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2016/12/10 10:21:25瀏覽259|回應21|推薦0 | |
动漫:秦时明月 still my favorist.
秦时明月之百步飞剑 夜尽天明 诸子百家 万里长城 君临天下 天行九歌 荆轲外传 空山鸟语 帝子降兮 罗生堂下 天外天——忆天雪剑秋之死 画江湖之不良人(唐亡-五代) quite good
择天记 very interesting 墓王之王麒麟决 not bad
三剑豪之半面人 it's OK 莽荒纪 武庚纪(商) 太乙仙魔录之灵飞纪 镇魂街 口水封神
I hope china 动漫 makers can create all of our dynasties stories including 旧石器 新石器 古国 方国 帝国.
I read 女娲成长日记 novel, not bad.
As I said our long history is very priceless could cerate many excellent and interesting 动漫s.
Just heard about 网剧《法医秦明》的热播 , I'm glad to hear about it. I watched many detective shows including British, Franch, Italy, German-Italy, and usa(unfortunatey I hardly like comparing with British and Franch).
I always wonder when I can see china made detective-related(we did have famous ancestors stories but seems stopped not continue, or lack of good writers/re-writers).
大汉天子(汉武帝)--very good
花千骨--can't say I like ...childish
朱雀记 庆余年 间客 将夜 --very good
女娲成长日记--quite interesting
白鹿原---too busy not yet finish
阿宝 宋祖英 蒙古族 德德玛 乌兰托娅 降央卓玛 央金兰泽 云朵 格格 诺尔曼 布仁巴雅尔 --my favorist 草原之歌
彝族歌手曲比阿乌 彝人制造妈妈 南彝组合阿依妞妞 阿也龙龙原唱彝族山歌
阿木 吉杰祝酒歌 阿果 老罗语录高山族 朝鲜族 ROC/taiwan 周璇 邓丽君 蔡琴 费玉清 --unfortunately taiwan is lack of 草原之歌-type |
( 休閒生活|影視戲劇 ) |