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第二世紀猶太教的教士西緬拉比(R. Shimeon ben Azzai)論及耶穌時說:「此人乃淫


舊約中的先知、使者、神人(業即是被魔附身的靈媒、巫覡),向來被猶太人當神看,如與雅各摔角的人,也被當成是神~~~創世紀32章:只剩雅各一人,有一個人來和他摔跤直到天明 那人見自己勝不過他,就將他的大腿窩摸了一把,雅各的大腿窩正在摔跤的時候就扭 了。
那人說你的名字不要叫雅各,要改名叫以色列,因與神較力都得了勝。 雅各問他說:請將你的名告訴我。那人說:何必問我的名?於是在那裡給雅各祝福。
太3:16 ~耶穌受了洗,隨即從水裡上來。天忽然為他開了,他就看見神的靈彷彿鴿子降下,落在他身上(成鬼附的乩身了)。
徒13:9 掃羅又名保羅,被聖靈充滿(即被鬼附身起乩了)




啟21:2 我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由神那裡從天而降,預備好了,就如新婦妝飾整齊,等候丈夫。

  Times Online, UK
  Sep. 27, 2005
  Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent


這報告在美國的 『宗教與社會Journal of Religion and Society學術期刊發行。
一般而言,愈相信與崇拜基督教的富有民主國家,愈有高比率的~『殺人犯、 青少年與初為成年人的死亡、性傳染病例、十幾歲少女懷孕與墮胎』
美國幾乎是已開發中國家最多不正常現象的,特別引人注目!保羅葛列格里Gregory Paul是社會科學家與這研究論文作者,他引用國際間的蓋洛普與 ISSP (the International Social Survey Programme)與其他研究單位資料,
保羅說如英國這較世俗化國家,在社會指標方面,較美國這基督教國家好太多了 。
同時法國、日本、斯堪的納維亞(Scandinavian)等世俗化國家更是成功的減少 謀殺率、早死、性病傳染、墮胎。
Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health withPopular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies

腓1:18 這有何妨呢?或是假意,或是真心,無論怎樣,基督究竟被傳開了。為此,我就歡喜,並且還要歡喜;




路12:49 我來要把火丟在地上,倘若已經著起來,








4/耶33:17:「大衛永不斷人坐在以色列家的寶座上。」~實際上自西底家亡國起,大衛家族的統治斷了450年。還有,現在誰人是以色列的國王? 按現今以色列的國父「戴維·本-古裡安(David Ben-Gurion」竟還是一個禪宗佛教徒



咒術:有一次,耶穌為了滿足污鬼的請求,竟把污鬼趕進約2000頭豬的身體裡,導致它們全部闖下山崖,投入大海而死(可5:12-13豬何罪之有?),令人觸目驚心!又有一次,耶穌在早晨回城的時候餓了,在路旁正好看見一棵無花果樹,但在樹上沒有找到果子(因為不到生果季節),於是詛咒那棵樹,使它立刻乾枯而死。「早晨回城的時候,他餓了,看見路旁有一棵無花果樹,就走到跟前; 在樹上找不著甚麼,不過有葉子,就對樹說:『從今以後,你永不結果子!』那無花果樹就立刻枯乾了。」(太21:18-19)馬可福音11章特別告訴我們,那不是收無花果樹的時候,但耶穌居然因為肚子餓就咒詛一顆無花果樹死!!
搞魔術: 如水變酒,變麵包和魚飽食五千人等古代魔幻

報告遭隱瞞6年 涉及神父修女神職人員(6/1/2013)
【明報專訊】美國《聖路易郵報》週日援引一份被刻意隱瞞達6年的獨立調查報告 ,揭露全美有多達四成修女曾遭受神父性侵,教宗現也公開承認,而一些個案更涉及神父、修女及其他神職人員。事件勢令已備受戀童醜聞衝擊的羅馬天主教更雪上加霜。
這項全國調查由聖路易大學研究人員受數名天主教修女委託進行,早於1996年已完成,但由於有神職人員擔心醜聞鬧大並遭外界大肆渲染,研究人員遂應一個女 性宗教團體要求未向主流媒體公開,直至最近報告才落入《 聖路易郵報 》手上。
調查推斷,全美「至少」有34000名修女曾受過各種程度性侵害,而大部分受害者都受過高等教育 ,逾九成至少有大學程度 。



2011/03/28 23:50
天主教自2002 年起爆發神職人員大量性侵美國未成年信徒,光神父就有7000多人犯案,被害人無以計數


現有三家美國保險公司的報告指出,他們三家保險公司每年要處理美國基督(新)教牧師性侵未成年人案達260 ~333

三家保險公司~:教會互助 Church Mutual保險有限公司,GuideOne保險有限公司和Brotherhood互助保險有限公司,是美國大多數基督教教會投保保險的主要的公司,依他們三家公司的數據,多年來每年約有260或333個未滿18歲的年輕人遭受牧師、教會工作人員,志工或組織成員性侵害。消息自: pinoyexchange.com新教的人數只能概括,因為教派不像天主教教會那麼集中,事實上,許多會堂成員是獨立的,這使得報告不容易收集。
最大的教會互助保險公司(Church Mutual Insurance Co),報告說在過去的十年,他們公司每年平均要處理約100件涉及性侵未成年人的案子。 The 「AP」 reported on 8/09 that sex abuse claims by Protestant clergy reported by Church Mutual, GuideOne, and Brotherhood Mutual amounted to almost 260 reports each year. The annual average of complaints by Catholic clergy revealed an average of 228 「credible accusations」. Bottom line, theres no denominational boundaries with sexual abuse. As Jenkins writes, 「The story of clerical abuse is bad enough without turning it into an unjustifiable of religious bigotry against the Catholic Church.」

客戶規模只有教會互助保險公司一半的 GuideOne
件性侵未成年人的案件, 另兄弟互助保險公司說過去十五年來每年平均要處理73件兒童性侵和其他不當性行為問題。

不過,兄弟互助公司沒指明不滿18 歲的受害人數目,所以無法精確的加入計算在未成年受性侵人數內。

保險公司損害賠償總法律顧問兼高級副總裁湯姆法爾Tom Farr

迄今新教教會所涉及的案件中,其中一個最大的調解案是德州前路德會牧師Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr陪審團判賠將近3700萬美元。另外早期處理有關Thomas案也花了額外費用3200萬美元


照美國人的離婚率,初婚的離婚有50%再婚離異有67%,第三次婚姻離婚的有74%,至於一般婚外情通姦率,阿爾弗雷德‧金賽在他的研究發現,美國50%的男性和26%的女性在其一生中至少有一次婚外性行為。",而基督教教牧搞通姦的有30% 看來該立法,讓這些離婚且淫亂的基督徒入獄才對



約13:23 有一個門徒,是耶穌所愛的,側身挨近耶穌的懷裡。西門彼得點頭對他說:你告訴我們,主是指著誰說的。那門徒便就勢靠著耶穌的胸膛,問他說:主啊,是誰呢(噁心嗎?)?


加3:11 沒有一個人靠著律法在神面前稱義,這是明顯的;因為經上說,義人必因信得生。
大家上GOOGLE網查pastor abuse或clergy abuse或pastor sex或priest abuse每一項幾乎都有好幾千萬件基督教教牧性侵記錄,就是查新聞事件,每天也都有新出的神父牧師涉及性侵案件而被告。

1979年諾貝爾獎得主,美國的 理論物理學家Steven Weinberg
『身為奴隸的廢奴主義者「弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)在他的親身故事中,述說他的奴隸主人,在皈依基督教後,順理成章認為奴隸制度有理,只因聖經認為他們是被咀咒的「含」的後代,做為「含」的後代的黑人只是野獸他們被懲罰是非常合理的,因而讓他更加倍被奴役,體質變的更差;另著名的作家馬克吐溫說,他的母親可說是真正的好人,心裡甚至可以同情撒旦,但她卻認為擁有奴隸是合法的,因為她長年生活在南北戰爭前的中西部的密蘇里州,她從未聽聞過牧師講道時會反對奴隸制度,卻聽到數不清的牧師講說,奴隸制度是上帝的旨意;』
他的結論:『無論有沒有宗教,好人還是會循規蹈矩,壞人則會繼續做出邪惡之事;但要讓好人幹壞事 — 那只需讓他信基督教就行』





書17:18 山地也要歸你,雖是樹林,你也可以砍伐;靠近之地必歸你。迦南人雖有鐵車,雖是強盛,你也能把他們趕出去(按:住山上的人少)。 (講大話在先)

士1:19 耶和華與猶大同在,猶大就趕出山地的居民,只是不能趕出平原的居民,因為他們有鐵車。(MY GOD!有鐵車就打不過!真漏氣)

只剩雅各一人,有一個人(應是神所附身的靈媒)來和他摔跤直到天明 那人見自己勝不過他,就將他的大腿窩摸了一把,雅各的大腿窩正在摔跤的時候就扭 了。
那人說你的名字不要叫雅各,要叫以色列,因與神較力都得了勝。   雅各問他說:請將你的名告訴我。那人說:何必問我的名?於是在那裡給雅各祝福。







民21:9 『於是耶和華使火蛇進入百姓中間,蛇就咬他們。以色列人中死了許多。、、、

王下18:4 他(希西家)廢去邱壇,毀壞柱像,砍下木偶,打碎摩西所造的銅蛇,因為到那時以色列人仍向銅蛇燒香。希西家叫銅蛇為銅像


萬軍之耶和華說:.....大山哪,你算什麼呢﹖在所羅巴伯面前,你必成為平地。他必搬出一塊石頭,安在殿頂上。人且大聲歡呼說:願恩惠恩惠歸與這石頭! (明顯的鼓勵拜認石頭為神)


2:8 他們的地滿了偶像;他們跪拜自己手所造的,就是自己指頭所做的

賽45:16 凡製造偶像的都必抱愧蒙羞,都要一同歸於慚愧

耶10:14 各人都成了畜類,毫無知識;各銀匠都因他雕刻的偶像羞愧。他所鑄的偶像本是虛假的,其中並無氣息,

啟9:20 其餘未曾被這些災所殺的人仍舊不悔改自己手所做的,還是去拜鬼魔和那些不能看、不能聽、不能走,金、銀、銅、木、石的偶像,

結18:6 人若是公義,且行正直與合理的事,未曾仰望以色列家的偶像,未曾玷污鄰舍的妻,未曾在婦人的經期內親近他



8、講到歐洲中古社會為何被史學家定位為『中古黑暗世紀』?還不是人民因在教會鬼魔武力統治下過著被剝削、虐待、毒害、迷信的生活,就知現代基督教徒他們拜的神根本是惡魔瘟神,黑死病全歐洲就死了1/3人口,那來『信耶穌必得平安』的鬼話 。再者他們吹噓的科學是他們才有的,更是可笑,查13世紀前他們迫害當時的科學家並焚燒所有的圖書館,直到他們在西班牙打敗回教徒,在圖書館裡獲知有希臘羅馬時期如亞里斯德的有關科學的學術,於是在一些不信教的人主動研究下才漸漸發展成今日的科學學術,基督徒原是末日教派,只有等世界毀滅,等約穌下凡來救而已,但2000多年了,才知約穌不過是騙子神棍,那會來救!


出9:3 耶和華的手加在你田間的牲畜上,就是在馬、驢、駱駝、牛群、羊群上,必有重重的瘟疫

撒下24:15 於是,耶和華降瘟疫與以色列人,自早晨到所定的時候;從但直到別是巴,民間死了七萬人。。(殺人魔哩!)

耶21:7 以後我要將猶大王西底家和他的臣僕百姓,就是在城內,從瘟疫、刀劍、饑荒中剩下的人,都交在巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒的手中和他們仇敵,並尋索其命的人手中。巴比倫王必用刀擊殺他們,不顧惜,不可憐,不憐憫。這是耶和華說的。


賽54:16 吹噓炭火、打造合用器械的鐵匠是我所造;殘害人、行毀滅的惡棍也是我所造。
出4:11 耶和華對他說:誰使人口啞、耳聾、眼瞎呢﹖豈不是我─耶和華嗎﹖





I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


基督教是一神教嗎?死海古卷與希臘文本揭穿耶和華實是迦南El Elyon神的兒子之一,耶和華也會死亡 ,基督教貪渴永生只是幻像!

參看申命記『 32:8-9(詹姆斯國王版本)

當 El Elyon神送給各國他們的繼承物

古老的文字清楚地表明迦南地帶的El Elyon神是這地區神的父親,耶和華只是他70個兒子之一。
El Elyon神劃分不同民族並分配給耶和華一部分繼承物

後代經文竟將這兩個父子神El Elyon與耶和華合併統合為一個神,(註:顯然企圖欺矇大眾;像後來教會把耶和華與基督說成三位一體)。


82:0 亞薩的詩。
82:1 神站在眾神的會中;在諸神中行審判,
82:2 說,你們審判不秉公義,徇惡人的情面,要到幾時呢?
82:3 你們當為貧寒的人和孤兒伸冤,為困苦和貧窮的人施行公理;
82:4 當救護貧寒和窮乏的人,搭救他們脫離惡人的手。
82:5 他們不知道,也不明白,他們正在黑路中走;地的根基都搖動了。
82:6 我曾說,你們是神,你們中的每一個,都是至高者Elyon的兒子。
82:7 然而,你們與人類一樣要死;像宗王中的一個要仆倒。
82:8 神阿,求你興起,審判這地;因為你曾繼承所有國家。

在舊約還有許多文字提及「其他眾神」,在舊約許多由耶和華所發的咆哮似乎顯示他只是地位略高於其他眾神,這些神應如耶和華般,得到至高者 El Elyon神配給土地。








伯37:18 你豈能與神同鋪天(firmament)(或譯:穹蒼 )嗎﹖而這天(firmament)堅硬,如同鑄成的鏡子(註:意指天(firmament)被鑄的很光亮)

美國韋氏大典firmament註解為: the vault(圓拱形) or arch(呈拱形覆蓋的天空) of the sky : HEAVENS

箴8:28 上使天(firmament)堅硬,下使淵源穩固,

詩104:2 鋪張天(firmament),如鋪幔子,(註:天如幔子可被舖展開)
賽42:5 創造諸天,鋪張穹蒼(firmament),將地和地所出的一併鋪開



And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of

the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters

創1:6 神說:諸水之間要有空氣(firmament(即:天))將水分為上下。



創1:7 :神就造出天(firmament),將天(firmament)以下的水、


創1:8 神稱(firmament)為天。有晚上,有早晨,是第二日


Biblical Conception of the Universe


3. 冰雹窗(約伯38;22)








    And Gaal spake again and said, See there come people

down by the middle of the land, and another company come

along by the plain of Meonenim.



賽34:4 天上的萬象都要消沒;天被捲起,好像書卷。其上的萬像要殘敗


賽13:13 我─萬軍之耶和華在忿恨中發烈怒的日子,必使天震動,離其本位。


· 約書亞書10: 當耶和華將亞摩利人交付以色列人的日子,約書亞就禱告耶和華

賽13:10 天上的眾星群宿都不發光,日頭一出就變黑暗;月亮也不放光。

創1:17 就把這些光擺列在天空(firmament),普照在地上



詩24:2 他把地建立在海上,安定在大水之上
啟7:1 此後,我看見四位天使站在地的四角,執掌地上四方的風,
撒上2:8 。地的柱子屬於耶和華;他將世界立在其上。

伯9:6 他使地震動,離其本位,地的柱子就搖撼。

詩75:3 地和其上的居民都消化了;我曾立了地的柱子



英文Job26:7: He stretcheth out the north over the empty place,

and  hangeth the earth upon nothing.


所以hangeth the earth upon nothing是地不用吊掛的意思!





賽60:20: 你的日頭不會再下落;

Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable,

that it be not moved. 全地要在他面前戰抖,世界也穩固不會轉動。

詩篇93;1 the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.


詩篇104:5Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever


Isa40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth;

the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth



The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth

from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.


Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and

behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height

thereof was great.

The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof

reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end

of all the earth:


賽38:8 就是叫亞哈斯的日晷,向前進的日影往後退十度。於是,

創8:2 淵源和天上的窗戶都閉塞了,天上的大雨也止住了。

伯38:22 你曾進入雪庫,或見過雹倉嗎﹖






英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,對1座1世紀基督教墓室進行勘察的考古學家發現,其內1個石骨盒的盒蓋上刻有古代銘文,他們認為可能是耶穌基督的長眠處。

英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,這些考古學家將遙控相機固定在機械臂上,對耶路撒冷1棟高層建築物下方進行探查,結果驚訝地發現了一些1世紀的「骨盒」。這些以石灰岩製成的骨盒中,有1個盒蓋上刻有希臘文,意為「天主耶和華,讓祂復活吧,讓祂復活吧」。

另一副盒蓋繪有1條魚,魚嘴有人物線條畫,據信這描繪的是基督教最初的故事「約拿與鯨魚」(Jonah and the Whale)。



這個發現引起了令人難以置信的猜測,比如有人堅稱,耶穌和抹大拉的馬利亞(Mary Magdalene)就葬在這座墓內,而兩人曾結婚,共組家庭。


然而美國北卡羅來納大學聖經學者塔波(James Tabor)和紀錄片製作人賈科波維奇(Simcha Jacobovici)決心繼續研究。


 檔案18 耶穌墓見證耶穌娶妻生子?


   根據《聖經》傳說,耶穌死後三天復活,僅留空墓一座。然而丹·布朗的《達·芬奇密碼》則通過一個個密碼解密後顯示:耶穌曾娶妻生子。這部影片和 原著因此均受到強烈批評和質疑。但現在,一部紀錄片將這一秘密再次提起———由影片《泰坦尼克號》導演詹姆斯·卡梅隆攝製的紀錄片《耶穌被遺忘的墓穴》將 於3月4日上映。該片稱,多年前在耶路撒冷發現的一個古墓實際上就是耶穌家族墓室,裡面不僅埋葬了耶穌本人屍骨,還葬有很可能是耶穌妻兒的遺骸。

  雖然沒有踏上奧斯卡的紅地毯,但好萊塢著名導演詹姆斯·卡梅隆在紐約的一個發佈會立刻讓全世界暫時忘記了馬丁·斯科塞斯來之不易的風頭。週一, 卡梅隆和其他幾位考古學者在紐約公共圖書館向全世界展示了兩件古代的石匣,並宣佈其中極有可能曾經盛著耶穌和妻子抹大拉的遺骸,而相關的紀錄片《耶穌被遺忘的墓穴》已經由卡梅隆攝製完成,當地時間3月4日晚上9點將在「探索頻道」播出。


  據當日發佈會上的消息,盛有耶穌「夫婦」遺骸的石匣1980年發現於耶路撒冷郊外的一個墓穴。當時考古學共發現石匣10個,其中一個石匣上刻有一段令專家們驚訝的文字:猶大,耶穌之子。這段文字顯示,耶穌可能有一個兒子和家庭,就像1999年上映的電影《耶穌之子》一樣。詹姆斯·卡梅隆興奮地 說:「再也沒有比這更重大的事情了。」本片的另外一位導演西蒙查·雅可布維奇說,其中的一個盛骸石匣的碑銘是「MariameneeMara」———翻譯 過來就是「瑪麗是已知的主人」,而「Mariamene」可能就是傳說中耶穌的妻子「抹大拉」的真實姓名———就像丹·布朗小說《達·芬奇密碼》中那樣。






  到目前為止,至少已經有多位全世界權威的碑銘專家對這些石匣上的碑銘真實性表示肯定,哈佛大學東方語言和文化系的名譽退休教授弗蘭克·克羅絲 說:「這些碑銘來自希律一世時期(大約出現在公元前1年至公元1年)。使用石灰石的藏屍匣和風格是那個時期所特有的。」美國北卡羅來納州大學宗教研究系副主任喬迪·馬格勒斯認為,除了那個「猶大,耶穌之子」的碑文,現場發現的另一個石匣上碑文「約瑟之子耶穌」也為這一發現真實性提供了證據。




門徒出去,到處宣傳福音。主和他們同工,用神蹟隨著,證實所傳的道。阿們! 』






Yahweh, son of El Elyon

耶和華迦按神El Elyon的兒子

Take a look at Deuteronomy 32:8-9 (King James Version):
"When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations,

When He separated the sons of Adam
He set the boundaries of the peoples
According to the number of the children of Israel.
For the LORDs portion is His people;
Jacob is the place of His inheritance."

This is based on the traditional Hebrew text, otherwise known as the Masoretic text (MT).


 Now look at a much older version of this text that was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and matches the Greek Septuagint text:


"When El Elyon gave to the nations their inheritance, 「,
when he separated the sons of men,
he fixed the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
For Yahwehs portion is his people,
Jacob his allotted inheritance."


What on earth is going on here?
The older text clearly shows that El Elyon is the father of all the gods, and Yahweh is simply one of his sons.
El Elyon divides up the various nations and allocates a portion to Yahweh

The later version of the text simply merged these two gods into a single being.
There are other clues that there were originally multiple gods,
 take Psalm 82 for example, where Yahweh stands in the council of the gods
但後來版本1. 1。 Psalm of Asaph.。 God stands in the council of the gods; he judges among the gods

2. 2。 How long will you judge unjustly, and show preference to the wicked?
3. 3。 Judge the poor and the orphans; do righteousness to the afflicted and dispossessed
4. 4。 Deliver the poor and oppressed; save them from the hand of the evil.
5. 5。 They do not know and they have no understanding; they walk about in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6. 6。 I said, 「You are gods, and children of Elyon , every one of you.」。」
7. 7。 But you will die like mortals, and fall like one of the princes.
8. 8。 Rise up, O God, and judge the earth, for you have inherited all the nations
There are many other references to "other gods" in the Old Testament if you look carefully, have a look at my Bible Nonsense page for some examples.
。 A lot of the rants by Yahweh in the Old Testament appear to be about his superiority over these other gods, presumably the ones El Elyon allocated to other lands.


 Yahweh was one of the Sons of El Elyon     PDF        Print        E-mail    
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 12 August 2011 09:56


Yahweh, the god of  Judaism and Christianity, was in fact one of the sons of the true God El Elyon. El Elyon was the Most High God and the creator of the universe but Yahweh was one of the sons of El Elyon, who along with his other brothers received an inheritance from his Father  El and was made a ruler of ancient Israel. When El Elyon, the Most High God allotted territories to the sons of Adam, He appointed one of His sons to rule over each nation and to administer His government over the nations. Please note the text of Deuteronomy 32:7-8 as it stands in the King James Bible:

「Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee. When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORDs portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.」

Moses states that many generations before his time, the Most High, that is,  Elyon, as the Hebrew text has it, separated the descendants of Adam and therefore humanity according to their tribes and He allocated a territory to each tribe that is later referred to as a nation. Jacob, that is, Israel, was by lot allocated to the LORD, that is, Yahweh, as the Hebrew text has it. The King James Bible is based on the Hebrew masoretic text which was compiled several centuries after the birth of Jesus. That is why the text reads that  Elyon divided the tribes or nations in accordance with the number of the 「children of Israel.」 However, the Jewish scribes known as masorites, corrupted the text and altered its original reading as is attested by some earlier versions of the text. Please note what the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, on page 584, art. 『sons of God has to say regarding this text:

「...the MT [masoretic text] erroneously has 「sons of Israel」 [bene yisrael], but the versions [e.g., LXX, Symm, Old Latin] and a scroll from Qumran support the reading 「sons of God」 [bene elim.]」

Then it goes on to say the following:

「In other words, the Most High assigned one of the peoples of the world to each of the divine beings in the council. As v.9 indicates, Yahwehs portion was Israel. The original notion seems to have been that Yahweh, God of Israel, stood alongside the other national gods in a council presided over by the Most High.」

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, compiled by three outstanding Catholic scholars, on page 108, states:

「For 「sons of Israel」 read 「sons of God」 with  the LXX and QL. The idea is that Elyon, high God of the Canaanite pantheon, assigned each of the 70 nations of the world [Gen 10] to one of the 70 deities of the pantheon and that Israel had the good fortune to be assigned to Yahweh.」

Now please note some versions of this text as is translated in certain English bibles and see for yourself how they resort to lies and how they corrupt the Hebrew text in order to make you believe that Yahweh is actually the Most High God and not one of the sons of the Most High who received his share along with his brothers.

「...when God divided up the world among the nations, He gave each of them a supervising angel! But he appointed none for Israel; For Israel was Gods own personal possession!」 [The Living Bible – Life Application Bible].

「...the Most High assigned nations their lands; he determined where peoples should live. He assigned to each nation a god, but Jacobs descendants he chose for himself」 [Good News Bible].

The Living Bible changed Elyon to God and Yahwehs to Gods. It also  inserts the word 「own」 which does not occur in the Hebrew text and changes 『inheritance to 『possession.』 The idea here is that God the Most High appointed angels over other nations but the nation of Israel He reserved for Himself. A fancy notion indeed, but to come to that conclusion we must corrupt the Hebrew text and twist the facts. The Good News Bible also corrupts the text and says what is not in Hebrew. It conveniently omits Yahweh or LORD of the KJV so that it can present the ruler of Israel as the Most High. These translations are lies and forgeries.

The Hebrew text states that Elyon, that is, the Most High God, the creator of the universe, assigned nations to His sons by a lot. Israel was allotted to Yahweh and it became his inheritance from his Father Elyon. The bible shows in numerous places that Israel was indeed Yahwehs inheritance and that Yahweh was the god of Israel and not the god of other nations. The bible also clearly shows that other nations had other gods – the brothers of Yahweh – who ruled them. This will be documented later. There are many biblical passages which state that Israel is Yahwehs heritage and inheritance. Both words are derived from the Latin word which means 『heir.』 El Elyon, as the Most High God, never was and never will be an heir since He had no father or an ancestor from whom to inherit. Since Yahweh inherited Israel and since it was his heritage and since he was the god of Israel exclusively, it follows then that he was one of the sons of El Elyon. David obviously believed that each nation had its own god and that if he was exiled from Israel he would be exiled from the land of Yahweh and his presence and would be forced to serve a foreign god. When he was on the run from King Saul and spared his life, this is what he said to Saul:

「Your majesty, listen to what I have to say. If it is the LORD who has turned you against me, an offering to him will make him change his mind; but if men have done it, may the LORDs [Yahwehs] curse fall on them. For they have driven me out from the LORDs [Yahwehs] land to a country where I can only worship foreign gods. Dont let me be killed on foreign soil, away from the LORD [Yahweh]」 [Good News Bible 1 Samuel 26:19-20].

The Jerusalem Bible reads:

「...if Yahweh himself has incited you against me, let him accept an offering; but if men have done it, may they be accursed before Yahweh, for now they have driven me out so that I have no share in the heritage of Yahweh. They have said, 「go and serve other gods」. So now, do not let my blood fall to the ground out of the presence of Yahweh.」

In a footnote the translators say: 「to be exiled was to be outside Yahwehs territory.」

David knew that other nations were ruled by the sons of Elyon and that only the land of Israel was the heritage or inheritance of Yahweh. He believed that if he was forced into exile he would have no choice but worship the god of that foreign land. He did not want to die in a foreign land away from the jurisdiction of Yahweh. That is exactly what this passage of the bible is saying if we are honest and unbiased. Lest you think that the text is mistranslated I give you the version of the Tanakh, published by the Jewish Society:

「If the LORD has incited you against me, let Him be appeased by an offering; but if it is men, may they be accursed of the LORD! For they have driven me out today, so that I cannot have a share in the LORDs possession, but am told, 『Go and worship other gods.』 Oh, let my blood not fall to the ground, away from the presence of the LORD!」

Jephtah, regarded as hero of faith in Hebrews 11, most definitely recognised that Chemosh was an existing god and actually a legitimate god of the Ammonites. Israel annexed a territory which belonged to the Ammonites. In his letter, Jephtah explained to the king of the Ammonites why the Israelites would not return the territory. Jephtah argued that it was Yahweh who personally conquered this portion of land and then gave it to the Israelites. In this letter Jephtah acknowledged Chemosh as the great war lord and the legitimate god of the Ammonites:

「Now, then, Yahweh, the God of Israel, dispossessed the Amorites before His people Israel; and should you possess their land? Do you not hold what CHEMOSH YOUR GOD GIVES YOU TO POSSESS? So we will hold on to everything that Yahweh our God has given us to possess」 [Judges 11:23-25].

Please note how Jephtah spoke of Yahweh as 「our god」 and the 「god of Israel.」 But of Chemosh he spoke as 「your god.」 Jephtah acknowledged that the Ammonites had the right to hold onto any territory that their god Chemosh gives them just as they have the right to keep onto the territory that their god Yahweh conquers for them. Numbers 21:29 says that the Moabites were 「the people of Chemosh」 and that they were actually 「sons and daughters」 of Chemosh. The text also says that Chemosh abandoned his people and allowed them to be taken captive. Obviously because of their disobedience to him. The inscription on a Moabite Stone - the oldest Semitic writing discovered - says that Chemosh was angry with his people and allowed other nations to conquer them. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, art. Chemosh, on p. 640, says:

「What is of importance is the recurrence of so many phrases and expressions applied to Chemosh which are used of Yahweh in the Old Testament narratives. The religious conceptions of the Moabites reflected in the inscription are so strikingly like those of the Israelites that if only the name Yahweh were substituted for that of Chemosh we might think we were reading a chapter of the books of Kings.」

Jephtah, and most of other Israelites of his day believed that each nation was governed by its own national god. They believed that originally the Most High divided the nations and over each nation He appointed one of His sons to rule and take care of that nation and administer His government. The Israelites boasted about their national god and believed that he was superior to all other gods appointed over the nations. It seems that this was the case since he apparently inflicted the punishment over the gods of Egypt.  Exodus 12:12 says:

「Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement.」

The word 「judgement」 comes from the Hebrew word 「shephet」, which actually means 「infliction, punish.」 The word 「infliction」 means 「pain, punishment.」 The word 「punish」 means 「to subject to pain.」 A mere idol of gold or stone or any other material could not be punished nor can pain be inflicted on an idol. Only the real and living gods could be punished. In Numbers 33:4 we are also told that Yahweh punished the gods of Egypt. The Jewish chronicler apparently believed that the gods of Damascus were real and powerful. He believed that these gods actually DEFEATED King Ahaz in battle. In 2 Chronicles 28:23 we read:

"He offered sacrifices to the gods of Damascus who had defeated him, for he said, "Since these gods helped the kings of Aram, they will help me, too, if I sacrifice to them." But instead, they led to his ruin and the ruin of all Judah."

Obviously king Ahaz believed that Yahweh was not the only god but this is neither here nor there. What is imperative to grasp is the fact that the author of Chronicles believed that the gods of Damascus were real since the author made a statement that these gods HAD DEFEATED king Ahaz. For them to defeat him they had to be real and for the author to make such a statement he had to believe that they were real and not just idols of gold or stone or simply an imagination of a deluded mind.

The bible clearly shows that the authors of the bible prior to the Jewish exile to Babylon believed that other gods existed but they only thought that their god Yahweh was more powerful. Please not the following passages:

Exodus 15:11:

「Who is like you, O Yahweh, among the gods?」

Exodus 18:11:

「Now I know that Yahweh is greater than all the gods.」

Deuteronomy 10:1,7:

「For Yahweh your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, great God.」

Joshua 22:22:

「Yahweh God of gods, Yahweh God of gods.」

Psalm 136:2,3:

「O give thanks to the God of gods, O give thanks to the Lord of lords.」

Psalm 97:9:

「For you o Yahweh…are exalted above all the gods.」

Psalm 95:3:

For Yahweh is a great God, and a great King above all gods.」

Psalm 86:8:

「Among the gods there is none like you.」

The authors of these passages believed that other gods existed, but at the same time that their national god was more powerful than any god of other nations. We are not talking about idols of stone or gold. It would be absurd to say that Yahweh is above all idols of stone who do not even have breath. The comparison is only valid and meaningful if other gods were living deities but not a match for Yahweh. That these gods were living gods and not a mere idols or imagination of the deceived worshippers, is evident from the following passages where the authors of these passages actually call upon these gods to worship Yahweh.

Psalm 97:7 reads:

「Worship him [Yahweh] all you gods.」

In Psalm 138:1 the writer says that he will sing praises to Yahweh in the presence of all the gods:

「I will praise thee with my whole heart: BEFORE THE GODS will I sing praise unto thee.」

The word 「before」 comes from the Hebrew word 「neged.」 Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon To The Old Testament, on p. 530, states that this word primarily means 「in the presence off; in the sight off.」 The understanding of the early Israelites was that Yahweh was the local and national god of Israel. He was worshipped in Israel - the land of his own inheritance. In other nations other gods ruled. There are other passages which prove that ancient Hebrew authors of the bible believed that the gods of other nations were actual deities and living beings who could be punished and upon whom judgement can be executed. In Jeremiah 46:25 Yahweh said the following:

「I am going to punish Amon, the god of Thebes together with Egypt and its gods and kings」 [Good News Bible].

「I will punish Amon, god of Thebes, and all the other gods of Egypt. I will punish Pharaoh too, and all who trust in him」 [The Living Bible – Life Application Bible].

「I will inflict punishment on Amon of  No and on Pharaoh – on Egypt, her gods, and her kings – on Pharaoh and all who rely on him」 [Jewish Tanakh].

In a footnote we are told that Amon was a tutelary deity of the City No [Thebes]. Amon of  No [Thebes] is also mentioned in Nahum 3:8. It would be impossible to punish and inflict punishment and pain on Amon if he was a nonexistent  being and merely an idol of stone and an imagination of a corrupt human mind. In Psalm 29:1 David calls on the 「bene elohim」 – 「sons of God」 to give praise to Yahweh. Some translators were dishonest and falsely translated the verse but some were honest and correctly rendered the phrase 「sons of God」 or 「sons of gods」 or 「divine beings.」 The Jewish Tanak actually translates the phrase as 「divine beings.」 The ancient Israelites regarded Yahweh their god as the greatest of the sons of Elyon and that is why they expected other gods to bow before Yahweh and worship him. In Psalm 89:6 we read:

「For who in the skies can equal the LORD [Yahweh], can compare with the LORD [Yahweh], among the DIVINE BEINGS?」 [Jewish Tanakh].

「For who in the skies can rank with the LORD [Yahweh]? Who is like the LORD [Yahweh] among the SONS OF GOD?」 [New American Catholic Bible].

「For who in the skies can be compared to Jehovah? Who can resemble Jehovah among the SONS OF GOD.」 [New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures].

「For who in the heavens shall be compared unto the Lord [Yahweh]? And who shall be likened to the Lord [Yahweh] among THE SONS OF GOD?」 [Greek Septuagint Bible].

The psalmist asks who among the sons of God can be compared to their god Yahweh. The question clearly shows that Yahweh was one of these sons. The psalmist was not comparing the sons with El Elyon – for no such comparison is possible – since no son of El could ever be His equal. But among the sons of El no one could match Yahweh the god of Israel. He was a warrior god and the Israelites praised him as a warfare hero. That the early Israelites believed that Yahweh could have a brother is evident from the name AHIJAH which means BROTHER OF YAHWEH just like the name AHIMELECH means BROTHER OF MELECH. Ahijah was a son of Ahitub who served as priest under King Saul.

It can be demonstrated that angelic beings are named after El Elyon and not Yahweh. The super angels – generally called archangels – bear the name El and not Yahweh. Michael is MishaEL, Gabriel is GabriEL, Raphael is RaphaEL, Uriel is UriEL etc. Why dont these angels bear the name Yahweh? Why was Jacobs name changed to IsraEL and not to IsraYAH? Pre Mosaic names are theophoric names and bear the name El. In Genesis 5 we find the following names:




Other names of pre Mosaic times:


UZZIEL [Moses uncle]

ELZAPHAN [Moses cousin]

No one was named after Yahweh which shows that Yahweh was a later deity who in ancient Israel displaced the Most High God El Elyon just as in Greek mythology Zeus displaced his father Cronos. But you may point to a passage of Genesis 14 and claim that Abraham identified Yahweh as El Elyon and the creator of heaven and earth. Melchisedek was the priest of the Most High God, that is, of El Elyon in Hebrew. Melchisedek greeted Abraham with the following words:

「Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth」 [verse 19].

But Abraham replied:

「I lift up my hand to Yahweh, God Most High」 [verse 22].

It is thus claimed that Abraham equated Yahweh with El Elyon. But the fact is: the earlier versions of this passage did not have the name Yahweh. It was added later by the masorites. The early Greek Septuagint, the Symmachus translation and the Old Latin have Abraham say the same thing Melchisedek said. Why was there a need to corrupt the text and insert the name Yahweh? In Genesis 22:14 we are told that Abraham named a site where he was to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, JEHOVAH JIREH [KJV] or YAHWEH YIREH in the Hebrew bible. But this was just another corruption and a forgery by the masorites. The oldest version of the bible known as the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, translated by Martin Abegg, Jr. Peter Flint and Eugene Ulrich has Abraham naming the place ELOHIM YIREH. Please note the comment by these translators at the passage of Genesis 22:14:

「Since, according to the bible itself, the name Yahweh – translated 「LORD」 in most modern editions of the Bible – was later revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus [3:13-15], students of the Pentateuch have long debated the use of Yahweh in the book of Genesis. A common solution suggests that an early author/editor indiscriminately used the term in his copying of the text. 4QGen-Exod – sure to fuel the debate afresh – 「replaces」 the term Yahweh in Genesis 22:14 with the more common Hebrew term for God. Thus the familiar Jehovah Jireh becomes Elohim Jireh.」

I may also add that only one source of the Pentateuch, the J source, uses the name Yahweh but other sources use the name El. Even the Jewish Encyclopaedia admits this fact when it comments on the name Yahweh art. Names of God:

"This name, according to the narrative in Ex. iii. (E), was made known to Moses in a vision at Horeb. In another, parallel narrative (Ex. vi. 2, 3, P) it is stated that the name was not known to the Patriarchs. It is used by one of the ocumentary sources of Genesis (J), but scarcely if at all by the others."

Originally Yahweh and Baal were one and the same god in ancient Israel. Only later did the Israelites identify Yahweh as the universal and supreme God. It was a common practice among the pagans to name their children after gods and goddesses that they worshipped. Daniels name was changed to Belteshazzar - after the name of Bel that is, Baal [Daniel 4:8]. One can understand that the apostate Jews and the Israelites named their children after Baal. But there is a problem when David who was supposedly a zealous worshipper of Yahweh and who served no other god, names his children after Baal. It is also a problem when King Saul who was also a stern worshipper of Yahweh names his children after Baal. Let us first take a look at King Saul. His fathers brother was named Baal [1 Chronicles 8:30]. One of King Sauls sons was named ISHBAAL [man of Baal]. 1 Chronicles 8:33 and 9:39 preserve this name in its original form. But this name was later changed by the Jewish redactors to ISHBOSHETH. They have replaced the name Baal with the Hebrew word 「bosheth」 which means 「shame.」 This change is evident from 2 Samuel 2:8; 3:7; and 4:5 where the name is given as ISHBOSHETH instead of ISHBAAL. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, art. Ishbosheth, on p. 904, says:

「The original form of the name seems to have been Ishbaal, but because of the reluctance of the post-seventh-century B.C. Hebrews to use the name Baal, the form Ishbosheth was substituted.」

One of the grandsons of King of Saul, the actual son of Jonathan, was originally called MERIB BAAL [1 Chronicles 8:34; 9:40]. This name was later changed to MEPHIBOSHETH - as is evident from 2 Samuel 4:4 and 9:6. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, art. Mephibosheth, on p. 320, says:

「In the Chroniclers genealogy [2Chr. 8:34; 9:40] he is called Merib baal; no doubt the name 『boshet,』 「shame,」 was a later substitution for the false god.」

The Jewish Encyclopedia:

 「One of King Davids sons was originally called BEELIADA a variant spelling of  BAALIADA」 [1 Chronicles 14:7].

For one reason or another, David compounded the name of his son with the name of the god Baal. The later Jewish redactors and editors found this name offensive and idolatrous so they changed it to ELIADA [2 Samuel 5:16 and 1 Chronicles 3:8]. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, art. Beeliada, on p. 447, says:

 「The name of a son of David born in Jerusalem, but CHANGED to Eliada in ORDER TO REMOVE THE ELEMENT OF BAAL FROM THE NAME.」

 The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia Of The Bible, Vol. 1, art. Beeliada, on p. 505, says:

 「A son of David, born at Jerusalem. The name was CHANGED to Eliada when the name Baal became distasteful because of its association with idolatry.」

The Jewish Encyclopedia, under name Beeliada, says:

"A son of David (I Chron. xiv. 7), who in II Sam. v. 16 and I Chron. iii. 8 is called "Eliada." This is due to an intentional change by the scribe, to whom the name "Baal" was hateful, and who therefore substituted "El" in its place. For other instances of disguising the name "Baal," see Bosheth.

Under 『bosheth it says:

"Used concretely by the Prophets as "the shameful thing" to designate the Baalim and their images. (See Hosea ix. 10 and Jer. iii. 24, xi. 13, where the word is parallel with "the Baal" [compare Jer. iii. 24]). Later usage adopted the epithet to such an extent that "Bosheth" became a sort of euphemism for "Baal," as is learned from the proper names "Ish-bosheth" (with which Jastrow [see Bibliography] compares a Babylonian name, "Mati-bashti") and "Mephibosheth," the former being written "Esh-baal" in I Chron. viii. 33, ix. 39, and the latter occurring as "Meri-baal" in I Chron. viii. 34 and ix. 40. The manuscript of the Septuagint, known as 93 Holmes, has εἰσβααλ, and the old Latin version has "Isbalem" for "Ish-bosheth." So also in II Sam. xi. 21, "Jerubbe[o]sheth" is given for"Jerubbaal."

The Jewish Encyclopedia under Names of God, sub title, Adonai and Baal says:

"The name Baal ( ), apparently as an equivalent for Yhwh, occurs as an element in a number of compound proper names, such as Jerubbaal, Ishbaal, Meribaal, etc. Some of these names, probably at a time when the name of Baal had fallen into disrepute (comp. Hosea ii. 16, 17), seem to have been changed by the substitution of El or Bosheth for Baal (comp. II Sam. ii. 8, iv. 4, v. 16; I Chron. viii. 33, 34; ix. 39, 40; xiv. 7)."

The later Jewish redactors tampered with their bible and removed the name of Baal from these names. But this does not change the fact that originally King Saul and King David named their children after the god Baal who for them was the same as Yahweh. When David fought a battle and defeated his foes he named that place with the name of BAAL although he credited Yahweh with this victory. Please note the text of 2 Samuel 5:20 as is translated in The Interlinear Bible, by J.P. Green:

「And David came to Baal perazim. And David struck them there, and said, JEHOVAH has broken forth on my enemies before me, as the breaking forth of waters. On account of this he called the name of that place THE BREAKING OF BAAL.」  

Here Baal is a synonym for Yahweh. Sometimes the names Baal and Yahweh were so closely associated together that it is impossible to distinguish them. The god worshipped after the death of Gideon was named Baal Berith - Lord of the Covenant [Judges 8:33]. The same god is called El Berith - God of the Covenant [Judges 9:46]. One of Davids warriors, a Benjamite, was named BEALIAH - in the King James Bible [1 Chronicles 12:5]. His real Hebrew name was actually BAAL YAH - which means YAHWEH IS BAAL. In the Greek Septuagint his name is given as BAALIAH. The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia Of The Bible, Vol. 1, art. Bealiah, on p. 494, says that the name actually means YAHWEH IS LORD. But when you reverse the title Lord back to Hebrew the result is BAAL. The Jewish Encyclopedia under Baal and Baal Worship states:

"It has been already indicated that the Baal plays a great rôle in Canaanitic proper names. A curious phase in the history of the cult in Israel is shown in the substitution by later editors of ( ), "boshet," "the shameful thing," for Baal in such names as Ishbosheth and Mephibosheth; compare "Eshbaal," I Chron. viii. 33, and "Meribbaal," I Chron. ix. 40 (viii. 34). A name which could not be thus treated was "Bealiah" (I Chron. xii. 6 [A. V. 5]), which means "Jehovah is Baal."

When King Saul and his son Jonathan and King David compounded the names of their sons with the god Baal, they only did what many other Israelites have done. For them Baal and Yahweh were one and the same god as many names prove.  The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia Of The Bible, Vol. 1, art. Baal, on p. 433, says:

「The Samaria obstraca, dating from c. 780 B.C., shows that this tendency [naming children after Baal] was particularly prominent in the northern kingdom; for every two names in lists compounded with the name Yahweh, one was formed with Baal.」

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion, Vol. F-N, on p. 1343, says:

「The Samaria ostraca yield almost as many names composed with BAAL as with Yahweh.」

Even a certain Reubenite prince was named after Baal. His name was actually Baal [1 Chronicles 5:5]. After settling across the Jordan, the Reubenites built a city and called it Baal Meon [Numbers 32:38]. Later the name Baal was dropped and it was  called Beth Meon [Jeremiah 48:23]. In Numbers 32:3 it is referred to as Beon. There was also an important town in Judah called Baale Judah which means lords of Judah. The Ark of the Covenant was there before David brought it to Jerusalem [2 Samuel 6:2]. The original name of the city was Kiriath Jearim.  

Now we can take a closer look at Psalm 82.

「The gods stand in the assembly of El, who judges in the midst of the gods.」

The gods were the 72 sons of Elyon [Most High] who ruled over the nations. These gods were accused by the Most High of misrule and injustice:

「How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked…I said YOU ARE GODS; you are ALL SONS OF THE MOST HIGH. But you will DIE like mere men」 [verses 2-7].

This psalm depicts the heavenly council in session. All the gods - rulers of the 72 nations [based on Greek Septuagint] - are assembled before the Most High. He accuses them of misconduct and tells them that even though they are ALL HIS SONS and therefore DIVINE, they will die just like mere men. Many bible commentators are aware of this. They are aware that these gods - the sons of El - were members of the Divine Council which was presided by the Most High. Nelsons New Bible Dictionary, art. Sons of God, on p. 1194, says:

「The sons of God presented themselves before God in what might be called a HEAVENLY ASSEMBLY.」

The Zondervan NIV Commentary, Vol. 1, on p. 746, says:

「The DIVINE COUNCIL is made up of the SONS OF GOD.」

Hastings Dictionary Of The Bible, on p. 135, says:

「In a few passages in the Old Testament the term 『sons of God is applied to DIVINE BEINGS, demigods or angels, members of the HEAVENLY COUNCIL…Thus in these cases the 『children of God usually called 『sons of God,』 were the family of divine beings of whom GOD WAS APPARENTLY THE PHYSICAL FATHER.」

The Oxford Companion To The Bible, on p. 713, says:

「The sons of God are divine members of Gods heavenly assembly.」

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, art. Sons of God, on p. 584, says:

「SONS OF GOD - divine beings. Just as 『sons of man means human beings in Hebrew, so 『sons of God means divine beings, i.e. gods.」

New Bible Dictionary, J.D. Douglas, art. Sons of God, on p. 1133, says:

「In the Old Testament [a] individual of the class 『god.』 『Son [Heb. Ben, Aram. Bar] is commonly used in Semitic languages to denote membership of a class, as 「son of Israel for 「Israelite,』 『son of might for 『valorous.』 『Son of God in Heb. means 『god or 『god-like.」

Did you get that? Just as 『son of man in Hebrew means 『a human being so the term 『son of God means 『god.』 Just as dogs beget dogs, and men beget men, so does God beget gods.

The early Hebrews [as did also the Canaanites] believed that there were gods other than Yahweh and that in fact there was a God who was greater and superior to Yahweh. They have called Him by his name ELYON which means: MOST HIGH or SUPREME. Even though the true God, the Most High did not have a name – since there was no one to name Him, since He is before all – the early peoples attributed the title Elyon as a name to the supreme God. The title Elyon whenever used of the Super Being it is never preceded with a 「definite article.」 According to the grammar of the Hebrew language names are never preceded with a definite article while the titles are. This is what The Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 7, on p. 680 has to say concerning 『Elyon:』

「The Hebrew word 『elyon is an adjective meaning 「higher, upper,」 e.g., the 「upper」 pool [Isa. 7:3], the 「upper」 gate [2 Kings 15:35], and 「highest」 e.g. the 「highest」 of all the kings of the earth [Ps. 89:28]. When used in reference to God, the word can rightly be translated as 「Most High.」 Since in reference to God 『elyon IS NEVER PRECEDED BY THE ARTICLE 『HA [「THE」], IT MUST HAVE BEEN REGARDED AS A PROPER NOUN, A NAME OF GOD.」

The very fact that the true and eternal God – the God who was before all and anything – is called God Most High – proves that there were and must be other gods who are subordinate to Him. If there were no gods at all then El would simply be called God and not the Most High God. Yahweh was not and could not have been the Most High God and the creator of the universe because Israel was his INHERITANCE from the Most High God. El Elyon appointed Yahweh to rule over Israel and the sons of Jacob became Yahwehs lot. There are numerous texts which clearly state that Israelites were Yahwehs own inheritance.

Sometime after the Babylonian Captivity the Jewish hierarchy imposed a ban on using and pronouncing the name Yahweh on the pretext that it was too holy.. The Catholic Encyclopedia, art. Yahweh states:

「Sometime after the end of the Exile, the name Yahweh began to be considered with special reverence, and the practice arose of substituting for it the word ADONAI or ELOHIM」.

The Hebrew language is written without vowels. However, the original Paleo Hebrew had vowels. In order to ban the pronunciation of the name Yahweh the shoferim introduced the vowel points of ADONAY or ELOHIM above the four consonants - Y H W H. This indicated to a Jewish reader not to pronounce the name YAHWEH but rather to read ADONAY or ELOHIM instead. The adherents of Christendom did not understand that and so in 1518 c.e. Pope Leo Xs confessor, Peter Gallatin misread this as IAHOVAH that was later vocalized as JEHOVAH. Dr. Rotherham calls this name 『monstrosity. He compared this practice to adopting the vowels of Portugal - O U A - and inserting them between the consonants of GERMANY - G R M N Y - creating a hybrid GORMUNA. [See the preface of the Emphasized Bible]. The Century Bible, Vol. 1. on p. 91 gives us the following information:

「Hebrew was originally written without vowels, but when the 『vowel points were added, the vowels of 『Adonay or 『Elohim were written with YAHWEH...at the Reformation, the former being more usual, was sometimes used as the Name of the God of Israel, and owing to ignorance of its history was misread as 『Jehovah, a form which has established itself in English, but does not give the pronunciation of the Holy Name it represents」.

When Peter Gallatin introduced the name JEHOVAH other prominent scholars like Le Mercier, J. Drusius, and L. Cappelus contested his views by arguing that JEHOVAH was 「against grammatical and historical propriety」. Their protests however fell on the dead ears of the Catholic hierarchy. It is important to underline here that the pronunciation JEHOVAH is not only incorrect and a hybrid but it is indeed MONSTROUS as Dr. Rotherham pointed out. The word hovah is another form of the word havvah and means ruin, mischief, perversion, very wickedness. You can verify this fact by consulting Strongs Hebrew Dictionary under word numbers #1942 and #1943. Now the name YAHWEH is derived from the Hebrew word hayah which means to be. In the third person this word becomes YAHWEH and means he causes to be. The name Jehovah therefore means he causes to be ruin, mischief, perversion, very wickedness...

I have pointed out that the Jewish hierarchy imposed a ban on pronouncing the name YAHWEH. Initially this ban was not absolute. That is, the pronouncing of the  so called sacred name was permitted in the temple. Later, the ban was extended to cover the temple and only the High Priest was allowed to pronounce the Name once a year - on the Day of Atonement. Initially the High Priest pronounced the Name in such a way that the participants in the service could hear. Later the practice was introduced to pronounce the Name in a very soft tone so that no one present could actually hear its pronunciation. The Jewish Talmud verifies the fact that initially the ban was not absolute. The Mishnah actually states the following:

「In the sanctuary one says the Name as it is written but in the provinces, with a euphemism」 [m. Sotah 7:6;  b. Sotah 38b; m. Tamid 7:2].

Dr. A. Cohen, a rabbi and author states:

「...in the early Rabbinic period the pronunciation of the Name was restricted to the Temple service」 [Everymans Talmud].

Mishnah also points out that in the temple the folks used the name Yahweh in their greetings:

「And they ordained that an individual should greet his fellow with [Gods] name, in accordance with what is said, 「And behold Boaz came from Bethlehem; and he said to the reapers, 『YHWH be with you!』 And they answered, 『YHWH bless you [Ruth 2:4; m. Ber. 9:5].

By the time of Jesus and his disciples the absolute ban on the use of the name Yahweh was in place. At the time of Jesus it was a capital offense to pronounce or cause others to pronounce the name Yahweh. Those guilty of such offense were tried before BEIT DIN and if convicted they were executed.

In the Talmud we read the following statement:

「Among those excluded from the world to come is he who pronounces the Name according to its letters」 [Sanhedrin 10:1].

Pesikta 148a states:

「Whoever explicitly pronounces the Name is guilty of a capital offense」.

Even the non-conformist community of Qumran banned the pronunciation of the name Yahweh. In the Manual of Discipline also called the Community Rule we find various instructions as how to deal with those members who sin. Different sins were dealt with in a different manner. For example, whoever deliberately lied was to do penance for six months. Whoever has deliberately deceived his fellow member shall do penance for six months. However, whoever spoke the name Yahweh - even if it was accidental - that person was to be ex-communicated and never be allowed to return to the Community. Please note the following text quoted from the Manual of Discipline:

「If any man has uttered the [Most] Venerable Name even though frivolously, or as a result of a shock or for any other reason whatever, while reading the Book or praying, he shall be dismissed and shall return to the Council of Community no more」 [1QS Col. 6 line 27b - Col. 7 line 2a].

The ban on the name  Yahweh is also apparent in the canonical bible. We have two psalms in the bible which are commonly referred to as twins because of their virtual identical content. They are Psalms 14 and 53. It is of extreme significance to realise that in Psalm 14 the name YAHWEH appears. In Psalm 53 the name YAHWEH is dropped and is substituted with ELOHIM. Psalm 14 was written during the actual Babylonian captivity. The author was hoping for salvation from ZION. He was hoping YAHWEH would bring the captives back HOME. Originally the Book of Psalms circulated as 5 separate books. Book 1 was composed of psalms 1-41, book 2 of psalms 42-72, book 3 of psalms 73-89, book 4 of psalms 90-106 and book 5 of psalms 106-150. Each book ended with words Amen and Amen. Psalm 14 was not written by David as the title of the psalm implies. It was written by someone who was actually in exile at Babylon. This is evident from the fact that the author longed for salvation from Zion and the return of the Jews to their HOME. The author originally used the name YAHWEH. Psalm 53 belonged to book 2 and was edited by a shofer sometime after the Babylonian captivity. Since at this time it was customary not to pronounce the name YAHWEH the shofer took liberty to actually replace the name YAHWEH with ELOHIM [commonly rendered God in English bibles]. This is not surprising since the Masorites also removed the name Yahweh and substituted it with Adonay in 134 instances. The official list given in the Massorah, 107:5 Gingsburg edition clearly verifies this fact. Therefore psalms 14 and 53 bear testimony that ban on the name Yahweh dates back to at least five hundred years before the birth of Jesus.

The name Yahweh was banned after the return from the Babylonian captivity not because it was too sacred to pronounce it. The idea is too absurd since it was very clear from the bible that the name was commonly pronounced prior to captivity. The name was banned because it was realised just who Yahweh was and that the pre Babylonian religion was false - hence it was reformed and gradually turned into pharisaic Judaism.

It is of colossal importance to realise that the authors of the New Testament never use the name Yahweh even when they quote the Old Testament passages where the name appears. Jesus never uses the name and he never criticises the Pharisees and the priests for not using the name. In fact, when Jesus quotes the Old Testament passage from Deuteronomy 8:3 he drops the name Yahweh and instead pronounces the name El. Please note the text as it stands in the Hebrew bible:

"...man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of YAHWEH."

And now please note Matthew 4:4:

"...man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD."

The Greek word theos appears and when reverted back to Hebrew the word is el and not Yahweh. Therefore it is evident that either Jesus dropped the name Yahweh or the author of Matthew did. The only place where the name Yahweh in its abbreviated form supposedly exists in the New Testament is Revelation 19:3. Please note the verse:

"And again they shouted: Alleluia! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever."

The word hallelujah in the Old Testament Hebrew means praise Yah. But John wrote the word eleleu ih and the later scribes ignorantly corrupted it into alleluia and the modern translators corrupted it into hallelujah. The Greek word simply meant mighty God lives as is evident from the fact that the hymns sung to Apollo began and ended with this word. The worshippers of Apollo would not have addressed their god as Yah nor would they have cried praise yah - since the god they worshipped was Apollo and not Yahweh.







Terry Mattingly


2000 report to the Baptist General Convention of Texas




這些教牧性罪行﹐在美國基督教圈子稱為 Clergy Sexual Abuse﹐或CSA。


令人震驚的是﹐基督教處理美國教牧涉及性侵犯﹐往往把涉及暴力的性侵犯罪行稱為「只是一段情」(an affair)﹐或者指那是「你情我願」。













美國一位專門研究CSA的作家Dee Miller說﹐她在教會討論這些問題﹐遇見一個她尊敬的牧者﹐對她說﹕你知道嗎﹐我對這回事肯定是老行尊。我幹了五十多次﹗(意思是他侵犯姐妹五十多次﹐每次都轉去牧養另外一間教會﹐留下一個爛攤子)


天主教以外的最大基督宗派美南浸信會(Southern Baptist Convention)裡面牧涉及性侵犯與性罪行的問題已經不是什麼秘密﹐但是他們仍然採取逃避的態度。


他們把這個偶然跌倒的「僕人」介紹給另外一個教會﹐說「他已經悔改了﹐請你給他機會罷」。Dee Miller說﹐那個教會應該問﹕你會不會給你妻子跟那個偶然跌倒的僕人獨處﹖(will you trust him with your wife ?)


Jan 和她女兒﹐曾經是教會活躍和投入的會友﹐但是她倆今天同樣掙紮著面對共同的創傷 -- 真的共同 -- 她倆都被同一個牧師性侵犯過。

他們把這個偶然跌倒的「僕人」介紹給另外一個教會﹐說「他已經悔改了﹐請你給他機會罷」。Dee Miller說﹐那個教會應該問﹕你會不會給你妻子跟那個偶然跌倒的僕人獨處﹖(will you trust him with your wife ?)

William Michael Altman﹐一間獨立堂會 Grace Christian Ministries的長老﹐去醫院探望一個婦人﹐她是兒童性侵犯受害者﹐曾多次企圖自殺。

Altman 為她進行輔導﹐說會幫助她。但是不久﹐Altman露出獸性﹐他要那個婦人和他口交。



Haman Cross Jr﹐Park Baptist Church 牧師﹐輔導一個會友﹐在輔導裡面﹐Cross向姐妹展示色情照片和錄像﹐又說可以和她在電話玩「phone sex「﹐說可以幫助她婚後性生活。

Haman Cross 本身也是Campus Crusade的講員﹐後來 Campus Crusade把他停職﹐因為發現他最少涉及三宗對教友的性侵犯。

Dee Miller她自己既是護士﹐也是美南浸信會宣教士﹐在非洲宣教時候﹐被自己的同工侵犯。美南浸信會的海外宣教部和本會都企圖隱瞞﹐阻撓她追究。

Dee Miller現在全職幫助CSA受害人治療﹐並且揭露美國教會﹐特別是保守的教派裡面的性侵犯問題。

教會對教外的罪行都不留情面的指責﹐當他們講壇的牧者犯上這些可怕的罪﹐教會就癱瘓了。他們甚至持雙重標準﹐對於教外人他們毫不避諱會用"sexual abuse"這個詞﹐但是同一類罪行﹐他們的態度是淡化它﹐扮無知﹐否定之﹐甚至指責受害者其實是誘惑牧者﹐也指責出來指證的受害人「不懂得基督的愛﹑應該寬恕」﹑「爭訟羞辱主名(當受害人告牧者)」等。(奇怪嗎﹐我們為何不用同一標準對待天主教的性醜聞呢)



除了 Dee Miller在海外宣教發生的性侵犯事件﹐另外的﹐就是 Wade 事件。美南浸信會主席 Richard Land﹐指因為他們奉行地方教會獨立自治﹐因此無權干預地方教會行政﹐所以地方教會的牧師性侵犯入罪﹐受害者不可以控告SBC -- 但是不可不知﹐SBC是知道這些事情﹐而部份更加有暗中幫助犯事牧者轉到另外的浸信會事奉。SBC其實權力很大﹐曾經令不同教會和神學院依從他們的保守信仰路線﹐解僱不跟隨的教牧﹐但是對於教牧性侵犯﹐卻聲稱「無能為力」。

Land所知道的例子﹐更加是在SBC權力範圍﹕那是發生在SBC差傳部(Foreign Mission Board, FMB)的。Diana Wade的女兒﹐被她自己的丈夫﹐也是女兒的生父侵犯。Diana Wade 認為FMB應該為此事件負責﹐因為FMB知道發生事件後﹐既不知會她﹐也沒有要求她丈夫接受輔導。那個獸性父親還侵犯他自己其他而女。最後那父親入獄12年。


Collusion﹐同謀﹐就是 Dee Miller形容教會如何縱容犯事的教牧。



1) 知道有可能發生這些事情﹐故意當不知道﹐不理會

2) 當有人主動告訴他/她教牧可能對姊妹進行性侵犯﹐會不理會﹐像好撒馬利亞人的祭司/利未人﹐「從另外一面過去」﹐不去調查

3) 教牧或者領袖拒絕採取預防﹐例如在涉及兒童的活動有適當監視﹐例如不容酗@個成年人和小數目/個別孩子或者少年相﹐處﹐必須多個一個人﹐或者在輔導房設立窗戶﹐甚至錄影

4) 當發生投訴﹐拖延處理


1) 知道發生事情﹐去把受害者抹黑﹐說「她是自找的﹐她故意誘惑牧師」

2) 當教會因為拒絕受理受害人申訴而被受害人狀告﹐有些人反而用金錢支持教會打官司﹐認為教會拒絕受理受害人申訴是對的

3) 把受害人孤立﹐進行性侵犯的牧師反而可以繼續講道﹐受害人被孤立﹐因為她「拒絕寬恕」

4) 教會或者宗派說﹐沒有金錢幫助受害人 -- 不過他們有很多資金幫助海外宣教事工﹑幫助窮人或者受苦者。在他們說﹐性侵犯受害者還不算「受苦者」


1) 顛倒是非﹕侵犯者(教牧)才是受害人﹐被侵犯者才是有罪(她把試探放在神的僕人面前)

2) 推卸責任﹐把人當人球拋來拋去﹐沒有人去負責調查

3) 不理會﹐如常進行教會聚會事工﹐縱然很多人已經大概知道出了亂子

4) 企圖用條件交換﹕對受害者說﹕「你悄悄離開這教會(怎麼不是侵犯者走﹖)﹐我們答應不透露你和教牧的事情(要挾﹖﹖)」﹐甚至付出金錢希望受害人沉默。

DIM - Denial, Ignorance, Minimization 是 Dee Miller 所說的所謂逃避心態﹕

Denial -否認事實﹐逃避面對

Ignorance -對事件嚴重性無知或者裝作不知道

Minimization - 淡化事件﹐「大事化小﹐小事化無」﹐希望受害人沉默﹐不向他們追究 ,說弟兄姊妹和睦同居﹐是何等的善何等的美﹖

上面例子的教會﹐有條件的﹕不要作吹哨子的人 (whistle blower)




美國的基督教跨宗派組織Christian Ministry Resources﹐調查了美國1000教會﹐從1993年開始蒐集資料﹐10年來﹐平均每星期﹐基督教有70宗性侵犯。


Christian Ministry Resources的調查發現﹐大部份涉及教牧的性侵犯是在基督教教會發生﹐而非傳播媒介所報導集中在天主教會。

基督教的 Christian Ministry Resource 指出﹐從1993年統計﹐每星期基督教有70宗性罪行﹐


Joe 你教會每星期多少次性罪行﹖

扭曲數據 - 美國基督教數據清楚表示﹐達到10%的教牧涉及性侵犯﹐而基督教教堂/教會數目和天主教數目比例是九比一﹐基督教足有五十萬多教會﹐等於起碼五十萬牧者裡面10%﹐而那10%中四分一是孿童的(約2.5%)﹐比例遠遠高過天主教的總數的1.7%(所有性罪行類別還高)

6) Christian Ministry Resources一個服務75000教會﹐包括1000個宗派的基督教組織﹐每星期收到70宗基督教裡面發生的性侵犯指控。從1993年以來﹐十年的平均數目大約在每週70宗。Anson Shupe (Clay 引用他企圖證明天主教嚴重得多)﹐認同Christian Ministry Resources的統計﹐認為是合理的﹐甚至可能偏低。

Anson Shupe 自己在Dallas-Ft. Worth 1998年親自作過一個調查﹐受訪問的1607個家庭﹐達到4%表示家人曾經被教牧性侵犯。

1984年﹐富勒神學院 (Fuller Seminary)調查1200位教牧﹐結果五個裡面﹐有一個承認有各類性罪行(在這個調查﹐由於基督教教牧容陬盛B﹐婚外情也包括了)

一位心理輔導治療者Gary Schoener 三十年處理2000多宗個案﹐三分之二是基督教(新教)的教牧


著者 ~大黃貓貓




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