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2010/02/20 20:53:24瀏覽8033|回應5|推薦23 | |
(Montgomery Burns - The Simpsons 中的黑心核電廠老板。哈佛校友流傳此角色的造型是根據 Professor Michael Sandel 塑造的。哈哈!與本人照片還真有一點像呢!但是,Mr. Burns的個性卻與Prof. Sandel有天壤之別!這算是製作The Simpsons的哈佛校友的幽默吧!﹞ 格友 Golf Nut 近作 正義:怎麼做才對一文中有提到哈佛大學教授 Professor Michael Sandel 有關「正義」的演講,我特地找出之前聽到的演講與大家分享! 2009年英國家廣播製作的 The Reith Lectures 邀請哈佛大學教授 Professor Michael Sandel 就「新公民」﹝A New Citizenship﹞演講,我在澳洲國家廣播網上聽到,非常喜歡。 Professor Michael Sandel 是我所知道的學者中,少數能將道德、正義等非常抽象的哲學講得生動易懂的。在此與有興趣的朋友們分享! (資料來源:ABC 澳洲國家廣播,連結網頁中有演講書面紀錄及MP3錄音可下載。) 1. 2009 Reith Lecture Series: A New Citizenship - Part One: Markets and Morals (市場機制與道德) Professor Michael Sandel delivers four lectures about the prospects of a new politics of the common good. The series is presented and chaired by Sue Lawley. 2. 2009 Reith Lecture Series: A New Citizenship - Part Two:Morality in Politics (政治裡的道德哲學) Today Professor Michael Sandel considers the role of moral argument in politics. He believes that it is often not possible for government to be neutral on moral questions and calls for a more engaged civic debate about issues such as commercial surrogacy and same-sex marriage. 3. 2009 Reith Lecture Series: A New Citizenship - Part Three: Genetics and Morality (生物基因工程與道德) Today Professor Sandel considers how we should use our ever-increasing scientific knowledge. New genetic technologies hold great promise for treating and curing disease, but how far we should go in using them to manipulate muscles, moods and gender? 4. 2009 Reith Lecture Series: A New Citizenship - Part Four: A New Politics of the Common Good (追求對大多數人有利的新政治學) Today Professor Sandel makes the case for a moral and civic renewal in democratic politics. Recorded at George Washington University in Washington DC, he calls for a new politics of the common good and says that we need to think of ourselves as citizens, not just consumers. 5. Justice with Michael Sandel (非常棒的討論「正義」的網站﹞ |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |