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愛情與事業的選擇 Coco Chanel
2006/09/18 22:23:04瀏覽687|回應0|推薦5

God knows I wanted love.
But the moment I had to choose
between the man I loved and my dresses,
I chose the dresses.

- Coco Chanel  

The Designer

COCO CHANEL She was shrewd[u1] , chic[u2]  and on the cutting edge[u3] . The clothes she created changed the way women looked and how they looked at themselves


Coco Chanel wasn't just ahead of her time. She was ahead of herself. If one looks at the work of contemporary fashion designers as different from one another as Tom Ford, Helmut Lang, Miuccia Prada[u4] , Jil Sander and Donatella Versace, one sees that many of their strategies echo what Chanel once did. The way, 75 years ago, she mixed up the vocabulary of male and female clothes and created fashion that offered the wearer a feeling of hidden luxury rather than ostentation[u5]  are just two examples of how her taste and sense of style overlap[u6]  with today's fashion. 


Chanel passed away at the Ritz Hotel. She was still working in 1971 when she died at the age of 87. (ChanelRitz Hotel 有個辦公室

From the Jun. 8, 1998 issue of TIME magazine

 [u1]Shrewd KK: [ ]a.精明的;狡猾的機靈的,敏銳的, 聰穎的

Her brother is a shrewd businessman.她兄弟是個精明的生意人。

His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife.他那敏銳的目光射向他的妻子。

 [u2]Chic KK: [ ]a. n.瀟灑的;別緻的;時髦的

 [u3]cutting edge KK [ ] KK: [ ] ph.最前線;尖端, 最重要的位置

California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide.


 [u4]Miuccia Prada (born 1949) is a designer. In 1978, she inherited the Prada SpA business from her mother, and she and her husband Patrizio Bertelli led the company's expansion into haute couture. The leading establishments or designers for the creation of exclusive fashions.

 [u5]Ostentation KK: [ ]n. (名詞 noun)虛飾;賣弄

 [u6]Overlap KK: [ ]


The new office overlaps the functions of the one already in existence.


n. 重疊

Where is the overlap?


There is a small overlap between the two circles.






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