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2008/06/20 08:44:50瀏覽342|回應3|推薦14



**Sarah Nelson的彩色玻璃作品


He’s never thought that the red spider and he were on the same side.

He was walking tiptoe with the spray in his right hand into this yellow dim room. His index finger was ready to press the spray. He kept his upper body still. His ears detected the fly’s route. His eyes followed its flying green front. The fly stopped on arm of the black couch. He pressed the white spray in an instant. He missed. But the smell pervaded on this side of the room. It reminded him the smell of her long hair. He remembered when he had her in his arm, he was searching for a similar odor. At this moment, he realized it was the smell of the insect spray. The fly gave up flying on this side of the room. He slowly approached the fly that had stopped on the steel window frame. He pressed the spray again. This time, the fly flied backwards as if it jumped up, but attached itself on the spider net at the corner of the window.

**The stained glass artwork is by Sarah Nelson.

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2008/06/22 10:59
Oh, we are all students in life. Aren’t we?
Yes, it is more fun to visualize things in your head. In some professions, this ability is a must -- take dentistry as an example, a dental student has to demonstrate proficient perceptual ability in DAT (Dental Admission Test).
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-23 00:18 回覆:
Haha...certainly, today, from you, I have learnt something about water and what a dentist has to go through since being a dental student. I always think a dentist must feel ambivalent about his profession most of the time. He has to picture(imagine) what perfection should be, and at the same time he has to confront imperfect reality. But I can imagine(again, haha...) a good dentist must have the ability of unfettering the uncertainty and decide what course to follow, even though there is no such thing as perfection. On the other hand, it seems that the rule could apply to any profession, no? As being a dental patient, my understanding is way beyond my painful experience. A dentist can really hurt me with water!   

The rewrite is as great as the original...
2008/06/22 06:17
I took a glimpse at your other blog. It is indeed easier to read and easier to tell that you have covered a variety of subjects (and even with your favorite movies in alphabetic order). I am impressed! I have book-marked it and I look forward to reading them this summer (we are on our summer break). Thanks.

I maybe a visual person. If I am, I have not noticed it (哈哈!). You did say the room was yellow, the spray was white, the sofa was black, and we all know the colors of the fly and the spider…
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-22 09:33 回覆:

Yeah, I think it is easier to read, too. I look forward to having your comment, too. I guess you are student as you said that you have the privilege of taking a summer break. Am I right?

I would say it is more of a gift to be able to imagine things visually. It is more fun, too. I just put on the words of colors (yellow, white, black...). You paint the colors yourself in your mind imaginatively.

2008/06/21 22:40
是先以中文寫作在翻譯成英文的嗎? Or, was it the other way?
What a clever plot!
I should add… the colors in this are as vivid as in “Rusty Pink”(哈!).
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-06-22 00:22 回覆:

This one I wrote it in English first. But I think I didn't write the Chinese version in a way of translation. It is more like rewriting, even though it is the same scene. The words of the English layout in this website are often cutoff. If you wish to read in a more pleasant layout, I invite you to come to http://bellaliu.blogspot.com/ where I first started blogging, and I keep posting on these two blog services.

I am glad you enjoy it. As you are sensitive in colors, do you think you are more of a visual person?