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Rusty Pink (Literary Fiction)
2008/06/19 03:21:37瀏覽242|回應2|推薦3

Red fades. The reason why the color becomes faint in hue after being exposed to sunlight through time is because it contains blood. Yes, blood, the blood from tiny white bugs, known as cochineal beetles. If you have a chance to pick up this small creature from a cactus and squeeze the bug’s body, you will first feel its hard scale, and then its body pops like bubble wrap and leaves a thick red stain on your palm. Since no one in town was able to resist the organic fashion, the production of these red stains mixed with metal salts has taken over the artificial red paint industry. I painted my door with this organic red. After the summer sunlight shone on my red door through the wood-framed window every day for one month, my door looked rusty pink.

I wouldn’t have noticed that the color had faded if I didn’t see myself reflected on this shining surface of the elevator while waiting to go down that morning. I was wearing a new red necktie, as red as the paint I bought in the organic paint shop. I looked at the tie, and I looked the door. They had different color. Was this reflection really I? The person in the reflection stood straight but with the head leaning to the right shoulder as if the head didn’t connect with the body, but the eyeballs were twirling to the right and left. The sun shone through the window. The shadow paved the contour at the feet in front of him. It was a man. Even though I didn’t have a sufficient reason to prove it was a man, I was sure it was not a woman. The shape of the shadow wouldn’t change much if this man standing here with his clothes on or not. As it was a dark grey shadow, of course it wasn’t even necessary to concern about the red tie. If this man in the reflection was real me, was I naked? Or did I have my white shirt in blue and white-stripe suit with a red tie on just as the man in the reflection on the shining surface? If I did, should I trust the color of the red tie rather than forcing myself to believe that the door was in the same color as one month earlier? I wasn’t sure if I was still in my sleep, and this was just happening in my dream. I wouldn’t have stood here in front of the elevator this early as the light in the hallway was still on. But I stood there. I heard “Ding”. The elevator door opened. Samuel walked out of the elevator. “Good morning, Mr. Travis.” I never heard Samuel speak that loud before. I saw the shadow on the floor have a sudden shake as if there was an electrical shock. I raised my head and saw Samuel, and I heard two cars driving by on the street. I was not in my dream. I had to go down and I had to arrive in Hambridge at four o’clock in the afternoon.

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Thank you...
2008/06/20 13:54
I learned something today about cochineal. Thank you!
哈哈! I am about as far from being "arty" as it comes…
Not being a movie buff as you seem to be, I have not seen “Singing Detective.” You, however, have provoked my curiosity about the film. I will look it up next time I am in our neighborhood library.
You are obviously a very talented writer. I enjoy very much your articles…
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-20 15:10 回覆:

The pleasure is mine as well. I am glad you enjoy my writing. I like your keen observation in your articles, too.

I haven't seen the movie version of "The Singing Detective". The one I saw was a tv series made in the 80s. The main character was played by Michael Gambon. I remember his "am I right or am I right?"

Going organic...
2008/06/20 01:14
Going organic -- to the extent of mixing beetle's blood in the stain?
Wow, this is too wield, maybe I ought to look into it.
Your account of the scenes in front of the elevator door says that you're most likely an artist... Am I right or am I right?
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-20 01:56 回覆:

I should have made it clearer that this is a literary fiction.  It is a sequent of "On the Eleventh Floor" that I worte earlier.

The red stains are the beetles' blood. I learn that in the old days (the earliest could be derived from 16th century when the Spainish cononial period started) they grew cactus farms and these beetles were the parasites living in cacti. The purpose of the whole farming was to produce the color, which was mixed the beetles' blood with metal salts. They called this color cochineal. During the old days, they mainly used for coloring food or cosmetics. Later painters used it on their palette, but they were warned that the color would fade by the light and time. Of course, after chemicals were invented. The beetles' blood hasn't been used that much any more. As writing this pice, I was imagining this red color from beetles' blood might go with the organic fashion. Of course I made this all up.

It is very interesting that you read the scenes in front of the elevator that way. You must be very arty yourself. I didn't think of the scenes that way when I wrote. I am trying to think what I was thinking. Perhaps I tried to express how the character (Richard Travis, not I, the real I)sees himself and senses his surroundings at that moment of waiting.   

I assume you enjoy "Singing Detective", too. Am I right or am I right?