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2010/08/05 04:53:38瀏覽2058|回應14|推薦60 | |
一整晚歡愉的餐點,連著一夜的好眠。。。 隔早醒來即使老天不做美,帶張哭喪的嘴臉; 裝滿甜蜜蜜的B心,只要有伴根本無所謂! 享完簡易的早餐,道別了旅館。 嘿嘿。。咱倆順著呢喃的風,兜著清翠的山巒。 山谷連山腰,一村進一村的遙; 瑞士人的小木屋,疊疊透著純樸, 一棟連一棟寵得人想“肖”。 這一頭望著那一頭的山,更高! 風神駕車中的伴,彎來又轉去, 蘊釀一眼的神秘。。。扁扁就是不告訴B, 我們到底要上哪兒去? 呵呵。。。呵呵。。。別急別急, 咱倆瘋花去! 那天天陰,應該是炎夏中的瑞士;在這海拔近1600公尺的山村裡,卻只有攝氏14度的氣溫。 隨便亂轉,要是沒有可愛的木屋配天竺葵紅豔的溫暖。。。您想會怎樣?下面就請大夥看72張圖(這可是當了5次機才張羅出來的),述說天竺葵花巷的故事,下篇將介紹位置更高的Moiry Glacier冰河。 朝x按掉那個討厭的Pets廣告,可以看到B特地為大家打的攝影解說! Grimentz (1'572 m) offers an escape into nature at the gateway to some of Switzerland's most famous 4000 metre mountains, where the pure air of the Alps makes your blood tingle. In summer, you will be charmed by its unspoilt natural splendour, surprised by the sublime old sun-darkened granaries, dazzled by the beauty of the balconies awash with red geraniums, and by the sparkling panorama of the Moiry Glacier. In winter, our pristine white peaks offer you 50km of perfectly prepared ski slopes beneath the blue sky and sunshine… and with the same ticket, access to all the ski resorts in the Val d' Anniviers (Zinal, St-Luc/Chandolin, Vercorin), covering more than 220km. Grimentz also possesses all the necessary infrastructure to make your stay an exciting and unforgettable one. Judge for yourself: Via Ferrata, 100km of hiking paths, 100km of mountain bike trails, tennis, minigolf, swimming pool, games area, natural ice rink, climbing wall, snow garden, etc…. http://www.grimentz-stjean.ch/en/Place/
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |