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2018/11/13 09:06:21瀏覽696|回應0|推薦0
campaign rally 的意思就是選舉時的造勢集會
campaign 的意思是「競選活動」,而 rally 則是「(示威)集會」的意思。
所以 campaign rally 的意思就是選舉時的造勢集會。
My parents forced me to join a campaign rally with them yesterday.

party 政黨
執政黨的英文是 ruling / governing party,而反對黨的英文則是 opposition party

primary election 內部初選 黨內初選

nomination 提名
I heard that the competition for the presidential nomination was fierce.

poll 民調
According to the polls released yesterday, the mayors approval rating was at 65%.
(根據昨天出爐的民調顯示,市長的支持度是 65 %。)

ballot 選票、投票
Ballot 當名詞時的意思是「選票」,而當動詞使用時的意思則是「投票」。而選票箱的英文就是 ballot box。
A: Hey, which candidates will you cast a ballot for?
B: Nah, I dont want to vote for anyone.

relative plurality system 相對多數決制
Relative 的意思是「相對的」,plurality 的意思是「多數」,relative plurality 就是「相對多數」。
而台灣各級行政首長選舉即是採用相對多數決制(relative plurality system)來決定當選者。

term in office 任期
A: The president spared no effort in resolving ethnic conflicts, which was recognized as one of his greatest achievements during his term in office.
B: I really admire him. He is the best president Ive ever seen.

continue in office 連任
Continue 的意思是「繼續」,office 在這裡的意思是「(政府)職位」,所以 continue in office 就是「連任」的意思。

landslide victory 壓倒性勝選
Landslide 字面的意思是「坍方」,victory 的意思是「勝利」。
The legislator won a landslide victory in the election, getting nearly 70 percent of the votes.
該國會議員(立法委員)在選舉中贏得了壓倒性的勝利, 得到了近七成的選票.
The Conservatives gained a landslide victory and were returned for a second term of government.
The Democratic Progressive Party won a landslide victory in the 2014 national election. 
Legislators-at-large are nominated by the political parties, and the number of seats is determined by the number of votes that each party gets.

election day 選舉日
election fever 選舉熱潮
candidate 候選人
solicit votes 拉票
rally 造勢
ballot paper 選票
polling station 投票所
campaign 競選活動
win the election 當選 (凍蒜)

補充: 有時候選舉候選人都不是很理想的時候,會讓人想投廢票,那廢票的英文要怎麼說呢?
spoiled vote
null vote- null 是無效的意思
void ballot- void 是空白的意思,空白的選票當然業就是廢票

vast : 大量的;多數的
The policy is supported by the vast majority of citizens.

overtake : 追趕上;超越
She overtook the other runners and went on to win the race.

deliver promise : 實現承諾
Don’t make promises that you know you can’t deliver.

Protest march 抗議遊行
A protest march is a type of protest or demonstration that generally involves a group of people walking from an assembly point to a predetermined destination, usually culminating in a political rally, and often evoking a military march or parade.
( 知識學習語言 )
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