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Ocean at Night
2008/07/01 23:54:42瀏覽607|回應2|推薦8

Ocean at night
as a nymph lying under the starry sky
Night breeze
caresses the revisiting sails
On this white beach
collects a lover’s tears

( 創作詩詞 )
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I would say...
2008/07/02 11:06
I would say I liked the English version slightly better… When it comes to poems, do you think modern Chinese generally leaves less room for imagination as compared to English?

Again, both your poems are absolutely beautiful.
劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-07-02 12:45 回覆:

Thank you.

I take that when you say "modern Chinese", you mean the colloquial Chinese, right? If yes, I wouldn't rule out the possiblilty that modern Chinese could be mastered well in imagination. So the question would become who conducts the language. Some Chinese experts might even argue that modern Chinese can do even better than English. In my opinion, it depends on how well a writer (poet, in this case) can handle the connotations of the terms, especially when it comes to poetry. Certainly, even the same term (same literal meaning in Chinese and in English) could have different connotations in both languages. That's why I think a good translation needs a lot of effort.  

I am glad you enjoy the poems. I hope you won't be disappointed too much in modern Chinese for my amateurish Chinese-poem writing.

beautiful poems...
2008/07/02 00:13

Both versions are really nice...  Did you find yourslef having a better handle with the English version?

劉建伶(bellaliu) 於 2008-07-02 00:25 回覆:
Do you like the English version better? I agree with you. I think I have to work on my Chinese more. It seems I have to make more effort to let my Chinese writing not seem so conventional, even though I don't know if I have achieved so.