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大專學生醒醒吧 - 美國管理協會執行長 富蘭克森瓊斯 (Franklin P. Jones)
2006/09/19 13:35:19瀏覽207|回應0|推薦3


教授對剛入學的大一新生說:「假如,你們只要付低廉的入場費,就可以進到一家百貨公司,並且鑽石、寶石、手錶、體育用品及一切昂貴的衣物等,愛拿什麼就拿什麼; 只有一個條件以自己拿得走的為限。」只有傻瓜會說:「我只要拿幾個紙夾和一根鞋帶」吧? 


富蘭克森瓊斯 (Franklin P. Jones1887-1929),

US Businessman. President, CEO of American Management Assoc.


By the time lots of young men begin thinking seriously of a college education, they are graduates.

“”Suppose,” said the professor to the incoming freshmen, “”that by paying a modest sum, you could get a permit to go into the largest store and help yourself to everything – diamonds, precious stones, watches, sporting goods, expensive clothing – the only limit being what you could carry away.  Only a fool would say, “Guess I’ll take a paper of pins and a string.”  

Consider the imbecility of the young who pays for a college education which entitles him, to the limit of his capacity, to absorb the accumulated wisdom of the ages, to intimate acquaintance with the geniuses of all time, to acknowledge of the universe; and who then says, “Guess I’ll take a snap course, ride a pony over the hard place, and be xontent to keep an eyelash above the flunking point.” 

- 摘錄自 「珠璣語」p.44,黃文範譯 爾雅出版社

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