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2014/11/01 20:51:20瀏覽3058|回應4|推薦108 | |
臺灣的農舍法最近被提修而遭擱置。 置頂此詩以加強呼籲!!!
臺灣原來是 多麼美麗的寶島! 青山綴綠野, 碧海悠柔繞。
自從出了個 愛錢戀權的禍豪, 天下大亂了, 江山也變了。
只為保官位, 賄購民眾的選票。 開放在農田, 准許自建造。
百姓顧私利, 那管整體好不好。 你建一農舍, 他蓋一工寮。
無論從空中瞰, 或是在車中瞧。 十分雜亂又難看, 惹人心傷又火冒!
這樣的情和景, 全球都找不到。 只有臺灣領風騷, 真是遺臭又遺笑!
眾水皆混我獨清。 眾人皆沉我獨撐。 有些鄉鎮在花東, 官英民明好德行。
共決不毀自田野。 力保純淨與青蔥。 自己看著很喜歡, 外人看著也高興。
同關山川與田園, 同屬官民與國家。 有人自愛自多福, 有人自賤自懲罰。
趕快廢除此惡法! 以免情勢續惡化! 否則臺灣將形成, 一片垃圾加拉撒!
請推廣此詩 以喚起同胞 廢除此惡法 共維臺灣好
此詩版權公開 歡迎複製轉載
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Country and House
Taiwan was originally
Since there came a man greedy of money and authority, the whole country became a chaos, even the topography turned to tragedy.
For his official position, he bribed people for their votes,
Caring only their own benefits. Who cared for their mutual land? Some people built some “farming huts”.
No matter you view it from the air, Your heart hurt and temper roused! This kind of thing and scenery, cannot be found in the whole world. Only Taiwan could lead the trend, leaving an odor and laughter forever!
All waters were tainted I keep mine clean. Some officials and villagers of Huadong Valley, preferred to treat them with virtue and good reason.
They decided not to destroy their farmland, kept them purely for those verdant plants. So they could look at them and feel pleased, other people will feel they are also pleasant.
They all concern countryside and environment. They are all the same people and government. Some are self-esteem so may have more happiness.
Abolish this absurd law as soon as possible! So to avoid situations continuously worsen! Otherwise Taiwan will soon form or become, a great piece of garbage with wastes of human!
Please help to promote this poem, Until people awakened and evil ended.
( 創作|詩詞 ) |