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2017/01/28 00:09:17瀏覽1423|回應11|推薦88 | |
這裡是個舞臺, 新春熱烈開臺。 敲鑼打鼓吹號, 恭請大家都來。
你如是個天才, 請到這裡擺一擺。 你如是個人才, 可到這兒跩一跩。
你如是款奇才, 請到這裡怪一怪。 你如是塊鬼才, 也可這兒壞一壞。
你若是盤大菜, 請到這裡上上菜。 你若是份好彩, 可讓大家發發財。
我只是個…蠢才, 請坐上首待一待。 我實是個…奴才, 請站下首拜一拜。
我却是棵…空 菜。 看你上臺還有點歪。 實幹不可…硬 來! 可電後臺Hi一Hi。
不管你是個什麼才, 都到這裡Hi一Hi!
三山五嶽,五洲四海, 南腔北調,黃棕黑白。
嘻 嘻! 哈 哈! Hey hey! Hai hai! All Hi! Ever Hi!!!
01/25/2017 .
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Here Is a Stage,
Here is a stage, on the oriental New Year’s Day.
horning and trumpeting,
If you are a prodigy, come to show with dignity.
If you are a whiz, come to show your quality. If you are a wizard, come to prove your quiddity.
If you have delicious dishes, Please flaunt and feast. If you have lucky lotteries, Please give us a treat!
I am only a half…halfwit. Please sit left-hand on the seat. I am truly a hard…humble slave. Please serve right-hand on your feet.
I am a kind of… hollow vegie. I see you are even askew on stage. Hard-work can’t be hard-nosed. Call your backer to boost you elated!
No matter you are: coming from wherever, covered with what color, uttering what words, doing what work.
Please all come here! Perform together!
Let us have a hilarity. Raise our spirit high!
He! He! Ha! Ha! Hey! Hey! Hai! Hai! Ever High!!!
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