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1.available (a) able to be obtained, used, or reached
(1)[(+for/to)] 可用的,在手邊的;可利用的 (2)可得到的,可買到的 (3)有空的,可與之聯繫的 availability (n) [U] 可得到的東西(或人);可得性;有效;有益;可利用性 例:The swimming pool is available only in summer. 這個游泳池只在夏天開放 例:Is there water available around here? 附近弄得到水嗎? 例:TV sets are available in any department stores. 電視機在任何一家百貨公司裡都能買到 例:The principal is available now. 現在校長可以接見你 例:Is this dress available in a larger size? 這件洋裝有比較大的尺寸嗎? 例:Abortion rates are high because the availability of contraceptives is limited. 墮胎率這麼高是因為避孕產品被限制。 2.category (n) 種類;部屬;類目 categorize(vt) 使列入...的範疇;將...分類 categorization (n) 分類 例:The strings are a category of musical instruments. 弦樂器是樂器的一種。 例:There are three categories of accommodation - standard, executive and deluxe. 有三種類別的容量-標準型、特別型及豪華型。 例:The books are categorized into beginner and advanced 這些書被分類為開始及進階. 例:I would categorize this as a very early example of Tudor art. 我會把這個分類為Tudor art極早期的例子。 3.disparate (a) fml ( of two or more things ) completely different; impossible to compare in their qualities [兩種或多個東西]根本不同的; 異類的、全異的;不能相比擬的 disparity (n) [C; U] (between, in, of) [正式]不同;不等;不一到;懸殊 例:Chalk and cheese are disparate substances. 粉筆和乳酪是完全不同的東西 4.favor (v) (n) (n)(美)= favour(英) (1) [U] active approval 贊同,贊許 (2) [U] gunfairly generous treatment; (too much) sympathy or kindness towards one person as compared to others 偏袒,偏愛 (3) [C] a kind act that is not forced or necessary 恩惠 (4) AmE a small gift given to guests at a party [美][宴會上贈予客人的]小禮品 (5) in favor of 贊成,支持;寧願選擇 (6) in someone’s/ something’s favor 對…有利 favor (v) (n) (vt) (1) to support or believe in ( a plan, idea, course of action, etc.); regard with favor 贊成、支持[計劃、想法、行動方針等]; 相信…可行 (2) to be unfairly found of ; treat (too) generously 偏受,偏袒 (3) (of conditions ) to give support of advantage to; operate in favor of [條件]有利於,對…有助益 (4) to look like (a relation ) 容貌像,酷似[某親人] favorable (a) (1) (of a message, answer, etc.) saying what one is pleased to hear; expressing approval [消息、答覆等]令人滿意的;表示讚許的 (2) winning favor and approval 博得好感的;贏得讚許的 (3) [to] (of conditions) advantageous [條件]有利的;unfavorable (a) [(+to/for)] 不利的;不適宜的;不順利的 favored (a) (1) receiveing unfairly generous treatment 受到優待的; (受到)優惠的 (2) having special advantages or desirable qualities 有利的;稱心(如意)的 (3) [ F + with ] fml having an appearance of the stated kind [正式]有….容貌[性質]的 favorite (n) (1) 最受喜愛的東西[人];寵兒 (2) 過分受寵的人 (3) 最有希望獲勝[成功]的人 (a) 最受喜歡的 favoritism (n) [U] derog the practice of giving unfairly generous treatment to one person (貶)偏受;偏袒;徇私 例:He did all he could to win her favor. 他竭力去博得她的嘉許。 例:I’m sure the president will look with favor on such a proposal. 我肯定總統會同意這樣的建議。 例:The idea is beginning to gain widespread favor. 這個主意關始得到廣泛的贊同。 例:A movie director who seems to be in favor with the critics just now. 似乎剛受到影評家歡迎的一位電影導演。 例:I’m afraid I’m out of favor at the office at the moment. 我擔心我目前在辦公室裡不受歡迎。 例:They will look with favor on your proposal. 他們將會贊同你的建議 例:A mother shouldn't show too much favor to one of her children. 做母親的不應過分偏愛某一個孩子 例:You did me a great favor你幫了我一個大忙 例:We favor John's plan. 我們贊成約翰的計劃 例:The mother favored her eldest son. 母親偏袒大兒子 favor 「來函;大札」的意思,是商業上的用法 例:Your favor of 18 July has been received. 7月18日來函敬悉 例:The book received a favorable review. 這本書贏得了好評 例:They are favorable to the proposal. 他們贊同這項提議 例:The weather seemed favorable for the race. 這天氣似乎很適合賽跑 例:All the best seats were reserved for favored customers. 那些最好的座位都留給了特別受到優待的顧客。 例:An ill-favored child 一個長相難看的孩子 例:I like all her books but this one is my favorite. 她的書我全都喜歡,但這本是我最喜受的。 例:I put all my money on the favorite in the big horse race, but it only came in third. 在這次賽馬中,我把所有的錢都在那 例:John is favorite to get the nomination for club president. 約輸最有希望被提名為俱樂部主席。 例:Who’s your favorite writer? 你最喜歡的作家是誰? 例:Giving that job to his friend’s son was a clear case of favoritism. 把這份工作給了他朋友的兒子,是一種明顯的徇私行為。 例:I’ve been hearing favorable accounts of your work. 我一直聽到選揚你工作做得好的話。 例:The new manager has created a very favorable impression. 新經理給人留下非常好的印象。 例:Her book was favorably reviewed. 她的書得到好評。 例:The weather is unfavorable to our plans. 天氣對我們的計劃不利 5.partial (a) (1) 【貶】不公平的,偏袒的 (2) [F+ to] infml having a strong like for [非正式]偏受,特殊受好,癖好 (3) 不完全的,部分的 partially (ad) (1) 不完全地;部分地 (2) [貶]偏袒地;不公平地 partiality (n) (1) [U] 偏心,偏袒;偏愛,特別喜愛[S][(+for)] 例:The film was only a partial success. 這部電影僅僅是部分成功 例:She is partial to her youngest boy. 她偏愛她的小兒子 例:She is partial to ice-cream. 她偏愛冰淇淋 6.instinct (n) (1) 本能;天性[(+to-v)](2) 直覺 (a) 充滿的[(+with)] instinctive (a) (出於)本能的;(出於)天性的;(來自)直覺的 例:She had an instinctive taste for music. 她性喜音樂。 例:Climbing is instinctive in monkeys. 猴子攀爬出於本能 例:Follow your instincts! 憑直覺! 例:I trust my instincts. 我相信自己的直覺。 例:Spiders spin webs and birds build nests by instinct.蜘蛛結網,鳥築巢,都是憑本能。 例:Mother hens protect their young by instinct 母雞保護小雞出於本能。 7.prefer (vt) (1) 寧可,寧願(選擇);更喜歡[+v-ing][+to-v][O2][+(that)] (2) 【律】提出(控告等) preferable (a) [(+to)]更好的,更可取的,更合意的 preference (n) (1) [U][C][(+for)]更加的喜愛,偏愛 (2) [C] 偏愛的事物(或人) (3) [U][C] 優先(權);優惠權 (4) [U][(+for)] 偏袒 例:I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities. 我喜歡安靜的鄉村勝過喧鬧的城市。 例:So you prefer living abroad? 那麼你是寧願旅居海外囉? 例:At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future. 此時此刻,他寧願不去想未來的事情 例:Police preferred charges against him for theft. 警方指控他有偷竊行為 例:He preferred a charge against the robber. 他控告那名盜賊。 例:Your idea is preferable to mine. 你的主意比我的更好。 例:We give preference to applicants with some experience. 我們優先錄用有經驗的申請人 例:Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不應流露出對任何一個孩子的偏心 8.taste (n) (1) [U] the special sense by which a person or animal knows one food from anther 味覺 (2) [S; U] the sensation that is produced when a particular food or drink is put in the mouth and that makes it different from other foods or drinks by its saltiness, sweetness, bitterness, etc. 味道 (3) [C (of) usu. sing. 一般單數 ] a small quantity of food or drink that is tasted [食物、飲料等的]少量;一口 (4) [U] the ability to make good or suitable judgments in matters such as beauty, style, fashion, music, or social behavior; discernment 鑑賞力;品味;趣味 (5) [ C; U] (for, in) a personal liking for something [個人對某事的]喜愛,愛好;口味 (6) to taste (used in instructions for cooking) in the quantity desired [烹調指示語]隨食用者的口味 (vt) (1) to test the taste of (food or drink) by taking a little into the mouth 嚐,品嚐[食品或飲料] (2) [ 不用進行式 ] to experience the taste of 嚐出….的味道 (3) [ 不用進行式 ] to eat or drink 吃;喝 (4) [尤與 of, like 連用;不用進行式 ] to have a particular taste 有某種特殊的味道 taste bud (n) 味蕾 tasteful (a) having or showing good taste 趣味高雅的;有鑑賞力的 tasteless (a) (1) 沒有味道的,(淡而無味的) (2) 格調低的,品味不高的 tasty (a) (1) (not usu. of sweet food ) (通常不用來形容甜食)having a pleasant noticeable taste; of flavor 味道好的;味美的 (2) infml (esp. of news) interesting, esp. when concerned with sex or improper behavior [非正式][尤指新聞]有趣的;和桃 色事件有關的 例:I’ve got a cold, so I’ve lost my sense of taste. 我患了感冒,所有喪失了味覺。 例:Sugar has a sweet taste. 糖有甜味。 例:This cake has no taste / very little taste. 這蛋糕沒有味道。[幾乎沒什麼味道]。 例:This milk has got a funny taste – I think it may have gone sour. 這牛奶有怪味-我想它可能能變了。 例:An unpleasant experience that left a bad taste in her mouth 一次使她事後覺得很不是滋味的不愉快經歷。 例:I had a taste of the soup to see if it needed more salt. 我喝了一口湯,看看是不是還要加點鹽。 例:His jokes about the President’s illness were in (very) bad/ poor taste. 他那些關於總統生病的笑話格調很低。 例:The furnishings and paintings had been chosen with impeaccable taste. 室內的家具和油畫都經過精心選擇,趣味極高雅。 例:What are your tastes in music? 你喜歡哪種音樂? 例:She has expensive taste in clothes. 她喜歡穿價格昂貴的衣服。 例:Their house has not been decorated to my taste, but it’s very luxurious. 他們的房子沒有照我喜愛的方式裝修,但是非常豪華。 例:Their trip to America gave them a taste for western consumer goods. 他們的美國之行他們喜歡上了西方的消費品。 例:Add salt and pepper to taste. 隨個人口味加鹽和胡椒。 例:I always taste food before adding salt. 我總是在放鹽之前嚐一嚐食物。 例:I got a cold so I can’t taste what I’m eating. 我患了感冒,所以吃東西躇不出味道。 例:The escaped prisoner had not tasted food for three days. 那個逃犯三天沒吃東西。 例:This soup tastes of chicken. 這湯有雞肉味。 例:A tasteless furnished room. 沒有味道的湯。 例:A tasteless remark 一句不雅的話 例:A tastelessly furnished room 佈置得很沒有品味的房間。 例:A tasteful arrangement of flowers 趣味高雅的插花。 例:A tasty meal 美味的一餐 例:A tasty piece of gossip about our neighbor. 有關我們鄰居的一則趣聞。 9.dignitary (n) [C] a person who has an important position in a society顯貴,要人 (a) 地位尊榮的;顯貴的 dignity (n) (1) [U] 尊嚴;莊嚴 (2) [U] 尊貴;高尚 例:Several foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony. 例:He maintained his dignity throughout the trial 10.fall into sthg. ( phr vt) (1)to begin or have by chance [偶然地]開始 (2)to be divided into 分成 例:I fell into conversation with someone who said he knew you. 我同一個說是認識你的人隨便交談起來。 例:This topic falls naturally into three sections. 這個論題可自然地分成三個部分。 11sheet music (n) 散頁樂譜 12. enduring (a) endure (vt) to bear (pain, suffering ,etc.) patiently or for a long time [長時間地]忍耐,忍受[痛苦、苦難];(常與cannot等否定詞連用) 容忍[+to-v][+v-ing] (vi) fml to remain alive or in existence, esp. in spite of difficulty [正式][雖有困難仍]持續,持久,堅持下去 endurance (n) [U] the power of enduring (忍)耐力 例:The old man had to endure a toothache. 這位老人不得不忍受牙痛 例:I could endure it no longer. 我對此再也無法忍受了。 例:Running the marathon tests a person's endurance.馬拉松賽跑考驗人的耐力 例:He came to the end of his endurance. 他忍無可忍了。 例:Her fame will endure for ever. 她的名聲將永垂不朽。 例:Enduring fame 不朽的名聲 例:They endured, tremendous hardship on their journey to the South Pole. 在去朝南極的征途中他們忍受了極大的艱難困苦 13.up-and-coming (a) (1) 嶄露頭角的;日見重要的 (2) 積極進取的,很有前途的 例:I remember when the Beatles were an up-and-coming rock group. 我記得披頭四嶄露頭角的年代 |
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