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2012/04/28 19:11:43瀏覽450|回應7|推薦27 | |
今天是美國的父親節。 以示对暴政的抗议。 附倡恕罪修慧。
父親節致先父 他們說你並不是位好夫婿與父親。 或許只因為你喜歡食美衣新。 但是當新時代來臨, 你可下農田辛勤耕耘, 以養活你的家人。 當我年幼時你並不很喜歡我。 因為我甚是木訥笨拙。 但長大之後,為他們工作, 你可數百里跋涉奔波, 只為來看看我。 那一日我送你越過那個長山嶺, 我們一路沉默,低頭,慢行。 最後我必須說,再見,保重。 你雙手捂面,全身抖動, 忍不住痛哭失聲。 當我見別人的父親被毒打,叱辱, 哀嚎、掙扎,血濺、氣阻! 我顫慄的默禱天主, 無論如何他們不可讓你 遭受同樣的痛苦。 當你長時期半被吊起,半是昏睡, 你不停的唸著我的名字,不斷的流淚。 最後,他們把你僵直的送回。 你的雙臂粗似雙腿, 也是滿身血污,傷痕累累。 現在我亦為人父,且已是曾祖父。 怎麼也忘不掉那日我們的心情、感觸。 又怎麼能忘掉家人對我所哭訴, 那日別後,前前後後, 他們對你的各種折磨、歹毒。 2012年清明節後 英文原詩附後 並請批評指正 父親節致先父
On Father’s Day to My Father You were not a very good father and husband, they said, but rather a gourmet and dandy. However, when situations all altered, you worked very hard on farmland in order to feed our family. You did not quite love me while I was a child, because I was rather dumb and clumsy. But when I grew up, worked for them, you walked some hundred miles intended to see me only. That day I walked you over the top of that ridge, we moved all the way slowly and silently. Finally it was time I must say farewell, you shuddered with loud moans, covered your face tightly. When I saw other men’s fathers were beaten: crying, writhing, bloodily died, in agony! I prayed very secretly, all quaveringly: Anyway they’d never treat you similarly, or accordingly. While you were long half hanged, in half coma, you mumbled my name repeatedly, tearily. At last, they sent you stiffly home, your arms, thick as thighs, whole body, all gory! Now I am a father, even a great-grandfather, I can never forget our feelings on that day. How can I ever forget, your feelings, and those subsequent sufferings, they told me in later days! Father’s Day,2010 |
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