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2009/11/12 00:36:47瀏覽3841|回應12|推薦59 | |
這篇拖了快一個半月了,最近看網友們在寫松露,還是貼圖湊字趕快把它完成啦! 北義的Piedmont是全世界產白松露最優質最著名的地區,而每年十月的Alba則是白松露交易市場最集中最興盛的季節。(之前已貼過多篇白松露相關的文章,如好奇想進一步了解請點閱:義大利Piedmont的美食與白松露,白松露世界 II - Alba的Piazza Duomo,白松露世界的吃喝玩樂 I,Piedmont美食攝影) 來張地圖了解一下北義大利白松露產區,交易集中地Alba的位置-離法國和瑞士的邊界都不遠。 Alba老城區白松露交易市場的展地,廣告上的這些名人您可辨識幾個?十年前B開始跟一群愛吃鬼跑北義嚐美食時,它是免費讓遊人進場的而且可以試吃當地的物產(葡萄酒’ 起司和香腸之類,松露只能看不能聞更別提試吃啦!),現在入場需付2歐元。展場越來越擁擠,這樣的小手段可以避掉像B這種已參訪過多次的遊客。www.fieradeltartufo.org ![]() 白松露都加玻璃蓋或裝在瓶子裡,哪像黑松露現擺著?為保鮮和不讓氣味流失,松露最佳的食用期是出土後三天內,如果想延期食用可以橄欖油封藏。Alba老城的主街,週六有市集搭滿遮陽遮雨的帆布,人潮多得幾乎水泄不通。。。 插牌子最前面的那一小塊白松露,標價69歐元,旁邊的99歐元。今年雨水少,白松露的產量也就出得比往年少得多。左邊當地特產的手工做細麵,又Q又柔非常好吃喔! 主街區廣場邊-近年來Alba改變很大,歐洲遊客每年加增中,公共區的建設也就跟著越來越好(義大利是個觀光大國,一些著名的都城全被國際訪客給擠爆了)。但不懂義文講英語還是不怎方便(菜單全只是義文),需要比手畫腳;法文還比較好用些。十月還能見豔陽穿夏衫B還是第一次碰上,之前去每次都碰上陰冷雨。 8個人出遊,都嘛各逛各的,然後約時間集合。因為已去過太多次,B大約逛了一下就坐到廣場邊上的酒館,喝起小酒閒聊欣賞人潮啦!呵呵。。誰叫酒館的老闆那麼聰眀,會用這些“羊毛出在羊身上”的免費鹹食誘惑人! Bovio餐館座落的景觀,典型的Piedmont山丘葡萄園。以前來這老是被濃霧遮著。。。 笨B碰到這樣的局面(外亮內暗)就拍不出好照片(也省了人頭貼馬賽克);角落的一桌既能欣賞窗外的風景又能全覽餐館內的動靜,多好?! 義式的麵包通常很難跟德’ 瑞’ 法的比,但這裡算是特例,而且還有4種選擇。 老闆很厲害,人才剛坐定就拿著白松露來獻寶!要命的誘惑?菜還沒來酒先醒囉! 真是沒法度?嚐來嚐去還是喜歡Tignanello。當地產的Barbaresco和Barolo雖也不錯,可是就是少了一點B家喜歡的穩醇和多層次的果香勁力。 餓翻了懶得研究義文的菜單,但中午又不想吃太多,B就直接要Menu degustazione 44,00。有整套白松露的長餐要177歐元,松露小嚐味佳每道吃則太膩,留給初嚐的人去感覺吧!? 贈送的前菜-炸櫛瓜花包乳酪,這是義式的代表作,在別國除非是頂級餐館否則很少見。 Degustazione di antipasti tipici 有三道:1)典型的義式前菜-火腿(很甜,通常是小牛肉片)鮪魚醬。 2)烤乳酪餅-還是灑了幾片白松露。乘熱刨下白松露,氣味濃極了。。。 3)生小牛肉韃韃-這道通常是伴的最愛(B嚐過但從來不點的,因對生肉有排拒感),沒想到它只加橄欖油’ 義式乳酪和白松露,卻非常的鮮美又可口! 主菜:烤兔肉。樣子看來還可以,但肉太材。平常不點的都被蒙上了?有驚也有喜! 甜點:水果布丁。這樣用眼睛吃的份量最合B意! 下列是左右鄰居的菜,B攝用眼睛吃而已: 品嚐白松露的絕招?越簡單的食物越好!一盤煎蛋Sunny side up,以熱氣燻現刨的白松露最能襯出松露濃烈的原氣味。 只拌橄欖油的手工細麵。 乳酪Ravioli。以上這三盤的單價,都超過B點的套餐一半價(價高只因白松露)。這些基本盤B以前都試過也被價嚇過。我們已有體認去義大利無需去很精緻高級的餐館,通常小店媽媽菜的水準已很不錯,pasta和pizza也絕對多數可口(不像法國的餐館,水準非常不整齊)Bovio這兩年換手經營,內部裝置’ 酒單菜色和餐價均加高了等級。 Barolo紅酒滷小牛肉 烤松菌菇 義式乳酪沒有法國的選擇多。。。最常見的是Mozzarella(和番茄配當前菜,做pizza)和Parmesan(拌pasta和risotto) 巧克力製品實在很難和瑞士的匹敵。。。不過這看來還算精緻。 這是想減肥又嘴饞的好選擇,很合眼睛品嚐! 糕餅類甜品?法國和瑞士的還是比較上乘。義大利人和台灣人較接近,通常吃水果當甜點。 巧克力和咖啡,義式的咖啡通常有較好的品質。 Degustazione di dolci tipici 各式的餐後烈酒。 *** 想學一點怎麼點義大利菜嗎? Antipasti- Appetizers Soups - usually zuppa Bread - pane Salad - insalata Primi Piatti – first courses usually pasta or risotto Secondi Piatti=Piatto Principale -main courses usually meat or fish Dolce – Dessert How? Baked - al forno Boiled - lesso Cold - freddo Cured - salato Fried - fritto Grilled - ai ferri Hot - caldo Mashed - il pure Poached - affogato Raw - crudo Roasted - arrostito Smoked - affumicato Spicy - piccante Steamed - cotto al vapore Toasted - tostato Meats and seafood
Anchovy - l’acciuga Bacon - pancetta Beef - il manzo, la bistecca Chicken - il pollo Clams - le volgone Duck - l’anitra Eel - l’anguilla Eggs - le ouva Fish - il pesce Goose - l’oca Lamb - l’agnello Liver - il fegato Lobster - l’aragosta Meat - la carne Meatballs - le polpette Mussels - le cozze Oysters - le ostriche Pork - il maiale Prawns - scampi Rabbit - il coniglio Salmon - il salmone Sausage - la salsicca Seafood – frutti di mare Shrimp - i gamberi Squid – i calamari Trout - la trota Veal - il vitello Drinks
Beer - la birra Champagne - spumante or champagne Coffee - il caffe Ice - il ghiacchio Juice - il succo Milk - il latte Tea - il te Water - l’acqua Wine - il vino Pasta
Italian pasta comes in a confusing array of shapes and sizes. Here is a list that helps shed some light on what your meal is going to look like when it arrives at your table. Agnolotti – similar to ravioli, but smaller, usually stuffed with meat, cheese, vegetables. Calciuni – fried ravioli Cannelloni – large, tube-shaped pasta, usually filled with meat or cheese. Cappellini – very thin pasta, often called angel hair. Conchiglie – shells of pasta Farfalle – shaped like a butterfly or bow tie Fettuccine – thin noodles that are somewhat wider than spaghetti Fusilli – corkscrews Gnocchi – potato-based pasta dumplings Lasagne – Broad, flat noodles, usually baked with meat, cheese and tomato sauce Linguine – Flat noodles, wider than spaghetti, but narrower than fettuccine Maccheroni – elbow-shaped tubes, also called macaroni Orecchiette – small shells Pappardelle – broad, long noodles Penne – short pasta tubes Ravioli – pillows of pasta, usually stuffed with cheese, meat, or vegetables Rigatoni – short, large tubes Spaghetti – long, thin strands of pasta Tagliatelle – long, flat strands of pasta Tortellini – small, folded pillows of pasta, stuffed with cheese, meat or vegetables Ziti – large noodles, shaped like macaroni Pasta sauces Boscaiola – tomatoes, butter, cheese, mushrooms, olive oil, garlic Bolognese – meat, tomatoes, cheese Carbonara – olive oil, cheese, egg, bacon or ham Diavolo – tomato sauce with hot spices Genovese – basil, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil Marinara – tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, sometimes olives Napoletana – cheese, tomatoes, herbs Novelli – tomatoes, anchovies, cheese Puttanesca – tomatoes, black olives, peppers, olive oil, garlic Quattro Formaggi – literally, four cheese Siciliana – provolone cheese and eggplant |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |