一袋石榴送新娘 *
我送她一袋石榴, 祝賀她結合之禧。
希望她能永遠: 像它的紅花那樣美麗;
健康成熟, 像它外披珊瑚般的果皮;
快樂歡笑, 像它展露鑽石般的種皮;
子孫滿堂, 像它孕育寶石般的種粒。
生活恰如其味: 有一點點酸, 可是十分甜蜜。 .
*英文原詩附後,並請斧正。 版權公開,歡迎轉載 。 作者:戈筆揚敬啟 .
一袋石榴送新娘 A Bag of Pomegranates to the Bride *
Among the gifts I present a bag of pomegranates for her wedding shower
With a wish she will be beautifully blooming as their red flowers
Healthily growing as they ripen with coral-like cheeks
Amiably smiling as they reveal their diamond-like teeth
Bountifully producing as they bear their gem-like seeds
Living as their tastes a little bit sour but specifically sweet
* Copyright open to the public