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成就與成功 - 海倫海絲 (Helen Hayes)
2006/09/18 23:41:23瀏覽933|回應0|推薦3

Distinction between achievement and success

Don’t let the fact that you can’t do all you want to do, keep you from doing what you can do. 

Helen Hayes once said that her mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. Her mother advised her that "achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that's nice too, but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success." 

Bits & Pieces, August, 1989.

- Helen Hayes[u1] , Actor. Best Known As: "The First Lady of the American Theater"

 [u1]Hayes (hāz)



海倫海絲(Helen Hayes) 說,她母親對『成就』和『成功』做了一番區別: 


-海倫海絲(美國戲劇天后,第5屆奧斯卡最佳女主角獎,「斷腸花或譯戰地晴天」(The Sin of Modelon Claudet)

Helen Hayes had a career on the stage that spanned[u1]  nearly the entire 20th century, from her New York debut at the age of 9 to TV appearances when she was in her eighties. Her reputation was established on Broadway, and she is mostly known for her work on the stage, including plays such as Happy Birthday, Time Remembered and especially as Queen Victoria in Victoria Regina.

 [u1]Span : [ ]n. 礅距;跨度一段時間

Over a short span of three years a surprising amount has been achieved.




持續,包括,延伸到A bridge spanned the river.


( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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