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You Can't Be My Queen
2008/06/23 03:44:36瀏覽331|回應0|推薦10


Charlotte is too short to be a queen. No matter how much she supplicates Prince Karlson for recognition that she is the most qualified queen he could ever have, Prince Karlson cannot do anything but smirk and say: “You are too short.” Prince Karlson is not really cold-blooded. He needs to consider the reputation of his kingdom. He needs a queen who can sit elegantly next to him when he receives royal guests and kings from other kingdoms. The problem is not about sitting elegantly. Charlotte can do that, too. The problem is to be seen. Prince Karlson needs to let his queen to be seen. Charlotte argues that she can be seen, too. But she cannot be seen that way. Prince Karlson would have to let Charlotte stand on his palm, and raise her highly above his head. It doesn’t work that way. Prince Karson cannot accept that. Even though he loves Charlotte, he cannot abandon conventions. Charlotte cannot be his queen.

**The image is created by Lang Leav.

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