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2004台北電影節我的推薦: 鬥牛士The Bullfighter 3/21(日)13:00 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 3/31(三)15:40 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 西班牙Spain 1986 110mins 35mm Color 派德羅阿莫多瓦 Pedro ALMODOVAR 一個是因傷退休轉而經營訓練學校的英俊鬥牛士,一個是在性高潮時用髮簪殺死男人的美艷女律師,在不可抑扼的殺人快感中,把愛慾的非理性,推到了驚人的高峰,是阿莫多瓦全盛時期的代表作之一。安東尼奧班德拉斯從本片開始加入阿莫多瓦的陣容,飾演一個能感應到謀殺案發生的鬥牛士學生,清純的演出,與其現今形象大異其趣。 A retired matador who finds a new way to satiate his desire to kill. He meets his match in an equally deadly woman and the two are drawn closer together by a young bullfighting student who confesses to a series of murders. 瀕臨崩潰邊緣的女人Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown 3/24(三)13:00 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 3/29(一)20:50 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 西班牙 Spain 1988 90mins 35mm Color 派德羅阿莫多瓦 Pedro ALMODOVAR 阿莫多瓦前期作品最重要的女演員卡門莫拉,在本片展現了高度飽滿的演技張力,飾演一個被男友拋棄的女演員,一面急於找尋避不見面的男友攤牌,同時還要應付男友精神失常的妻子不停騷擾,之後所有角色像推骨牌般一一出現又彼此牽制。因此,瀕臨崩潰邊緣的「女人」是「複數」而非「單數」。全片結構之複雜、人物之多,堪稱阿莫多瓦作品之最,也將他推向國際舞台的頂尖。 Surreal and hilarious romp through the lives of Maura, her ex-lover, his crazed wife, his new lover, his son, and his son's girlfriend. There's also Maura's friend Barranco, who inadvertantly lent her apartment to Shiite terrorists. They meet in a comedy of errors, missed phone calls, and rental notices, while discovering the truth and necessity of love. 布紐爾、羅卡與達利Bunuel and King Solomon's Table ★★★★★★ 3/22(一)15:30 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 3/28(日)13:00 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 西班牙 2001 105mins 35mm Color 卡洛斯索拉Spain Carlos SAURA 時值1930年代,超現實主義電影宗師布紐爾突發奇想,想拍攝一部尋找「所羅門王的桌子」的電影,傳聞這張桌子可以讓人看到過去、現在與未來,於是和好友詩人羅卡、畫家達利,在馬德里南方的托利多,展開了探勘。或許布紐爾在這張桌子看到了未來會有人將此段經歷拍成電影,這個人就是索拉。索拉用這部雜揉影史軼事的作品,緬懷自己趕不上的歲月,也向前輩大師們致敬。 Luis Bunuel, the godfather of cinematic Surrealism, is accompanied by friends Frederico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali to in a search for the missing table of King Solomon, which is known to have the power to see in the past, the present and the future. 飼養烏鴉Cria! 3/23(二)18:30 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 3/29(一)15:30中山堂 Chungshan Hall 西班牙Spain 1976 110mins 35mm Color 卡洛斯索拉 Carlos SAURA 小女孩安娜目睹母親深受病痛折磨而死,不專情的父親成為她眼中的罪魁禍首,於是安娜決定毒死父親,結果竟然成功了。當姑媽繼而成為他們姊妹的新監護人後,安娜故技重施,結果……。《飼養烏鴉》堪稱索拉七○年代最成功的作品,女童星安娜托蘭兼具純潔與邪惡的表演,已成經典;卓別林的長女裘拉汀卓別林,也是當時銀幕下的索拉夫人,分飾兩角的功力,亦令人難忘。 The marvelous, almost otherworldly Ana Torrent stars as an 8-year-old girl who is convinced she holds the power of life and death over her house’s inhabitants. Winner of the Special Jury Award at Cannes, CRIA! is Saura at his very best - mysterious, breathtaking, inescapable. A級控訴Ararat 4/1(四)18:30 中山堂 Chungshan Hall ( 加拿大Genie Award最佳影片服裝音樂女演員男配角) 加拿大Canada 2002 115mins 35mm Color 艾騰伊格言 Atom EGOYAN (拍馬友友”巴哈靈感”者) 一如《悲情城市》之於侯孝賢,對於亞美尼亞裔的加拿大名導艾騰伊格言來說,《A級控訴》是一部勢必要拍的作品。當土耳其仍然否認1915年「亞美尼亞集體屠殺事件」發生過,伊格言以豐富的形式,辯證的觀點,串聯起亞美尼亞、土耳其到加拿大這趟橫跨地理與時間的旅程,全片氣勢恢弘,格局龐大,早已超越單純的仇恨,而有更深邃的關照。對於強調「城市、對望、世界觀」的台北電影節而言,宛如完美的註腳與句點。 ARARAT is a contemporary story of two estranged families and their search for reconciliation and truth. Seamlessly shifting through time, Atom Egoyan explores the quest for personal, sexual and cultural identity through the intimate moments shared by lovers, families, enemies and strangers. 唐吉訶德Don Quixote, Knight Errant 3/25(四)15:30 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 3/31(三)18:20 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 西班牙Spain 2002 122mins 35mm Color 曼紐古提瑞亞拉岡 Manuel Gutierrez ARAGON 自從塞萬提斯寫下唐吉訶德與侍從的冒險故事後,他們就成了歷史與文學的名人。唐吉訶德穿著過時的文藝復興時期盔甲,不顧姪女與管家的反對,在眾人的嘲笑聲中,這位「瘋狂」的騎士毅然決然踏上新的旅程,前去營救他的情人。照例忠心耿耿的僕從,在一旁激勵並陪伴著他。亞拉岡在二十一世紀剛開始,打算用全新的角度來詮釋唐吉訶德的故事,也成就了一場華麗的銀幕冒險。 After hearing that the Turks were coming down the coast with a dangerous navy, Don Quixote de La Mancha, Knight Errant, will once more sally forth, in spite of his niece and housekeeper’s objections, and engage in a new battle that starts in La Mancha and ends at the coast. 不看你的眼Take My Eyes 3/26(五)18:20 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 4/1(四)13:00 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 西班牙Spain 2003 116mins 35mm Color 艾西雅波蓮恩Iciar BOLLAIN (哥雅獎最佳影片導演劇本男女演員及配樂) 寒冷的冬夜裡,琵拉帶著兒子和簡單的行李逃離原本屬於她的家。璜,她的丈夫,在接受醫生輔導後,亦步亦趨地跟蹤她、看著她,請求她回心轉意。這是一部關於「家暴」卻遠超乎於此的傑作,完全沒有暴力場面的渲染,卻讓人看了不寒而慄,感同身受。演員出身的女導演艾西雅波蓮恩不僅導技非凡,更激發了男女主角的演技張力,被譽為本年度最傑出的西班牙電影。 In the middle of a cold winter night, a young woman takes her son and a few belongings and flees her abusive home. She knows her husband will look for her. She is everything to him, and she has “given him her eyes…” On her own, she will have to come to terms with reality, and learn the difference between home and hell, love and pain, protection and horror. 誰來為卡夫卡塑像Pupendo 3/28(日)15:20 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 3/31(三)13:00 中山堂 Chungshan Hall 捷克Czech 2003 120mins 35mm Color 揚霍雷布克 Jan HREBEJK (提名五項捷克金獅,2003Karlovy Vary國際影展水晶球競賽) 繼《甜蜜的永遠》、《分道不揚鑣》後,霍雷布克再次以精采的悲喜劇,觸動影迷的心。雕塑家馬哈因政治因素,不得不放棄創作生涯,淪落到製作撲滿維生;而他親愛的家人和朋友,也因為情感與命運使然,彼此交纏出繁複的生命風景,在時代的迷霧中,倉皇尋找著理想的方向。影片精準地掌握八○年代的情調,透過不斷的互文指涉,及捷克電影幽默自嘲的傳統,標記了對於時代、價值、情感、成長等種種記憶的懷想與寬容。 The movie focuses on several tragicomic incidents in the life of a Prague sculptor whose promising career is cut short by the Communist regime. An infantile initiation ritual practiced by school children lent its name to this third cooperative effort by director Jan Hrebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovsky…
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