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如何做超級腦子瑜伽 How to Do Super Brain Yoga
2009/06/01 10:22:35瀏覽2104|回應1|推薦0

( 請先觀看上則報導 )

Stress and too many responsibilities can get the best of any of us. We may lag behind in school, work, and other activities, and it may seem there is never a long enough break to just relax until the next task comes up. If you do not have time for a full yoga class or other method of relaxation, you can spend just 45 seconds every day doing Super Brain Yoga.
壓力和許多責任可能超越我們其中任一位。 我們在學校、工作和其他活動也許落後,並且直到下項任務出來前似乎沒有一個太久的休息足以放鬆。 如果您沒有充分的瑜伽類或其他放鬆方法,每天您可以做45秒的超級腦子瑜伽操。

It may look goofy at first, but once you realize the benefits of Super Brain Yoga, you will be recommending it to friends and family.
它也許起初看起來愚蠢 ; 但是一旦您體會超級腦子瑜伽的好處,您便會推薦它給朋友和家庭。

Step 1. Face the sunrise. This form of yoga should be done in the morning, so that your concentration and stress relief will apply throughout the whole day.
第1步 面對日出。 這個形式的瑜伽應該在早晨完成,因此集中力和壓力消除效果將延伸到全天。

Step 2. Take your left hand and hold your right earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb. Make sure that the thumb is facing away from you. Remove any jewelry before proceeding.
第2步 左手食指和拇指握拉您的右耳垂,並確定拇指甲面是背向臉。在進行之前請卸下所有首(掛)飾。

Step 3. Take your right hand and hold your left earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb. Once again, make sure that your thumb is facing away from you, and remove any jewelry from this ear as well. [For energizing and activating the Left Brain and the Right Brain, the left arm must be inside, while the right arm must be outside.]
右手食指和拇指握拉左耳垂並確定拇指甲面是背向臉。再次確認已卸下所有首(掛)飾。 [為活絡全腦左手上 ; 右手下]

Step 4. Continue to hold your lobes as you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
第4步 持續握拉耳垂,舌頂上鍔。

Step 5. Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down to the ground.
第5步 鼻吸並慢慢地蹲下。

Step 6. Hold your breath and do not exhale until you start making your way back up to a standing position. Continue holding your lobes and sticking your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you perform this move.
第6步 屏息直到回復到立姿才吐氣。持續握拉耳垂和舌頂上鍔。

Step 7. Repeat this action 14 more times, for a total of 15. You may not notice a change immediately, but after a few weeks an improvement in concentration should become apparent.
第7步 重複上述動作14次(總共15次),也許沒有立即的改變 ; 但是在注意力集中上應該得到明顯的改善。

( 摘要自 www.ehow.com/how_2330888_do-super-brain-yoga.html )

更多關於 "超級腦子瑜伽"

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2010/07/06 19:38
第6段的前半英文是說 : 屏息直到要"開始"站立上來再吐氣 .........
所以不是要站立的過程不吐氣  是邊吐邊站起來

還是謝謝你的資訊  不知是不是有效 ~ ~