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cold turkey
2020/12/26 16:28:06瀏覽96|回應0|推薦0
Cold turkey 意為「(戒除毒癮、菸癮或酒癮等出現痛苦不適的) 戒斷症狀」,但指的是事先未做好準備或採取逐漸減量的方式就突然戒斷所出現的痛苦與不適。Cold turkey 源於北美,字面意思為「冷火雞肉」,其比喻意思可能與晚餐時端上一盤冷火雞肉的概念有關,因為這表示該頓晚餐事先並未做太多的準備。
Cold turkey 現在主要用來表示突然戒除毒癮、菸癮或酒癮等時所出現的痛苦與不適,甚至可表示嘎然而止、突然完全停止某事的意思。這個名詞起初意為「直言不諱;照實說;有話直說,別拐彎抹角」,當副詞用,如 to talk cold turkey (to somebody) 意為「(對某人) 直言不諱」。然而,to talk cold turkey 現已被 to talk turkey 所取代,後者已成為常用的口語,如 Okay, John, we have business to discuss. Let’s talk turkey. (不錯,約翰,我們有事要討論。我們就有話直說,別拐彎抹角了)。至於「突然戒除毒癮、菸癮或酒癮等;突然完全停止某事」的意思,則用 quit cold turkey 或 go cold turkey on something 來表示。
Two years ago Kevin went cold turkey on a three-pack-a-day smoking habit. (兩年前,凱文突然戒掉一天抽三包菸的習慣)
More and more people want to quit smoking cold turkey. (越來越多人想斷然戒菸)
Britain went cold turkey on free trade with EU. (英國突然完全停止與歐盟的自由貿易)
What exactly does cold turkey mean? It usually means stopping smoking all at once rather than gradually cutting down to no cigarettes.
But many people, when they say “I went cold turkey", mean that they quit suddenly and they quit without the help of quitting products.
Whenever we quit something on the spot we call it "quitting cold turkey".

( 知識學習語言 )
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