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何謂更正教?--What is the Protestant?
2007/02/02 18:32:13瀏覽2474|回應3|推薦18


   Martin Luther is a keypoint person, when he walk on the road which Jesus has stepped on, God inspired him " You will be righteousness only by believe God", later, he not only wrote the crimes of Cathoic, they sell the pardon ticket that is defy the bible, to post them on the door of his church; He also marry a nun, then he fled to German, to translate the Greek bible to Germany, and begin the so called Protestant!

  不合聖經處,如下列!  Not match the Bible, as follows:

1. 耶穌是有兄弟的-- 參約翰:2:12--這事以後,耶穌與他的母親,弟兄和門徒,都下迦百農去.在那裡沒住了幾天.天主教認為馬利亞除了聖靈受孕外,並未與約瑟發生關係!

1. Jesus has brothers--ref.John:2:12--After this he went down to Capernaum,with his mother and his brothers and his diciples , and they stayed there for a few days. The catholicism consider that Mary only holy spirit conception, and not have any relationship with Joseph!

2. 彼得是主大門徒,並非大主教--參馬太16:18~19--我要把我的教會建造在這磐石上...我要把天國的鑰匙給你.凡你在地上所綑綁的,在天上也要綑綁..是他擁有神賜的權柄,不能取代耶穌的地位!只有藉著耶穌才能到天父那裡去!

2.Peter is a elder apostle, not a arch Bishop-- ref.Mathew 16:18~19--I tell you,you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build  my church,....I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,..That is Peter has the power that God grants to him, but he can not substitute Jesus's position.Only by Jesus, we can go to the Father's place.

3.不可向馬利亞的像下拜.--參出:20:5--不可跪拜那些像,也不可事奉他,因為我耶和華你的神,是忌邪的神,..路1:38,46~47 馬利亞說",我是主的使女,...我心尊主為大,我靈以神我的救主為樂."

3. We cannot worship to the image of Maria,--ref.Exdus20:5, You shall not bow down to them,or serve them, For I the Lord your God am a jealous God...Mary said,"Behold, I am the servant of the Lord;..."My soul magnifies the Lord,and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,.."

4.論嫁娶之事--參哥:7:9--倘若自己禁止不住,就可以嫁娶.與其慾火攻心,不如嫁娶為妙.啟14:4.這些人未曾沾染婦女,他們原是童身.羔羊無論往那裡去,他們都跟隨他.他們是從人間買來的,作初熟的果子歸與神和羔羊. --童身是買來的,是靠著耶穌的寶血重價買回來的!是完全效忠神的使徒也!

4.To talk about the Marriage. ref. 1 Corinthians 1:9 , But  if they connot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion. Revelation 14:4 It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. "It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.--Virgin is purchased by Jesus's precious blood,that the heavy price! They are the totally pious apostles to our God!

5.沒有煉獄--信的人若死去,是躺在樂園裡;不信的人若死去,則是睡在陰間.參彼前:3:19~20, 他藉這靈,曾去傳道給那些在監獄裡的靈聽,就是那從前在挪亞豫備方舟,神容忍等待的時候,不信從的人,當時進入方舟,藉著水得救的不多,只有八個人....

5. No Trial Hell--A person who believe in God, if who died, he is lie on the joyful garden; If he did not believe God, the dead soul is lie on the dark place. ref.1 Peter 3:19~20, In which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is , eight persons, were brought safely through water...


6.Catholicism has 73 books--Christianity has 66 books,these 66 books were checked by historical saints, as for the over 7 books, was considered as false or second scriptres,that were not inspired by God! --ref.2 Timothy-3:16-17-- All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,that the man of God may be competent.equipped for every good work.


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2007/02/03 20:10
謝謝以下二位人士的熱心回應,確實,我原是不冷不熱的天主教徒,到了人生某個盡頭時,神才讓魯鈍的我去研讀聖經,而知道要完全遵守神的話, 是有多麼的困難,後來受洗成了基督徒,向天主教徒回傳,似乎成了我的天職一般!多謝指正!

2007/02/03 17:17




文武兩邊站, 可可疊羅漢
2007/02/03 08:20
Protestant 翻譯成 [新教], 台灣的讀者比較知道唄.....