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2010/02/10 00:12:33瀏覽3997|回應49|推薦220 | |
有名的電影對白 快過年了. Apple想讓大家輕鬆一下. 首先請看我做的葱油大餅, 直徑八吋(約20公分). 麵是發過的, 餅裡層次分明, 鬆軟多葱. 餅可用小火烙, 也可以用烤箱烤, 吃起來都差不多. 這是Apple第一次貼照片-- 色香味俱全的手工葱油大餅. 請慢用. 下面是有名的電影對白. 您猜猜看是什麼演員, 在什麼電影裡說的. 1. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. 親愛的, 坦白告訴妳, 我才不管妳的死活... 2. Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 透透, 我感覺我們已不在堪薩斯了. 3. He's looking at you, kid. 小鬼, 他在看妳呢. 4. Go ahead, make my day! 來吧, 怕你不成! 5. May the Force be with you. 願你有神力! 6. Love means never having to say you're sorry. 愛是永遠不必說抱歉滴. 7. E.T. Phone home. 8. I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more. 氣死我了, 老子不幹了! 9. A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans. 有一個戶口普查員要試探我. 我吃了他的肝配蠶豆. 10. Bond, James Bond. 11. There's no place like home. 天下沒有一處像家(那麼溫馨). 12. Show me the money! 秀錢出來! 13. Play it, Sam. Play 'as Time Goes By'. 山姆, 彈那首"時光流轉". 14. After all, tomorrow is another day! 算了, 明天是新的一天! 15. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 16. I see dead people..... 我看到死人.... 17. Houston, we have a problem. 休士頓, 我們有一點麻煩. 下面三題與電影無關. 18. (x-a) (x-b) (x-c) (x-d)......(x-z) = ? Please simplify. 19. Where did Noah strike the last nail in the Ark? 20. Which word becomes longer when you remove one of its letters? 新年快樂! 葱油大餅做法: . 4杯麵粉 . 一又半杯溫水 . 2湯匙糖(餵酵母菌吃的) . 7克(1/4 oz)發酵粉 a. 材料通通倒在烤麵包機裡. 開動. 等到麵團漲成兩倍. b. 取出麵團分成三份. 擀成薄餅. c. 塗油. 灑鹽. 灑碎葱. d. 捲起成螺旋狀. 擀成圓餅. 醒十分鐘. 此時可洗手. e. 用一匙油小火煎餅(加蓋)至金黃. 翻面去蓋稍煎加色. or brush the dough with oil, bake at 350 F, until golden. 1.) Clark Gable, Gone with the Wind 2.) Judy Garland, The Wizard of Oz 3.) Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca 4.) Clint Eastwood, Sudden Impact 5.) Harrison Ford, Star Wars 6.)Ali MacGraw, Love Story 7.) E.T. 8.) Peter Finch, Network 9.) Anthony Hopkins, Silence of the Lambs 10.) Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig, etc. 007. 11.) Judy Garland, Oz 12.) Cuba Gooding, Jr. Jerry Maguire 13.) Ingrid Bergman, Casablanca, 14.) Vivien Leigh, Gone w/the Wind 15.) Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump 16. )Haley Osmeut, The 6th Sense 17.) Tom Hanks, Apollo 13 18) Zero 19) on its head 20) lounger Apple Feb-10-2010 |
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