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2009/10/24 21:13:10瀏覽3971|回應15|推薦51 | |
王尚智以“北京深秋的洗髮精與鄉愁”一文比較起了北京和台北的物價。閱文後不知怎的B竟多出了幾許奔亂的遐想?打趣就拿瑞士最普遍的超市Migros的大眾價(如果是Manor價位稍高,進Globus則更高),來一起比比看不同國度民生方面的物價!紅色的部份代表瑞士物價法朗CHF,簡單的以目前一瑞士法朗CHF約合三十台幣TW$計算(今天竟漲到TW$32.-,美金直直落台幣也就跟著跌,美金比瑞朗已是1:1),@=每單位。以下是Mr.王列的北京價位: 豆漿/950ml,RMB$ 9.8=TWD$ 44.1 優酪乳/900ml,RMB$ 15=TWD$ 72 優酪乳/300ml,CHF 1.96=TW$ 58.99x3=177(同份量900ml來比) 百分百純果汁/900ml,RMB$ 13.5=TWD$ 64.8 百分百純橘汁/750ml 需冷藏,CHF 3.80=TW$ 114 1000ml 無需冷藏,CHF 2.75=TW$ 83.5 百事可樂/550ml,RMB$ 2.5=TWD$ 12 可口可樂/500ml,半打裝CHF 7.50,@=TW$ 37.50 蕃茄/兩斤共五個,RMB$ 6=TWD$ 28.8 蕃茄有8種選擇/每公斤CFH 3.20-7.10=TW$ 96-213(高端的是Bio有機) 小黃瓜/兩斤共7根,RMB$ 6=TWD$ 28.8 小黃瓜不常見,大黃瓜一條CHF 1.65=TW$ 49.50,BioCHF 5.10=TW$ 153 沖泡燕麥片/600克,RMB$ 25=TWD$ 120 加牛奶或優格乳用的Muesli/600克,CHF 3.96-14.28=TW$ 111-428 日本Tsubaki洗髮精,RMB$ 85=TWD$ 408 洗髮精Dove250ml,CHF 4.95=TW$ 148.50 Head & Shoulders止頭皮癢的最貴250ml,CHF7.90=TW$237 捲筒衛生紙/十卷裝,RMB$ 25=TWD$ 120 9-16捲裝,@CHF 0.6-1.05=TW$ 18-31.50(同份量比TW$180-315) 他在台灣,曾經購買的類似用品: 義美無糖豆漿/1500ml,45元 味全蘆薈優酪乳/900ml,47元 每日C純果汁/900ml,45元 可口可樂/550ml,13元 桂格沖泡燕麥片,89元 日本Asience洗髮精,250元 衛生紙,加油站贈送,不用錢。 B再列舉瑞士一些常見超市全年販賣的食物價格,取本地低價乘以30等於台幣的價位: 蛋,每個進口=0.25-0.40,本地=0.55-0.85(偏高的是Bio)=TW$16.5 蘋果,現正是季節,@公斤=3.95-7.95(偏高的是Bio)=TW$118.5 香蕉,進口@公斤=2.8-3.95=TW$84 綠耶菜brocoli(美國花菜)@公斤=5.95-10.55(偏高的是Bio)=TW$178.5 白花菜,@公斤=5.20-8.95(偏高的是Bio)=TW$156 紅蘿蔔,@公斤=1.10-3.45(偏高的是Bio)=TW$33 四季豆,進口@公斤=9.30=TW$279 玉米,@公斤=5.20=TW$156 彩椒,進口@公斤=5.50=TW$165 蒜頭,進口@公斤=12.25=TW$367.5 草菇Champignon de Paris,@公斤=14=TW$420 麵粉,@公斤=1.95, 全麥=2.4=TW$58.5 黃蔗糖,@公斤=2.2=TW$66 白糖,@公斤=1.3 =TW$39 方糖100塊,@500克=3.60=TW$108 Filet牛排,@公斤=84-107=TW$2520 Entrecote牛排,@67=TW$2010 Filet Mignon豬排,@公斤=56.10=TW$1683 cotelettes豬排,@公斤=21-33.20=TW$630 全雞(去頭去腳和內臟)@公斤=9.8-18=TW$294 雞腿,@公斤=12-16.5=TW$360 Carlsberg啤酒,10x330ml=16.5=@TW$49.50 Heineken啤酒,12x250ml=14.7=@TW$36.75 Kronenbourg啤酒,12x250ml=16.4=TW$40.90 Perrier礦泉水半公升=1.15=TW$34.5 San Pellegrino半公升=0.8=TW$24(餐館喝4.8-10=TW$144-300) 城市公車票2.4起價=TW$72 要比火車就更貴了,譬如:日內瓦-Nyon(約23公里)一和二等車廂單程分別為8.2和13.6=TW$246和408(常搭火車的可以買一年期CHF150=TW$4500的半價證,每次搭乘只付半價) 看完了以上的比較,平心而論您是否會覺得生活在台灣,雖然品質不是頂尖;但以現有發展的公共設施(出門利用大眾交通工具)和各項民生物價(吃路邊攤或小餐館),如果能有份中等級的工作想安安穩穩的過日子,說來其實相對的容易。一般歐洲人的收入扣掉每個月的固定開支;其實能自由支配的並不多,很多家庭都需要嚴格的規劃收支才有辦法儲蓄。(很少家庭可以常常外食)人常常在比較之下才發現自己有多幸福,即使不住在天堂可也比大陸或者世界上許許多多的國家,還來得稱心和舒適啊!(在瑞士工作和生活最大的好處是:如果收支能有盈餘,出國旅行相較來得容易,被物價貴慣了出去玩也就比較捨得花。) Travel in Switzerland? (Longly Planet) CostsOkay, let's get this over and done with quickly: Switzerland is an expensive place. Even people from the UK and Scandinavia will notice this, although the difference between Switzerland and its European neighbours has narrowed over the years, especially since the introduction of the euro in 2002 in Switzerland's neighbouring countries sent prices in those countries soaring. Indeed, UK estate agents specialising in holiday properties in ski resorts have started promoting Switzerland, as nearest rival France becomes 'too expensive'! The floods of Swiss swarming over the French and Italian borders for cheaper goods are largely a thing of the past. One very good piece of news is that petrol in Switzerland is cheaper than in its neighbouring countries (Austria, France, Germany and Italy). Travellers from North America or Australia will find all of Europe more expensive, and the pain in Switzerland only marginally worse. Your biggest expenses while in Switzerland are likely to be long-distance public transport, accommodation and eating out. In the most modest hotels, expect to pay at least Sfr70/100 per single/double. A full meal with 500ml of house wine for two can easily cost Sfr50 to Sfr60 and up per person. But there are ways to keep costs down. Travel passes almost invariably provide big savings on trains, boats and buses. It is essential to check these out and see which might suit you. Camping, sleeping in barns in summer and staying at youth hostels are cheap (ish) accommodation options. Preparing your own meals, not drinking alcohol and eating at the many supermarket and department-store restaurants will keep your food budget under control. Finally, a student card will entitle you to reduced admission fees for many attractions. Your budget depends on how you live and travel. If you're moving around fast, going to lots of places, spending time in the big cities or major ski resorts, then your day-to-day living costs are going to be quite high; if you stay in one place and get to know your way around, they're likely to come down. The minimum that budget travellers can expect to scrape by on is about Sfr80 to Sfr100 per day, and that's if they stick to camping/hostelling, self-service restaurants or self-catering, hitching (or have previously purchased a rail pass), hiking instead of taking cable cars, visiting only inexpensive sights and confining alcohol consumption to bottles purchased in supermarkets. Add at least Sfr30 a day if you want to stay in a budget pension instead, and a further Sfr30 for a wider choice of restaurants and sightseeing options. You still have to be careful with your money at this level; if you have a larger budget available, you will have no trouble spending it! Always allow extra cash for emergencies. Admission prices on most museums and galleries range from Sfr5 to Sfr10, with a handful more expensive still. An expense that can blow any budget is trips on cable cars; these are rarely covered by travel passes (at best you can expect a 25% to 50% reduction). A short to medium ascent can cost Sfr10 to Sfr25. Return trips up and down Mt Titlis and Schilthorn exceed Sfr70. Tipping is not normally necessary, as hotels, restaurants, bars and even some taxis are legally required to include a 15% service charge in bills. However, if you've been very happy with a meal or service you could round up the bill (locals often do); hotel and railway porters will expect a franc or two per bag. Bargaining is virtually nonexistent, though you could certainly try asking for a discount on your hotel room in the low season. 參考文:B家的活力泉源? |
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