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2007/08/03 09:05:47瀏覽1144|回應0|推薦0 | |
Lesson 40 Car rentals
1.coincide (vi) (1)[+ with] to happen at the same time or during the same period 同時發生; (在時間上)巧合 (2)(of ideas, opinions, etc.) to be in agreement (意見、見解等) 一致,相符 類 tenable (學說等)站得住腳的,經得起批判的 coincidence (n) (1)[C][U] (an example of ) the happening by chance at the same time or place of two or more events which are similar or related (在時間上或空間上的) 巧合;恰好相合的事;巧事 (2)[U] fml the condition or fact of coinciding (正式)相符,一致 coincident (a) (1) [+with ] tech or fml existing or happening in the same position and time 同時發生[存在]的;巧合的 (2) fml being in compete agreement 相符的,一致的 coincidental (a) resulting from a coincidence 巧合的;同時發生的 coincidentally (adv.) 碰巧的是;巧合地 類 conjuncture (n) 事情或情況共同發生(尤指產生危機的時期);(緊要)關頭、 coexistence (n 共存)、conjunction (n.同時發生[U]; (天體的)會合[U] ) 例:What a coincidence that I was in London at the same time as you! 真巧,你在倫敦時我也在那兒! 例:Her holidays don’t coincide with mine. 她不跟我同一個時候休假。 例:The Queen’s visit has been planned to coincide with the school’s 200th anniversary. 女王的訪間正好安排在學校二百週年校慶的時候。 例:our interests happened to coincide. 我們的利益恰巧一致。 例:By sheer coincidence ,my husband and I have the same birthday. 例:By a curios coincidence, my husband and I have the same birthday. 純粹是巧合/說來也巧,我老公和我同一天生日。 例:It is no coincidence that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery. 銀行遭劫時,有人看到他的汽車正在附近,這決不是巧合。 例:Coincidence of opinions 意見一致 例:It was purely coincidental that we were traveling on the same plane. Coincidentally, he and I were in the same plane. 我們乘同一架飛機旅行純屬巧合。 例:Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own? 他的意見與你自己的意見有沒有一致之處 例:My free time does not coincide with his. 我和他不是同時有空 例:Our opinions did not coincide on this case. 在這個案例上,我們的意見不一致 例:His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife. 他的品味和習慣與他的妻子恰巧一樣 2.nervously (ad.) 神經質地;焦急地;提心弔膽地 nervous (a) (1) [+of] rather frightened; worried about what might happen 神經緊張的;膽怯的,害怕的;焦慮不安的 (2) of the nervous system of the body, or the feelings 神經系統的,神經方面的 nerve (n) (1) [C] 神經 (2) [U] courage, determination, and self-control 勇氣;決心;意志力 (3) [S;U] derog disrespectful rudeness; cheek; effrontery (貶)魯莽;厚顏無恥;放肆 (vt) [ up] fml to give courage to (someone, esp. oneself) before doing something difficult or dangerous (正式)鼓勵;使鼓起勇氣 [後加原形動詞/或+ for 名詞] nerves (n) [P] infml (1) a condition of great nervousness; anxiety 神經質;神經緊張 ;焦慮不安 (2) get on someone’s nerves (片) to get someone annoyed or bad-tempered 使人心煩不安(發脾氣) nerve-racking (a) infml 使人提心吊贍;膽怯的,害怕的;焦慮不安的 nervy (a)(俚)(1) BrE (英)神經質的;緊張不安的;焦慮的 (2) AmE disrespectfully rude; having nerve 粗魯的;厚顏無恥的;放肆的 nervous wreck (n) 神經過敏者,精神脆弱者,精神崩潰者 nervous breakdown (n) 精神崩潰 nervous system (n) 神經系統 nerve centre (n) 中樞,核心,控制中心 例:He is nervous of strangers. 他怕見陌生人。 例:I’ve got to give a speech and I’m a bit nervous about it. 我要發表演說,我對此有點緊張。 例:Don’t be nervous – the doctor won’t hurt you. 別擔心,生不會弄疼你的。 例: He laughed nervously and asked me what I meant. 他緊張地一笑,問我是什麼意思 例:A nervous disorder 神經系統紊亂 例:She gets nerves before every exam. 她每次考試前都很緊張。 例:His nerves are very bad. 他這人很神經質。 例:Before making the speech I had a drink to steady my nerves. 在演講前,我喝了一杯以穏定緊的心情。 例:The music gets on my nerves. 那音樂令我心煩。 例:I’m just a bundle of nerves today. 我今天神經特別緊張。 例:The parachutist nerved himself to jump. The parachutist nerved himself for the jump. 這位跳傘者鼓足勇氣準備往下跳。 例: I wanted to tell her exactly what I thought, but I lost my nerve. 我曾想把我的想法如實告訴她,但我卻失去了勇氣。 例:It must have taken a lot of nerve to risk so much money on one product. 把如此多的錢冒險投資在一種產品上,一定是下了很大的決心。 例:What a nerve! 真是厚顏無恥! 3.tempt (vt) [+ (into, to)] (1)to persuade or attract (someone) to do something that seems pleasant or advantageous but may be unwise or immoral; make (someone) want to do something 引誘(某人)去做…,誘使;慫恿 (2)tempt fate/ providence (片) to risk failure by depending too much on luck 靠運氣去冒險,抱僥倖心理心冒險;玩命 temptation (n) (1) [U] the act of tempting or the state of being tempted 引誘,誘惑;勸誘 (2) [C] something very attractive; a thing or situation that tempts one 很有誘惑力的東西;吸引人的場面 tempting (a) 誘惑人的;吸引人的 temptingly (ad) temptress (n) lit or humor a woman who tempts men to sexual immorality (文或幽)引誘男人的女子,妖婦 例:The Devil tempted Christ by offering him power over all the world. 魔鬼以賦予統治全世界的權力來誘惑基督。 例:A rival company is trying to tempt her away from her present job with an offer of more money. 一家競爭的公司正試圖以更高薪酬引誘她離職。 例:A tempting offer 誘人的建議 例:I think these enticing displays of goods in shops only tempt people into stealing. 我以為商店裡這些迷人的貨物陳列只會引誘人去偷竊。 例:The fine weather tempted up to go outside. 晴朗的天氣誘使我們外出。 例:It’s a very attractive offer, and I’m tempted to accept. 這是一項很有吸引力的建議,我確實有些動心。 例:Can I tempt you to another cream bun? 請你再吃一塊小奶油麵包好嗎? 例:The temptations of a big city. 大城市的各種誘惑 例:I tried to resist the temptation to laugh. I tried to overcome the temptation to laugh. 我竭力想忍住不笑。 例:A nap is a tempting idea. 睡一會午覺這主意很不錯 4.thrill (n) (an event or situation that produces) a sudden very strong feeling of excitement, joy, or sometimes fear, that seems to flow round the body like a wave (如電流傳遍全身的)一陣激動[狂喜;恐懼等];產生此類感覺的事件 [情況]; 興奮,激動;恐怖 thrill (vt)(vi) [+ at,to ] to (cause to ) feel a trill or trills (使)感到一陣激動[狂喜;恐怖等] thriller (n) a book, play, or film that tells a very exciting story, esp. of crime and violence (尤指描述犯罪與暴力的)驚險小說/戲劇/電影;恐怖小說(或電影等); 探險小說(或電影等) thrilling (a) 毛骨悚然的;令人興奮的; (風等)刺骨的 thrilled (a) 非常興奮的,極為激動的 類 intriguing (vt) 激起...的好奇心(或興趣); 耍陰謀強使,施詭計取得 enrapture (vt) 使狂喜 例:Meeting the famous footballer was a great thrill for the children. 跟這位著名的足球運動員見面對孩子來說是一件激動人心的大事。 例:I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open. 當門開始嘎吱一下打開時,我感到一陣恐怖襲上心頭。 例:We thrilled to his tales of South Sea adventure. 我們在聽他講述南海歷險的故事時都非常激動。 例:What a trilling game; the winner was in doubt until the last minute. 多麼激動心人的一場比賽呀,終場前一分鐘還沒有分出勝負呢。 例:We were thrilled to hear about your new job. 聽到你獲這個新職位,我們都很高興。 例:She whiled away the afternoon reading cheap thrills. 她看廉價的驚險小說消磨了一個下午 例:She thrilled at the invitation。 她收到邀請時很激動。 5.tier (n) (1) any of a number of rows or levels, esp. of seats, shelves, etc., rising one behind or above another (階梯式座位,架子等的) 一排,一列,一層 (2) 階層,等級 - tiered (a) having the stated number of tiers 有(某個數量)層次的, 有…等級的 類 story (n. 【美】(建築物的)層,樓[C] )、layer (n. 層;階層;地層) row (n. (一)列,(一)排;(一排)座位[(+of)] ) 例:Her wedding cake had three tiers. 她的結婚蛋糕有三層 例:The Health Service in Britain has three tiers of management. 英國的社保健服務機構分三個管理層次。 例:The car rental company had a few tiers of cars, each one costing more than the previous tier. 租車公司有不同等級的車子,每一等級的花貴比前一級貴。 例:If you are on a budget, I suggest you think about renting a car from our lowest tier. 如果你有預算限制,我建議你考慮一下租我們最低等級的車子。 |
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