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toeic單字600 - no.36
2007/10/06 02:39:37瀏覽1217|回應0|推薦0
Lesson 36 General Travel

1. announcement (n)
(1) [C] 通告,佈告,通知;預告;聲明
(2) [U] The act of making known publicly宣告,宣佈;通告
announce (vt) (1) to make known publicly 公諸於眾,宣佈,通告
(2) to state in a loud voice (大聲)宣佈
(3) to read (news) or introduce (a person or an act )
on the radio, television, etc. (在電視台,電台的)
announcer (n) a person who reads news or introduces people, acts, etc., esp. on radio or television (在電視台,電台的)播員,播音員,節目主持人

例:flight arrival announcements at the airport
例:I’ve got an important announcement to make.  
例:A news/wedding announcement  新聞發布;結婚啟事 
例:They announced the date of their wedding in the paper.
例:The government has announced that electricity charged will go up in
  the spring.政府宣佈電費將在春季加價。
例:the bright flowers announced that spring was here.
例:Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.

類 proclamation (n) [U] 宣佈,公佈 ;[ C] 公告,佈告;宣言書;聲明書
promulgation [ ] (n) []公佈
declaration (n) 宣佈,宣告;宣言,聲明; 【律】(原告的)申訴;(證人的)
          陳訴,證言; (納稅品等的)申報
annunciation [ ] (n) 通告;公佈

2.notification (n) [C;U] fml (the act of giving) warning or information
     [正式] 通知;通知單(書)
notify (vt) [+ (of )] to tell (someone), esp. formally; inform
  notifiable (a) tech,esp. BrE (esp. of certain diseases ) needing by law to be reported to an office of public health

例:to notify the police of a crime   向警方舉報罪案
例:He notified the police of the incident
例:Please notify all staff that the inspectors will be here on Monday.
例:If you decide to go ahead with the rebuilding scheme, can you give us
  some notification?
例:Typhoid, cholera, etc., are notifiable diseases.

3. blanket
(a) including all cases, classed, or possible events; unlimited
(n) (1) 毛氈;毯子
(2) [of] a thick covering 厚覆蓋層
(vt) [ + with ] to cover as if with a blanket 覆蓋;籠罩

例:A blanket rule   總則

例:A blanket ban on smoking throughout the building
例:The boss promised a blanket wage increase.
例:The country was blanketed with snow.
例:The valley was covered with a blanket of mist.

4.board (vt) (1) to get into (a ship or public vehicle); go on board
(2) to get or supply meals and lodging for payment
    (3) [(+up/over)] 用木板覆蓋(或封閉)
board (n)
(1) [C] 長形木板
(2) [U] ( the cost of ) meals 膳食;膳食費
(3) [C+sign./ pl. ] 董事會,委員會,理事會
(4) [C+sign./ pl. ] ( 官方的)部,局
Board of Foreign Trade (經濟部) 國際貿易局; 國貿局; 貿易局
(5) on board 在船上;在車上;在飛機上

boarding card / boarding pass (n) 登機證
boarding house (n) 供膳宿的私人住房[公寓]
boarding school (n) 寄宿學校
  board and lodging (職業條件等的)供應食宿
boarder (n) (1) [寄宿學校的]寄宿生,住校生
(2) [住在他人家裡的]寄宿者,寄膳宿者

例:to take in boarders 招收寄宿生(者)
例:the hijackers boarded the plane at New York airport.
例:She arranged to board some students from the university.
例:I’m boarding with a friend. 我在一個朋友家寄宿。
例:We’ll have to board the cat out while we’re on holiday.
例:The windows were cover with boarding. 窗戶用一排木板封住了。
例:A small country boarding school
例:Pin the list up on the board. 把這份名單釘在佈告牌上。
例:Put the bread on the board before cutting it.
例:I want to play the chess but I can’t find the board.
例:I pay 30 dollars a week for board and lodging.  (膳宿費)
例:a school’s board of governors   學校的董事會
例:the English Tourist Board 英國旅遊局
例:The board is meeting tomorrow. 董事會明天開會。
例:We had intended to get a new car, but that’s gone by the board now
  that I’ve lost my job.
例:As soon as I’m on board always feel sick. 一上船,我總是想吐。
例:The management’s offer shows that they have not really taken on
  board the union’s demand.

5.claim (v)
(1) [ I ;T] [+ on, for ] to ask for, take, or state that one should have
(something to which one has a right) [根據權利而](對.....)提出要求;索取;認領;聲稱有…的權利
(2) [T] to declare to be true; state, esp. in the face of opposition;
maintain [尤指面對反對意見]斷言;聲稱;主張;認定
(3) [T] to deserve or need 值得;需要

claim (n)
(1) [C;U] [ for, on ] a demand or request for something which one has a right to have [根據權利而提出的]要求
(2) [C;U ( to, on) ] a right to something [對某事物的]權利;要求權;所有權
(3) [C] a statement that something is true or real, esp. one that other people may disagree with ; assertion 聲稱;[尤指他人可能反對的]主張;斷言
(4) [C] something claimed, esp. an area of land or a sum of money  要求(得到)的東西[尤指土地或錢財]

claimant (n) [ +to ] fml or law a person who makes a
claim [正式或法律]申請人;要求者;索賠人;
例:Did you claim on the insurance after you car accident?

例:Old people are entitled to claim a special heating allowance from the government.

例:If no one claims the lost umbrella, the person who found it can keep it.
例:A small terrorist group has claimed responsibility fro the bombing in London.

例:The flood claimed hundreds of lives.

例:They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease, but this had not yet been proved.

例:This problem claims our undivided attention.

例:The management is considering the union’s pay claim.

例:When her house was burgled, she made a claim on the insurance.

例:He put in a claim for his traveling expenses.
例:He laid claim to the throne.
例:He has a rightful claim to the property; it was his mother’s.
例:You may be my sister, but that doesn’t mean you have any claims on me.
例:The town’s claim to fame is that it has the country’s oldest church.

6. depart (vi) (1) 【書】[(+from, for)]起程,出發;離開,離去
(2) [(+from)] 背離,違反
(3) 死,去世
departure (n) (1) [C; U] 離開,起程;出發
         (2) [C] [ + from] [從常軌、習慣等的]背離,變更

depart from sthg. (ph. vt ) to turn away from or stop following (a usual or
      former course of action, way of thinking, etc.)
depart this life [婉]離開人間,死亡

例:They departed at noon. 他們於中午離開

例:He is unwilling to depart from regular practice.

例:On this occasion we departed from our normal practice of holding the
  meetings in public.

例:What is the departure time of the flight to New York?

例:It is time to take our departure.   我們該走了。

例:His sudden departure form the political scene. 他突離開政壇。

例:The new policy represents a complete departure from their previous position.

例:This is a new departure for the company.  這是公司的新變革。

7.embarkation (n) [C;U] 乘坐; 從事
embark (vi) (vt) to go , put, or take on a ship 上船;裝船;
embark on / upon (vt) to start (esp. Something new) 開始,著手,
    類 launch (vi; vt ) [(+into)] 開始;積極投入;猛力展開

例:We embarked at Southampton and disembarked in New York a week
例:The ship embarked passengers and wool at an Australian port.
例:It’ s late in life to embark on a new career.
例:The railways are about to embark on a major programme of
例:They embarked on a campaign to get people to vote
例:The ship embarked passengers and cargo.

8.itinerary (n) a plan of a journery 旅行計劃;預定行程
  例:Leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency.

9.prohibit (vt) fml p.1200
(1) to forbid by law or rule [根據法律或規則]禁止
(2)to prevent; make impossible 使不可能,阻止

prohibition (n)
(1) [U] [+ of] the act of prohibiting something 禁止
(2) [C] [+against ] fml an order forbidding something [正式]禁令,禁律

prohibitionist (n) 禁酒主義者;贊成禁酒者
prohibitive (a) 起阻止作用的,抑制性的
prohibitory (a)[正式]禁止(性)的,阻止性的

例:The government has put a prohibitive tax on foreign goods.
例:A prohibitory gesture 阻止的手勢
例:Smoking in this railway carriage is prohibited.
例:We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.
例:The price prohibited us from buying it.

10.valid (a)
(1) (of a reason, argument, etc.) firmly based on what is true or
reasonable; that can be defended (理由、論點等)正當的、
有根據的 類 tenable(學說等)站得住腳的,經得起批判的
(2) that can legally be used for a stated period or in certain
condition 有效的    反義 invalid 無效的,過期的
(3) law written or done in a proper manner so that a court of law would agree with it [律]具有法律力的;經過正當手續的

validate(vt) fml  to make valid, esp. legally
反 invalidate使無效、nullify (vt) 使無效;廢棄;取消

validity [ ] (n) [U] [+ of ] 正當;正確;確實;
validation [ ] (n) 批准;確認

例:a valid contract/ passport 具有法律效力的合同/有效的護照

例:The ticket is valid for one month.
例:A train ticket valid for three months  有效期為三個月的火車票
例:Her argument is valid.   她的論點是站得住腳的
例:A valid excuse for arriving late at work  
例:We should question the validity of those figures.
例:In order to validate the agreement , both parties sign it.

11.forbid (vt)
(1) to refuse to allow command against, esp. officially or
with the right to be obeyed 禁止,不許 [+ V-ing]
(2) fml to refuse to allow (someone) to have (something)
(3) to prevent 阻止;妨礙

forbidden (a) not allowed, esp. by law or rule 被禁止的

forbidden fruit (n) [U] 禁果,非法的歡樂(尤指偷情)

forbidding (a) having a fierce, unfriendly, or dangerous
appearance 樣子可怕的,令人生畏的;兇險的
forbiddingly (adv) 嚴峻地;令人生畏地

例:the law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers.
例:Smoking is forbidden during takeoff.
例:I forbid you to tell anyone. 我不淮你告訴任何人。
例:Lack of time forbids any further discussion at this point.
   由於時間不夠, 這一時刻不容深入討論這個問題。
例:He forbade his children sweets because he didn’t want their teeth to be ruined.
例:It’s a rule of this club that religion and politics may not be talked about; they’re forbidden ground/ territory.
例:She is very nice but because she has a forbidding manner she’s slow in making friends.她人很好,但度嚴峻,以不容易交上朋友。
例:The travelers’ way was blocked by a forbidding range of mountains.

12.retrieve (vt)
(1)[+from] usu. fml or tech to find and bring back; regain 收回,找回,耳回;重穫
(2)To put right; make up or (a mistake, loss, defeat, etc.) 更正(錯誤);挽回(損失、敗局等);挽回;彌補;挽救;糾正

retrieval (n) [U] fml the act or process of retrieving (正式)找回,
retrievable (a) 可取回的;可恢復的
retriever (n) (經專門訓練會啣回擊落之久內的)中型獵犬

例:I went and retrieved the bag I had left on the train.
例:This computer can retrieve stored information in a matter of seconds.
例:Wreckage from the crashed plane was retrieved from the ocean.
例:She tried to retrieve the situation by making profuse apologies.
例:The court ordered the retrieval of the confiscated funds.
例:A computerized retrieval system that will enable you to find the
information you want within a few seconds.
例:I’m afraid the situation is beyond retrieval/ past retrieval.
( 知識學習語言 )
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