taxi-driver stopped to pick up a fare. 計程車司機停下車來搭載一名乘客 例:good/ simple / standard fare 良好[簡單;標準]的飲食 例:An evening of diverse musical fare 一場內容豐富多采的音樂晚會 例:I fared quite well in the interview. 我覺得我這次面試考得不錯。 He fared better in the second test. 他第二次考試頗有進步. 例:The unions will fare badly if the government’s plan become law. 政府的計劃如通過成了法律,工會的遭遇將會很糟。 6. offset (vt) to make up for; balance 補償,抵銷 例:The cost of getting there was offset by the fact that the hotels are so cheap. 去那裡的費用因旅館收費非常便宜而得到補償。 例:He offset his travel expenses against tax. 他用旅費抵銷了他的稅。 例:The pay raise will be offset by inflation . 增加的工資會被通貨膨脹所抵銷 例:In basketball, his speed and cleverness were an offset to his small size.打籃球時,他的速度和機智彌補了他身材矮小的不足 7. punctually (ad) 如期地,準時地 punctual (a) [(+for/in)] not late; happening, doing something, etc., at the exact time; prompt準時的,如期的,不誤期的; 嚴守時刻的;準時的 punctuality (n) 嚴守時間 反 unpunctuality 例:She’s never punctual for appointments so you can expect to be kept waiting.她從不準時赴約,所以你做好準備等吧。 例:The cat makes a punctual appearance at mealtimes. 那隻貓一到用餐時間會準時出現。 例:Be there punctually at ten o’clock. 準十點到那裡去。 8. promptly (ad.) (1) 敏捷地;迅速地;立即地 (2) 準時地,正好 prompt (a) (1) [F] ( of a person ) arriving at he right time; punctual [人]準時(到逹)的 (2) [(+in)][+to-v] (of an action ) done quickly, at once, or at the right time[行動]立刻的,迅速的,準時的; 敏捷的,及時的,迅速的 (3) 【商】(付款)即時的,即期的;(貨物)當場交的 (adv) infml exactly in regard to time [非正式]準時,守時 (vt) (1) to cause or urge 促使,催促,引起 (2) to remind (an actor ) of the next words in a speech 為(演員)提示台詞;提示 (n) a word or words spoken in prompting an actor [給演員的]提白,提詞 promptness (n) [U]敏捷;迅速;機敏 promptitude(n) fml敏捷;果斷;速決 例:I can’t understand it ; she’s usually very prompt. 我不明白這是怎麼回事;她通常總是很準時的。 例:She’s always prompt to criticize other people’s ideas. 她對別人想出的主意總是迫不及待地批評。 例:He is always prompt in answering letters. 他總是迅速回覆來信。 例:Prompt payment of bills is greatly appreciated. 如蒙即期結賬,則不勝感激。 例:The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home. 看到船使他想起遙遠的故鄉。 例:What prompted that remark? 那種議論是由什麼事引起的? 例:His evasive reply prompted me to ask another question. 他的含糊其詞的答覆促使我再提一個問題。 例:The performance will start at seven o’clock prompt. 演出將在九點準時開始。 例:The manager replied with promptness and courtesy. 那經理思路敏捷、彬彬有禮地作了答覆 例:He is prompt in paying his rent. 他付房租從不拖延 例:She needed to be prompted three times. 她要別人提示三次 9. remainder (n) [ (the) S+ sing./ pl. ] what is left over; the rest (vt) [usu. pass. 一般用被動] to sell (esp. books) cheap so as to get rid of them quickly 廉價出售(尤指書籍) remains (n) [P] (1) [of ] parts which are left 剩下的東西[部分];遺址,遺跡 (2) fml a dead body 屍體,遺體 remain (v) [ not usu. in progressive forms 一般不用進行式] (1) rather fml to stay or be left behind after others have gone, been lost, etc. (2) (vi) to continue to be (in an unchanged state) 繼續,依然(不 變) 例:Little of the original architecture remains。 原來的建築現在留存的已經很少很少了。 例:The only remaining question is whether or not we can raise the money. 唯一剩下的問題是我們能否得到這筆錢。 例:Several things remain to be done. 剩下幾件事情需要完成。 例:It sounds a good idea, but it remains to be seen whether it will succeed. 起來這是個好主意,可是它能否成功,要等以才能知曉。 例:It only remains for me to say that…… 剩下要我說的是…. 例:He remained a prisoner for the rest of his life. 他的餘生都在牢中渡過。 例:The situation remains unchanged. 局勢依然未變。 例:I’m sorry you are tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up. 對不起,你累了,不過事情還得有人去做,所以還是快一點吧! 例:The remains of dinner 晚餐的剩飯菜 例:The remains of an old castle 古堡的廢墟 例:The remainder of the food will do for tomorrow. 剩下的食物夠明天吃的。 例:Ten people in our class are Arabs and the remainder are Germans. 我們班上有十名阿拉伯人,其餘是德國人。 例:His remains lie in the churchyard . 他的遺體葬在教堂墓地裡。 例:I'll pay you a hundred dollars deposit and the remainder on delivery 我將付你一佰元定金,其餘款項在交貨時付訖 10.splurge (vi;vt)[+ on] infml to spend more (money) than one can usually afford (非正式)揮霍,亂花(金錢) (n) 揮霍,亂花 例:He splurged all his winnings on an expensive new camera. 他把全部獎金都花在購買一架昂貴的新景相機上 例:She went out on a splurge when she got her first wage packed. 她第一次拿到工資就出去亂揮霍. 類 lavish (vt) 揮霍,浪費;濫施[(+on)] |
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