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2023/12/17 21:57:02瀏覽74|回應0|推薦0 | |
playing with fire和漢語中的玩火自焚意思是對等的,換句話說就是冒險,自找毀滅。
Climbing that mountain in this bad weather is playing with fire.
He was playing with fire when he swam across that river at night!
另一個同火相關的短語,add fuel to the fire也有對應的漢語成語,即火上澆油。
John’s poor excuse for being late just added fuel to the fire.
Jane was furious.
今日小常識 The verb "to fire" can also mean to shoot. In military battles, soldiers were commanded to "Fire!" when they had to start shooting at the enemy. "Enemy fire" is what they got in return.
"Fire" 也可以作動詞來使用,意是射擊。在軍事戰場上,當長官發出射擊令的時候會說 "Fire!" 士兵就必須開始向敵人射擊。
被射擊的一方會反擊,也是「敵人炮火」enemy fire.
https://www.bbc.com/ukchina/trad/elt/english_now/2013/07/130704_todays_phrase_playing_with_fire |
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