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2011/01/23 02:46:23瀏覽1219|回應0|推薦0






瑞特貝大衛(David-Barrett)博士,全球基督教百科全書首席主編和中心研究員,研究宗教金融詐騙已超過 20年。

據中心主任約翰遜托德(Todd Johnson)博士表示這些統計數字是貝瑞特“開發全球基督教資產負債表的結果。





巴西:基督教神的王國普世教會領導人Edir Macedo主教,和他的9名同夥,被指控盜取20億美元以上金錢。

加拿大:電視福音家Ron和Reynold Mainse據稱以龐氏騙局招募投資者詐財。



烏克蘭:牧師Sunday Adelaja被控以投機商業為由詐騙信徒1億美元

英國:教會司庫Derek Klein 挪用資金以支付集郵。

美國:,基督教OraLRoberts大學前高級會計師Trent Huddleston,聲稱大學的董事會每年洗錢超過10億美元。


奉獻盤盜賊 - 2002年美國全國廣播公司NBC揭露牧師Benny Hinn教會黑幕。
前牧師Benny Hinn僱員尼Mike EstrellaHinn說Benny Hinn十字軍執行長每天從奉獻盤挪用數千美元。


一名天主教St. Ita聖伊達教會財務委員會成員,先將百元美金鈔票置放奉獻盤上,後來要存錢時發覺金錢消失不見,一名神父後來坦承盜用。


Jason Reynolds是全國城市基督教教堂(National City Christian Church)財務總監,盜用教堂信用卡獲取一輛Lexus SUV和Land Rover。

他還挪用20萬美元以上支票; 若要防止這類欺詐行為,應設二人簽名的支票和限制信用卡的額度。

投資詐財 - 1999年,亞利桑那州浸信基金會在積欠5.3億美元債務後。申請破產,不誠實的管理員從事掩飾及隱藏失敗的投資。

William Crotts和他的同伙設立90多個虛擬公司,隱瞞財務損失,並使用龐氏騙局,以支付舊投資。

基督教 BFA基金設立的新教會風險投資公司 (New Church Ventures)是最大空頭公司,造成1.73億美元的債務。

該機構沒僱用員工,也沒投資建新教堂獲利,但這原是他們成立的目的,鳳凰新時代雜誌調查新教會風險投資公司老板JalmaHunsinger,刊登他怪異的內幕交易而揭發出詐騙案,Simms 塔業主提供這190萬美元建設,要以1美元售予BFA 以註銷稅務,因為該建築被石棉污染;但該BFA基金會先拒絕這個提議,後來Hunsinger收購這建物,並用它向BFA貸得680萬美元。

Religious Fraud Scandal: $34 Billion Stolen, Only $31 Billion Spent on Global Missions

For once, I find myself rooting for the Christians, Jews and Muslims. Theyve got a real scandal on their hands and are actually taking a hard look at themselves.

The Christian Headlines Blog is courageously breaking the news that financial fraud is rampant in religious institutions worldwide. In 2011, more money will be stolenin the name of Jesus than will be spent on missions worldwide!
The January 2011 issue of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research reported that Christian religious leaders will commit an estimated $34 billion in financial fraud in 2011 while only $31 billion will be spent on global missions. Researchers from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity estimate that Christian religious leaders will commit $90 million in financial crimes daily and the fraud is growing at a rate of 5.97% each year. If the researchers are correct, religious financial fraud among Christians will almost double in 14 years to $60 billion annually by 2025.

... Barrett and Johnson in the reference book “World Christian Trends” reported, “Probably 80% of all cases are kept private or swept under the carpet, but each year a rash of megathefts (over $1 million each) is uncovered and publicized in the secular media.”
The Christian Headlines Blog is pulling the covers off this scandal with a series of insightful blogs that starts today.

When someone embezzles from a bank, its no big deal. Willie Sutton, the depression-era bank robber, was asked why he kept robbing banks and famously replied, "Because thats where the money is." We expect thieves to be attracted to banks.

But thieves are attracted to money and dont much care where it is. Anywhere money flows thieves and other financial parasites will gather to siphon some of it off for their own purposes. It doesnt matter if its military contracts, public assistance and welfare, real estate, or the halls of Congress. Anywhere there is money, there will be thieves scheming to get some of it.

And churches are not exempt. But Christians, Jews and Muslims have a big problem because they claim to be all about morality and charity. Theyd like to show that religious people, both the leaders and the laity, keep to a higher moral standard. So when they find a thief in their midst, they have a double problem. First, the church leaders are embarrassed because they hired a criminal. They were suckered by their own faith. And second, the laity are embarrassed because they trusted in God, prayers and the general goodness of Christians, Jews or Muslims and were fooled.

The result is that most of these crimes are quietly hidden. The losses are written off or never even acknowledged, and the criminals are rarely prosecuted. To a thief, its the perfect combination: money and safety.

Any student of evolution will tell you that parasitism is an inevitable feature of any thriving ecology. If theres a resource thats abundant, some species will inevitably evolve to make use of it. And so it is with the social ecology. A student of cultural evolution and sociology will tell you the same thing about social resources (that is, money). Any time there is an abundant amount of money, the parasites on society, the thieves and financial leeches, will be drawn to it like flies.

The mistake that religious people make is to think they are exempt. They trust that those who profess faith will be honest and trustworthy. But its naive to think that a person who claims to be religious really is. After all, theyre thieves and liars. They can lie about their faith and morality just as quickly as they can snatch your wallet, and they dont feel bad about either one.

And in case anyone thinks atheists are exempt, think again! The Christian Headlines Blog points out that there have been several high-profile cases of thievery by atheists. We atheists like to point out that were statistically the most law-abiding group of all, but it seems were in good company when it comes to embezzlement.

So my hat is off to the Christian Headlines Blog and to the researchers whose work they cite. Religious organizations worldwide have a tough job ahead, but maybe this is a good start.

If you enjoy my blogs, I hope youll check out my amazon.com bestseller, The Religion Virus. Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, former evangelical preacher, and author of Godless, calls it "Ingenious ... Craig James has cracked open the mystery of religions tenacity ... puts the pieces together into a fascinating, coherent model that makes sense!" Click Here to learn more! And check out Is Christianity Dying?, the best ninety-nine of these blogs for just ninety-nine cents!

The Annual $34 Billion Church Scandal

Found this astounding but horrific article on a blog called “Christian Headlines Blog” that opens up the research on how religious organizations provide a safe haven for 34 billion in fraud and theft ANNUALLY! Here’s a few excerpts. It will blow your mind!!

The January 2011 issue of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research reported that Christian religious leaders will commit an estimated $34 billion in financial fraud in 2011 while $31 billion will be spent on global missions. Researchers from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity estimate that Christian religious leaders will commit $90 million in financial crimes daily and the fraud is growing at a rate of 5.97% each year. If the researchers are correct, religious financial fraud among Christians will almost double in 14 years to $60 billion annually by 2025. 1

Dr. David Barrett, the first editor of the World Christian Encyclopedia and a researcher for the Center, has been studying religious financial fraud for more than 20 years. According to Dr. Todd Johnson, the Center’s director, these statistics were the result of Barrett “developing a balance sheet for global Christianity.” Barrett was “trying to understand the totality of Christian finance.” 2

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